COMMAND FILE Options - Universal Connector for PeopleSoft

COMMAND FILE Options - Universal Connector for PeopleSoft


The COMMAND FILE options are used to specify a file as a source of configuration options used for a command execution. The options read from a command file are processed exactly like options from any other input source.

Encrypted command files are an excellent place to store sensitive data such as user IDs and passwords. Use the Universal Encrypt utility to encrypt a plain text command file.


All options, including required and command-specific options, can be placed in a command file.

Universal Connector for PeopleSoft can process both plain text and encrypted command files. Either type of file can be used, but not both. If both are specified, the plain text file will be used.

Plain Text File

Command Line Syntax (Plain Text Options)

The following figure illustrates the command line syntax of the COMMAND FILE (Plain Text) options, using their command line, long form.

-file [filename]

COMMAND FILE (Plain Text) Options List

The following table describes all COMMAND FILE (Plain Text) options and provides the command line, long form of each option illustrated in the COMMAND FILE (Plain Text) options command line syntax, above.

Option Name

Command Line
Long Form




Name of a plain text command file.

Encrypted File

Command Line Syntax (Encrypted Options)

The following figure illustrates the command line syntax of the COMMAND FILE (Encrypted) options, using their command line, long form.


COMMAND FILE (Encrypted) Options List

The following table describes all COMMAND FILE (Encrypted) options and provides the command line, long form of each option illustrated in the COMMAND FILE (Encrypted) options command line syntax, above.

Option Name

Command Line
Long Form




Name of an encrypted command file.



Key used to encrypt the command file.


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