Property | UI Field Name | Description | Specifications | Required | Mutually Exclusive With |
Anchor |
| command - UPPS |
| command - UPPS |
command | Command | PeopleSoft command to execute. | Valid values: - As String = Schedule Process, As Value = 1
- As String = Schedule Job, As Value = 2
- As String = Run Jobset, As Value = 3
Default is Schedule Process (1). | N |
Anchor |
| connection - UPPS |
| connection - UPPS |
connection | PeopleSoft Connection | Name of the PeopleSoft Connection. |
| Y (unless connectionVar is specified) | connectionVar
Anchor |
| connectionVar - UPPS |
| connectionVar - UPPS |
connectionVar | PeopleSoft Connection Variable | Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the PeopleSoft Connection to use. |
| Y (unless connection is specified) | connection
Anchor |
| contentFilter - UPPS |
| contentFilter - UPPS |
contentFilter | Content Filter | Comma-delimited list of report file suffixes that will not be returned. | For example: pdf,xls | N |
Anchor |
| distributionOptions - UPPS |
| distributionOptions - UPPS |
distributionOptions | Distribution Options | If command is Schedule Process; Recipients of the process output. | Format: Panel |
</distributionOptions> |
| N |
Anchor |
| emailAddresses - UPPS |
| emailAddresses - UPPS |
emailAddresses | Email Address List | If command is Schedule Process; list of email addresses, separated by semicolons. |
| N |
Anchor |
| emailAttachLog - UPPS |
| emailAttachLog - UPPS |
emailAttachLog | Email With Log | If command is Schedule Process; Specification for whether or not to attach log files resulting from the Structured Query Report (SQR). Only applicable if processType is SQR Report. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| emailSubject - UPPS |
| emailSubject - UPPS |
emailSubject | Email Subject | If command is Schedule Process; Subject line of the email. | If not specified, default subject line is used. | N |
Anchor |
| emailText - UPPS |
| emailText - UPPS |
emailText | Email Text | If command is Schedule Process; Body of the email. | If not specified, default body message is used. | N |
Anchor |
| emailWebReport - UPPS |
| emailWebReport - UPPS |
emailWebReport | Email Web Report | If command is Schedule Process; Specification for whether or not to include a link to the completed report output. Only applicable when outputType is Web. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| exitCodeProcessing - UPPS |
| exitCodeProcessing - UPPS |
exitCodeProcessing | Exit Code Processing | Specification for how the Controller should determine whether the executed command failed or completed successfully. | Valid values: - As String = Success Exitcode Range, As Value = 1
- As String = Failure Exitcode Range, As Value = 2
- As String = Success Output Contains, As Value = 3
- As String = Failure Output Contains, As Value = 4
Default is Success Exitcode Range (1).
| N |
Anchor |
| exitCodeText - UPPS |
| exitCodeText - UPPS |
exitCodeText | Scan Output For | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Output Contains or Failure Output Contains; text for which the Controller should scan the output file. | The Controller will process this field as a regular expression. | N |
Anchor |
| exitCodes - UPPS |
| exitCodes - UPPS |
exitCodes | Exit Codes | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Exitcode Range or Failure Exitcode Range; Range of exit codes. | Format: Numeric. Use commas to list a series of exit codes; use hyphens to specify a range. Example: 1,5, 22-30. | Y |
Anchor |
| mainJobName - UPPS |
| mainJobName - UPPS |
mainJobName | Main Job Name | If command = Run Jobset; Name of the job within the jobset schedule. |
| Y |
Anchor |
| mainSchedName - UPPS |
| mainSchedName - UPPS |
mainSchedName | Main Schedule Name | If command = Run Jobset; Name of the jobset schedule. |
| Y |
Anchor |
| outputDestFormat - UPPS |
| outputDestFormat - UPPS |
outputDestFormat | Output Destination Format | If command = Schedule Process or Schedule Job; Override of the default output format for the submitted job or process. |
| N |
Anchor |
| outputDestString - UPPS |
| outputDestString - UPPS |
outputDestString | Output Destination String | If command = Schedule Process or Schedule Job; File path or printer destination for the output. |
| N |
Anchor |
| outputDestType - UPPS |
| outputDestType - UPPS |
outputDestType | Output Destination Type | If command = Schedule Process or Schedule Job; Type of output for the submitted process. |
| N |
Anchor |
| outputFailureOnly - UPPS |
| outputFailureOnly - UPPS |
outputFailureOnly | Failure Only | If outputReturnType = STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, or OUTERR, and waitForOutput is false; Indication for whether output should be retrieved on task failure only. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| outputReturnFile - UPPS |
| outputReturnFile - UPPS |
outputReturnFile | Automatic Output File | If outputReturnType = FILE; Output file to return automatically. |
| Y |
Anchor |
| outputReturnNline - UPPS |
| outputReturnNline - UPPS |
