Anchor | ||||
Property | UI Field Name | Description | Specifications | Required | Mutually Exclusive With | ||||||||||||||
agent | Agent | For Agent-based task types only; Name of the Agent to use. | Y |
| |||||||||||||||
agentCluster | Agent Cluster | For Agent-based task types only; Group of Agents, one of which the Controller will choose to run this task (compare with | Y |
| |||||||||||||||
agentClusterVar | Agent Cluster Variable | For Agent-based task types only; Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Agent Cluster to use. | Format: ${variable name}. | Y |
| ||||||||||||||
agentVar | Agent Variable | For Agent-based task types only; Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Agent to use. | Format: ${variable name}. | Y |
| ||||||||||||||
avgRunTime | Average Instance Time | Average duration of all the runs of the task. | Long value of the current average run time (in seconds). | n/a | |||||||||||||||
| n/a | Easier to read version of Average Run Time. | String value of Average Run Time in human readable format | n/a | |||||||||||||||
broadcastCluster | Cluster Broadcast | For Agent-based task types only; Group of Agents, all of which will run this task (compare with | Y |
| |||||||||||||||
broadcastClusterVar | Cluster Broadcast Variable | For Agent-based task types only; Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Cluster Broadcast to use. | Format: ${variable name} | Y |
| ||||||||||||||
cpDuration | CP Duration | Used with | Integer; Valid values are 0 or greater. Variables and Functions are supported. | N | |||||||||||||||
cpDurationUnit | CP Duration Unit | Used with the | Valid Values:
Default is Minutes (2). | N | |||||||||||||||
credentials | Credentials | For Agent-based task types only; Credentials under which an Agent runs this task. These credentials override any credentials provided in the Agent Details for any Agent running this task. | N |
| |||||||||||||||
credentialsVar | Credentials Variable | For Agent-based task types only; Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Credentials to use. | N |
| |||||||||||||||
customField1 | n/a | User-Defined field. | The label is included only if a value has been defined for the User Defined Task Field Label 1 Universal Controller system property. | N | |||||||||||||||
customField2 | n/a | User-Defined field. | The label is included only if a value has been defined for the User Defined Task Field Label 2 Universal Controller system property. | N | |||||||||||||||
efDayConstraint | Early Finish Day Constraint | If | Valid values:
Default is None (0). | N | |||||||||||||||
efDuration | Early Finish Duration | If | Format = dd:hh:mm:ss | N | |||||||||||||||
efEnabled | Early Finish | Specification that if the task instance finishes before the specified | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N | |||||||||||||||
efOffsetDuration | Early Finish Duration Offset (-) | if | Integer; Valid values are 0 or greater. Variables and Functions are supported. | Y (if efOffsetType = Duration (2)). |
| ||||||||||||||
efOffsetDurationUnit | Early Finish Duration Offset Unit | Used with the efOffsetDuration; Type of Early Finish Duration Offset. For example, for an Early Finish Duration Offset of two minutes, specify 2 in efOffsetDuration and Minutes in e | Valid Values:
Default is Minutes (2). | N | |||||||||||||||
efOffsetPercentage | Early Finish Offset Type | If | Integer; Valid values are 0 to 100. Default is 0. | Y (if efOffsetType = Percentage (1)). |
| ||||||||||||||
efOffsetType | Early Finish Offset Type | If | Valid values:
Default is Percentage (1). | N | |||||||||||||||
efTime | Early Finish Time | If | Format = hh:mm, 24-hour time. Default is 00:00. | N | |||||||||||||||
efType | Early Finish Type | Type of early finish. | Valid values:
Default is Time (1). | Y | |||||||||||||||
enforceVariables | Enforce Variables | Specifies whether or not to enforce Launch with Variables... when launching a task using the User Interface. Not applicable for Web Service APIs. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N | |||||||||||||||
excludeRelated | n/a | For Modify task JSON web services; specification for whether or not to exclude related records (Actions, Mutually Exclusive Tasks, Notes, Variables in Tasks, Virtual Resources) from the update, even if they are provided in the request.
| Valid values: true/false (default is false). | N | |||||||||||||||
| Mutually Exclusive With Self | Specification for whether or not to allow the task to run concurrently with itself. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N | |||||||||||||||
executionRestriction | Execution Restriction | For tasks in a workflow; Specification for whether or not there is a restriction for this task to be run, skipped, or held. | Valid values:
Default is – None – (0). | N | |||||||||||||||
exportReleaseLevel | n/a | Universal Controller release that the record was exported from.
| read only | N | |||||||||||||||
exportTable | n/a | Record table information.
| read only | N | |||||||||||||||
| First Execution | System-supplied; End Time of the first instance of this task to complete. | String value of the time that the task was first run. | n/a | |||||||||||||||
| Last Execution | System-supplied; End Time of the last instance of this task to complete. | String value of the time that the task was last run. | n/a | |||||||||||||||
| Last Instance Duration | Duration of the last run of the task. | Long value of the current last run time (in seconds). | n/a | |||||||||||||||
| n/a | Easier to read version of Last Run Time | String value of Last Run Time in human readable format | n/a | |||||||||||||||
lfDayConstraint | Late Finish Day Constraint | If | Valid values:
Default is None (0). | N | |||||||||||||||
lfDuration | Late Finish Duration | If | Format = dd:hh:mm:ss | N | |||||||||||||||
lfEnabled | Late Finish | Specification that if the task instance finishes after the specified | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N | |||||||||||||||
lfOffsetDuration | Late Finish Duration Offset ( + ) | if | Integer; Valid values are 0 or greater. Variables and Functions are supported. | Y (if lfOffsetType = Duration (2)). |
| ||||||||||||||
lfOffsetDurationUnit | Late Finish Duration Offset Unit | Used with the lfOffsetDuration; type of Late Finish Duration Offset. For example, for a Late Finish Duration Offset of two minutes, specify 2 in lfOffsetDuration and Minutes in | Valid Values:
Default is Minutes (2). | N | |||||||||||||||
lfOffsetPercentage | Late Finish Percentage Offset ( + ) | If | Integer; Valid values are 0 to 100. Default is 0. | Y (if lfOffsetType = Percentage (1)). |
| ||||||||||||||
lfOffsetType | Late Finish Offset Type | If | Valid Values:
Default is Percentage (1). | N | |||||||||||||||
lfTime | Late Finish Time | If | Format = hh:mm. Default is 00:00. | N | |||||||||||||||
lfType | Late Finish Type | Type of late finish. | Valid values:
Default is Time (1). | Y | |||||||||||||||
lockVariables | Lock Variables | Specifies whether or not to prevent editing variables when using Launch with Variables... from the User Interface. Not applicable for Web Service APIs. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N | |||||||||||||||
logLevel | Log Level | Applicable only to Extension-based Universal Tasks;, default is Inherited. For all other task types, | Valid values:
| N | |||||||||||||||
lsDayConstraint | Late Start Day Constraint | If | Valid values:
Default is None (0). | N | |||||||||||||||
lsDuration | Late Start Duration | If | Format = dd:hh:mm:ss | N | |||||||||||||||
lsEnabled | Late Start | Specification that if the task instance starts after the specified | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N | |||||||||||||||
lsTime | Late Start Time | If | Format = hh:mm. Default is 00:00. | N | |||||||||||||||
lsType | Late Start Type | Type of late start. | Valid values:
Default is Time (1). | Y | |||||||||||||||
| Highest Instance Time | Longest duration that the task ran. | Long value of the current longest run time (in seconds). | n/a | |||||||||||||||
| n/a | Easier to read version of Maximum Run Time | String value of Maximum Run Time in human readable format | n/a | |||||||||||||||
| Lowest Instance Time | Shortest duration that the task ran. | Long value of the current shortest run time (in seconds). | n/a | |||||||||||||||
| n/a | Easier to read version of Minimum Run Time | String value of Minimum Run Time in human readable format | n/a | |||||||||||||||
name | Task Name | Name of this task. | Y | ||||||||||||||||
opswiseGroups | Member of Business Services | List of Business Services that this task belongs to:
| N | ||||||||||||||||
overrideInstanceWait | Override Previous Instance Wait | Specification for overriding the Previous Instance Wait specification of the parent workflow. This option only applies for an instance running within a workflow. | Valid values (case-insensitive):
Default is No (0). | N | |||||||||||||||
resolveNameImmediately | Resolve Name Immediately | Specification for whether or not to resolve the Instance Name of the task instance at trigger//launch time. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N | |||||||||||||||
resPriority | Virtual Resource Priority | Priority for acquiring a resource when two or more tasks are waiting for the resource. This priority applies to all resources required by the task. | Integer; Valid values: 1 (high) - 20 (low). Default is 10. | N | |||||||||||||||
restrictionPeriod | Restriction Period | If [[executionRestriction}} = Run, Skip, or Hold; Period of time when the task is restricted. | Valid values:
Default is – None – (0). | N | |||||||||||||||
restrictionPeriodAfterDate | After Date | If | N | ||||||||||||||||
restrictionPeriodBeforeDate | Before Date | If | N | ||||||||||||||||
restrictionPeriodDateList | Date List | If | N | ||||||||||||||||
retainSysIds | n/a | For Create web services; specification for whether or not the web service should persist the sysId property.
