Versions Compared


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Wiki Markup

h1. Overview

This page identifies changes made in all Opswise Universal Agent 5.2.0 maintenance releases, including the initial release, for all supported platforms.

Changes made to components for one platform or multiple platforms are identified. 

For a list of changes made to optional Agent 5.2.0 packages, such as Universal Command Agent for SOA 5.2.0, see the platform-specific Maintenance Levels pages.

For a list of all changes in a release  - all platforms, specific components - see [Component Maintenance Levels - Agent 5.2.0]. 

*Install* changes refer to changes to the programs, scripts, or supporting files used to install the package. There are no changes to the actual product components.

h1. {anchor:Release} Release - April 27, 2015
|| Change ID || Platform || Component || PTF || Description ||
| B-04946 | All | UEM \\
UEM (USS) | PS07001 \\
PS08001	| Keep the control session that exists between the UEM Manager and UEM Server open until the UEM Manager acknowledges receipt of the Server’s ENDED message.
This behavior is only enabled for sessions between UEM Manager or later and UEM Server or later.
{note} | 
| B-04968 | z/OS and UNIX | UDM \\
UDM (USS) \\
UDSCFG00 | PS04016 \\
PS06009 \\
PS04017 \\
PS04018 \\
PS06010 \\
PS04019 \\
PS04020	| Issue error for renam command if target file already exists.
This change alters default behavior for files renamed via the *rename* script statement executed for UNIX and z/OS (HFS only) sessions.  Prior to this change, existing files were silently overwritten by the rename statement.  This differed from behavior for Windows sessions, which issued an error when an attempt was made to rename a file to one that already exists.
The change was made to consistently provide an OS/file system-independent experience from within UDM.  
The *ALLOW_REPL_ON_RENAME* configuration option is being provided to restore previous behavior.  It may be set from the UDM Manager command line or the UDM Manager or UDM Server configuration file.
{note} |
| D-05458 | Windows and UNIX | UAGSRV |   | Allow *Create* File Monitor tasks to continue when specified directory path specified does not exist. 
This changes restores default behavior that existed prior to the initial Universal Automation Center Agent release (that is, in 5.1.0.x and earlier).  
You may revert to the behavior introduced in by setting the new FM_CREATE_FAIL_NODIR configuration option to *yes* in uags.conf.
{note} |
| D-05566 | z/OS \\
Windows and UNIX | UAGCMDZ \\
UAG CLI Programs | PS00025 | Prevent crash and other undefined behavior resulting from attempt to free memory that was previously freed. |
| D-05603 | All | UAGSRV \\
ACLCFG00 | PS00024 \\
PS02009 \\
PS03003 \\
PS02010 \\
PS04017 \\
PS02011	| Add support for *@* symbol prefix to host name in relevant UACL entries to request alias (CNAME) look-up for host matching. |
| D-05622 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00024 | Correct time stamp agent logs are incorrect when standard time is in effect. |

h1. {anchor:Release} Release - February 23, 2015 

|| Change ID || Platform || Component || PTF || Description ||
| D-05439 | z/OS | UDM \\
UDMSRV | PS04014 (UDM, MVS) \\
PS04015 (UDMSRV) \\
PS06008 (UDM, USS) | Make sure the dataset type is always set for PDS and PDSE transfers. |
| D-05505 | z/OS | UAGUJI | PS00023 | Un-catalog existing tape datasets that will be recreated on disk. |
| D-05523 | UNIX | UAGSRV |  | Reduce message logging for file monitor activity to prevent unnecessary growth of agent.log. |
| D-05525 | All | UAGSRV | PS00022 | Fail FTP file monitors whose *Wait until Satisfied* condition is checked only if invalid credentials are specified. Allow the task to continue for all other errors until the number of maximum polls is exceeded. Prevent any rerun attempt from staying in “Queued” status. |
| D-05528 | All | USAP | PS01002 (USAP) \\
PS01003 (USPMCENG) | Do not treat warning issued when an invalid recipient is specified in a job definition as an error. |

h1. {anchor:Release} Release - February 13, 2015 

|| Change ID || Platform || Component || PTF (z/OS only) || Description ||
| B-04744 | z/OS | UAGU83 | PS00021 | Filter SMF type 15 records to those matching active file monitors before forwarding to UAGSRV. |
| D-05209 | Windows | UAGSRV |  | Correct execution of ucmd from a Windows task. |
| D-05397 | Windows | UCTLSRV |  | Enable support for name@domain user account syntax. |
| D-05398 | Windows | UEMSRV |  | Enable support for name@domain user account syntax. |
| D-05437 | All	| UDM | PS04013 (MVS),
PS06007 (USS) | Correctly parse scripts when a data command is nested within a forfiles statement. |
| D-05438 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00020 | Truncate job log files when size exceeds 5 MB.
| D-05445 | UNIX | UAGSRV |  | Fix memory leak during file monitor task execution. |
| D-05460 | UNIX | UAGSRV |  | Detect files for recursive CREATE file monitors. |
| D-05473 | All	| UAGSRV | PS00020 | Return correct size for files > 4 GB in FTP File Monitor tasks when checking for stability.
| D-05479 | All	| UAGSRV | PS00020 | Use UTF-8 encoding for messages exchanged between OMS and UAGSRV.
| D-05482 | All	| UAGSRV | PS00020 | Prevent memory leak when file monitor alerts are active.

