Versions Compared


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Table of Contents





#32227Module Rebranding

The solution components are renamed to udmg-* for better useability:

  • waarp-gateway udmg-client
  • waarp-gatewayd udmg-server
  • mft-auth-proxy udmg-auth-proxy
  • mft-agent-client udmg-agent-client
  • mft-agent-server udmg-agent-server
  • mft-web-upload → udmg-web-transfer

Version numbering for udmg-server and udmg-client is now aligned with the UDMG release and not with the legacy 3PP.

#29886SaaS Disaster RecoverySaaS offer is available with support for disaster recovery.
#32519SSO Integration

Support for Identity Providers:

  • Google
  • SAML
  • OAuth2
  • OpenID
#32653User Email InfoAddition of email field for UDMG Users. This is required for SSO integration.





#31940Show internal object ID in API responses

Addition of internal object ID in the GET/LIST API response for below endpoints, for improved useability and easier troubleshooting.

  • users
  • sb_partners
  • sb_partners/X/accounts
  • sb_partners/X/certs
  • sb_servers
  • sb_servers/X/accounts
  • sb_servers/X/certs
  • sb_rules
#32818API to update own password

'password' web service and CLI command to provide the ability for a UDMG user to change its own password without the system permission to update all users.

udmg-client user password -p [password] [username]

#32676Healthcheck API

'healthcheck' web service and CLI command to provide and easy monitoring of UDMG services.

One line response with overall system status:

  • Operational: all services are Running or Offline (either disabled or stopped by a user).
  • Degraded: at least 1 service is in the Error state.
  • Transitional: at least 1 service is in Starting or ShuttingDown state.
#32938Authentication Proxy Swagger  SpecificationSwagger OpenAPI Specification OpenAPI Specification (Swagger 2.0) for the UDMG Authentication Proxy.