| Valid values: true/false (default is true). | Yes | |||||||||||||||
| Lowest Instance Time | Shortest duration that the task ran. | Long value of the current shortest run time (in seconds). | n/a | |||||||||||||||
| n/a | Easier to read version of Minimum Run Time | String value of Minimum Run Time in human readable format | n/a | |||||||||||||||
| Number of Instances | Number of times that the task has run. | Long value of the task run count | n/a | |||||||||||||||
| n/a | Total amount of time the task has ran. | Long value of the total amount of time that task has ran (in seconds). | n/a | |||||||||||||||
startHeld | Hold on Start | Specification for whether or not when the task is launched, it appears in the Activity Monitor with a status of Held. The task runs when the user releases it. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N | |||||||||||||||
startHeldReason | Hold Reason | Information about why the task will be put on hold when it starts. | N | ||||||||||||||||
summary | Task Description | User-defined description of this task. | N | ||||||||||||||||
sysId | n/a | System ID field in the database for this task. | Persisted only if retainSysIds is set to true. | N | |||||||||||||||
twDelayAmount | Delay Duration In Seconds | If | N | ||||||||||||||||
twDelayDuration | Delay Duration | If | Format = dd:hh:mm:ss | N | |||||||||||||||
twDelayType | Delay On Start | Amount of time to delay the start of a task, after it has been launched, from the time that it is eligible to start; that is, all dependencies have been met. For example: it is not being held, it is not waiting on any predecessors, or there is no wait time specified. | Valid values:
Default is None (0). | N | |||||||||||||||
twWaitAmount | Wait Duration In Seconds | If | N | ||||||||||||||||
twWaitDayConstraint | Wait Day Constraint | If | Valid values:
Default is None (0). | N | |||||||||||||||
twWaitDuration | Wait Duration | If | Format = dd:hh:mm:ss | N | |||||||||||||||
twWaitTime | Wait Time | If | Format = hh:mm | N | |||||||||||||||
twWaitType | Wait To Start | Amount of time to wait before starting a task from the time that it was launched. | Valid values:
Default is None (0). | N | |||||||||||||||
twWorkflowOnly | Workflow Only | Specification for whether or not to apply the | Valid values:
Default is – System Default – (0). | N | |||||||||||||||
userEstimatedDuration | User Estimated Duration | Estimated amount of time it should normally take to run this task. | Format = dd:hh:mm:ss | Y | |||||||||||||||
version | n/a | For Read and List task web services; specification of the task version being read or listed.
| Yes |
Anchor | ||||
Property | UI Field Name | Description | ||||||
statusCode | Status | Identifies the current status of every task instance on the list. | ||||||
exitCode | Exit Code | The exit code, if any, returned by the task instance. | ||||||
statusDescription | Status Description |
| ||||||
statusHistory | Status History | History of statuses for this task instance. | ||||||
triggerTime | Trigger Time |
| ||||||
launchTime | Launch Time |
| ||||||
queuedTime | n/a |
| ||||||
startTime | Start Time |
| ||||||
endTime | End Time |
| ||||||
duration | Duration |
| ||||||
cpuTime | n/a |
| ||||||
memoHistory | n/a | History of Operational Memos for this task instance. | ||||||
percentDone | n/a | Measure of how much the task has executed. | ||||||
stateChangedTime | n/a | The time at which the status of the task last changed. | ||||||
statusAttributes | n/a | Attributes for the associated execution status (Ex: Transient, Transient Re-run & Deploy Extension). |