outputReturnNline | Number of Lines | If outputReturnType = SSTDOUT, STDERR, FILE, or OUTERR; Allows you to limit the retrieved data to the number of lines specified. |
| N |
Anchor |
| outputReturnSline - UPPS |
| outputReturnSline - UPPS |
outputReturnSline | Start Line | If outputReturnType = STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, or OUTERR; Instructs the Controller to retrieve data beginning at the specified line. |
| N |
Anchor |
| outputReturnText - UPPS |
| outputReturnText - UPPS |
outputReturnText | Scan Text | If outputReturnType = STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, or OUTERR; Regex pattern that the Controller will search for a match for in STDOUT/STDERR or a specified file. | The Controller will include the Number of Lines above and below the first line matched. | N |
Anchor |
| outputReturnType - UPPS |
| outputReturnType - UPPS |
outputReturnType | Automatic Output Retrieval | Specification for whether you want the Controller to automatically retrieve any output from the job and attach it to the task instance record. | Valid values: - As String = NONE, As Value = 1
- As String = STDOUT, As Value = 2
- As String = STDERR, As Value = 3
- As String = FILE, As Value = 4
- As String = OUTERR, As Value = 6
Default is OUTERR (6). | N |
Anchor |
| outputType - UPPS |
| outputType - UPPS |
outputType | Output Type | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Output Contains (3) or Failure Output Contains (4); Type of output. | Valid values: - As String = STDOUT, As Value = 1
- As String = STDERR, As Value = 2
- As String = FILEE, As Value = 3
Default is STDOUT (1). | N |
Anchor |
| printAppMessage - UPPS |
| printAppMessage - UPPS |
printAppMessage | Print Application Message | Specification for whether or not the application messages for the monitored processes are included in the Job Report. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| printDistList - UPPS |
| printDistList - UPPS |
printDistList | Print Distribution List | Specification for whether or not the report-recipient distribution list is included in the Job Report. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| printJobTree - UPPS |
| printJobTree - UPPS |
printJobTree | Print Job Tree | Specification for whether or not the job tree is included in the Job Report. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| printParamList - UPPS |
| printParamList - UPPS |
printParamList | Print Parameter List | Specification for whether or not the parameter list job items are included in the Job Report. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| printSystemMessage - UPPS |
| printSystemMessage - UPPS |
printSystemMessage | Print System Message | Specification for whether or not the system messages for the monitored processes are included in the Job Report. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| processFileName - UPPS |
| processFileName - UPPS |
processFileName | Process File Name | If command = Schedule Process or Schedule Job; Dependent file name. |
| N |
Anchor |
| processName - UPPS |
| processName - UPPS |
processName | Process/Job Name | If command = Schedule Process or Schedule Job; Name of the PeopleSoft process. |
| N |
Anchor |
| processType - UPPS |
| processType - UPPS |
processType | Process Type | If command = Schedule Process or Schedule Job; Type of the PeopleSoft process. |
| N |
Anchor |
| psCredentials - UPPS |
| psCredentials - UPPS |
psCredentials | PeopleSoft Credentials | Credentials for the PeopleSoft system. |
| Y (unless psCredentialsVar is specified) | psCredentialsVar
Anchor |
| psCredentialsVar - UPPS |
| psCredentialsVar - UPPS |
psCredentialsVar | PeopleSoft Credentials Variable | Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the PeopleSoft Credentials to use. |
| Y (unless psCredentials is specified) | psCredentials
Anchor |
| report - UPPS |
| report - UPPS |
report | Report | Specification for whether or not reports associated with a process are returned. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| reportFolderName - UPPS |
| reportFolderName - UPPS |
reportFolderName | Report Folder Name | If command = Schedule Process or Schedule Job; Folder in which the report will be viewed in Report Manager. |
| N |
Anchor |
| retentionDays - UPPS |
| retentionDays - UPPS |
retentionDays | Retention Days | If command = Schedule Process or Schedule Job; Number of days that reports generated by the submitted process should be retained by the system. |
| N |
Anchor |
| runControlId - UPPS |
| runControlId - UPPS |
runControlId | Run Control ID | If command = Schedule Process or Schedule Job; Run control ID to be used for the process submission. |
| Y |
Anchor |
| serverName- UPPS |
| serverName- UPPS |
serverName | Server Name | If command = Schedule Process or Schedule Job; Specific server name. |
| N |
Anchor |
| waitForOutput - UPPS |
| waitForOutput - UPPS |
waitForOutput | Wait For Output | If outputReturnType = STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, or OUTERR, and outputFailureOnly is false; Specification for whether or not the task should wait for the requested output before completing. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |