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Table of Contents


  • Create a directory C:\UDMG\UDMG Server

  • Install the binaries as udmg-server.exe and udmg-client.exe

  • Create the configuration file C:\UDMG\UDMG Server\server.ini with the following parameters:

The lines starting with a colon ';' or a hash '#' are comments, describing the option or showing the default value.

The parameters must be adapted to your environment, in particular:

  • global: GatewayHome
  • log: LogLevel, LogTo, LogPath
  • admin: Host, Port
  • database: Type, Address, Name, User, Password


; The name given to identify this UDMG Server instance. If the the database is shared between multiple servers, this name MUST be unique across these servers.
GatewayName = udmg

; Default OS permission for created files
; FilePermissions = 700

; Default OS permission for created directories
; DirPermissions = 750

; The root directory of the UDMG Server. By default, it is the working directory of the process.
; GatewayHome = /home/udmg"C:\UDMG\UDMG Server"

; The directory for all incoming files.
; DefaultInDir = in

; The directory for all outgoing files.
; DefaultOutDir = out

; The directory for all running transfer files.
; DefaultTmpDir = tmp

; All messages with a severity above this level will be logged. Possible values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL.
Level = DEBUG

; The path to the file where the logs must be written. Special values 'stdout' and 'syslog' log respectively to the standard output and to the syslog daemon
; LogTo = stdout

; If LogTo is set on 'syslog', the logs will be written to this facility.
; SyslogFacility = local0

; The directory for the log files of the local servers, partners, and transfers. No default, if not provided then the detailled log feature is disabled.
; LogPath = /var/opt/udmg/logs

; The address used by the admin interface.
Host =

; The port used by the admin interface. If the port is 0, a free port will automatically be chosen.
Port = 18080

; Path of the TLS certificate for the admin interface.
; TLSCert =

; Path of the key of the TLS certificate.
; TLSKey =

; API rate limiter: number of allowed requests per client IP, per second. After that HTTP code 429 is returned. Disabled if 0 or not provided.
; RateLimit = 0

; Name of the RDBMS used for the UDMG Server database. Possible values: sqlite, mysql, postgresql
Type = postgresql

; Address of the database
Address = localhost

; The name of the database
Name = udmg

; The name of the database user
User = udmg_user

; The password of the database user
Password = udmg_password

; Path of the database TLS certificate file.
; TLSCert =

; Path of the key of the TLS certificate file.
; TLSKey =

; The path to the file containing the passphrase used to encrypt account passwords using AES
; AESPassphrase = passphrase.aes

; Max Database Connections
; MaxConnections = 0

; The frequency at which the database will be probed for new transfers
; Delay = 5s

; The maximum number of concurrent incoming transfers allowed on the UDMG Server (0 = unlimited).
; MaxTransferIn = 0

; The maximum number of concurrent outgoing transfers allowed on the UDMG Server (0 = unlimited).
; MaxTransferOut = 0

; Set to true to allow legacy and weak cipher algorithms: 3des-cbc, aes128-cbc, arcfour, arcfour128, arcfour256
; AllowLegacyCiphers = false



# Proxy Configuration
# Port, default "5000"
port = "5000"
# Network interface, default ""
inet = ""
# Enable recover on panic, default true, should be true for production environment
recover = true
# Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), should be true for production environment
cors = true
CORS: List of origins that may access the resource. Optional. Default value "*"
# domain = "*"

# Enable Request Track ID, default true
tracker = true
# Enable Request Logger, default true
logger = true
# Rate Limit IP Request over 1 second, default 0 (unlimited)
limit = 0
# Enable the Prometheus Metric Endpoint '/metric', default false
metrics = false
# Enable CSRF token
csrf = false
# Service 'local' with direct authentication on the UDMG Server
# UDMG Server Listen Protocol
protocol = "http"
# UDMG Server Hostname or IP
hostname = "localhost"
# UDMG Server Port
port = 18080




PostgreSQL Client Authentication

PostgreSQL Password Authentication

Guide on setting up Nginx as a service on Windows