h1. {anchor:Release z/OS} Release - December 17, 2014 

|| Change ID || Platform || Component || PTF (z/OS only) || Description ||
| B-04708 | All | UBROKER | PS02005,
 PS02008 | Add COMPONENT_BACKLOG configuration option to specify the TCP/IP backlog queue size for the component interface. |
| B-04711 | All	| UBROKER | PS02005,
 PS02008 | Add RETRY_MAX_COMP configuration option to allow/prevent manager retries when maximum number of components are executing. |
| D-02897 | UNIX | UAGSRV |  | Display the correct CPU information for Linux x64 Agents. |
| D-03887 | Windows | UAGSRV |  | Honor file ownership when specified for DELETE file monitors. |
| D-05222 | z/OS | UDM, \\
UDMSRV | PS04011,
 PS06006 | Enable the Large Block Interface (LBI) to prevent S013-E1 when opening tape datasets created with a large block. |
| D-05287 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00019 | Activate z/OS file monitoring only when there are active file alerts. |
| D-05289 | Windows | UAGSRV |  | Improve performance for file monitor tasks when watching files on network shares. |
| D-05300 | All | UDM | PS04011,
 PS06006 | Prevent crash when conversion of numeric if statement parameter fails. |
| D-05304 | Windows | UCMDSRV |  | Support authentication of domain accounts specified using ‘user@domain’ syntax. |
| D-05325 | UNIX and Windows | UAGSRV |  | Collect CPU usage information for task instances. |
| D-05345 | UNIX | UAGSRV |  | Trigger on all matching files when Trigger on Existence is specified for a CREATE file monitor. |
| D-05387 | UNIX | UAGSRV |  | Fail EXIST file monitors when existing file does not contain specified scan text. |
| D-05394 | z/OS | UBROKER | PS02005,
 PS02007 | Issue correct error messages at startup if USS symbolic links cannot be created. |
| D-05404 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS0019 | Fix value of restartable step names when JCL JOB RESTART parameter is specified. |

h1. {anchor:Release} Release - October 17, 2014 

|| Change ID || Platform || Component || PTF (z/OS only) || Description ||
| D-04873 | All  | UAGSRV | PS00016  | Infitran task script options replace UDM credential options. |
| D-04879 | All  | UDM | PS04008,
                         PS06005  | Fix UDM script execution performance problem introduced in |
| D-04895 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00016  | z/OS task definition parameter value longer than 80 bytes results in UAG S0C4. |
| D-04909 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00016  | z/OS task definition with New Jobname value for a JCL JOB statement containing a job name longer than 8 characters causes UAG S0C6. |
| D-04926 | z/OS | UAGUSI | PS00017  | JCL IF statement condition .RUN evaluates to TRUE for UAG flushed step. |
| D-04887 | UNIX | UAGSRV |  | File monitor fails to start with "no memory" error.  A large number of file monitors caused pipe related errors and potential hangs. |
| D-04932 | UNIX and Windows | UAGSRV |  | UAG ops_sshpwd hangs when SFTP client password prompt does not include a trailing space. |
| D-04938 | All  | UAGSRV | PS00016  | UAG using OMS network provider can potentially not register with OMS server when UAG restarts after a crash. |
| D-04980 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00016  | Using z/OS protected user ID as a credential results in "bad argument" verification error. |
| D-05062 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00016  | Small memory leak when JES internal reader is closed. |
| D-05150 | UNIX | UDM |  | UDM memory leak when sending files from UNIX. |
| D-05165 | z/OS | UDM | PS04008,
                         PS06005 | UDM fails with S214-04 when copying to a new PDS/E on a specific volume. |
| D-05208 | All  | UDM | PS04008,
                         PS06005  | UDM Manager hangs after network error connecting to local Broker for recording UES data. |
| D-05214 | UNIX and Windows | UAGSRV |  | File monitor does not detect change if file is moved or deleted/created between polls. |
| D-05216 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00016  | UAG JCL SET statements inserted in the middle of a multiline JOB statement. |
| D-05226 | UNIX and Windows | OMSSRV |  | OMS Server message trace stops when printing zero length line. |
| D-05230 | All  | UCMD   | PS03002,
                            PS05002  | UCM Manager ends with storage access violation (S0C4, SIGSEGV, etc.) after network error sending COMP_START message to Broker. |
| D-05231 | z/OS | UAGU84 | PS00018  | Step return codes greater than 4095 result in invalid return code value. |
| D-05234 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00016  | SAPI resources not released after time out waiting for sysout.  Add additional SAPI logging. |

h1. {anchor:Release} Release - June 30, 2014 

|| Change ID || Platform || Component || PTF (z/OS only) || Description ||
| B-04576 | z/OS | UAGSRV, \\
UAGUJI | PS00013, \\
PS00014, \\
PS00015 | Consider NOT CATLGD 2 errors as a job failure condition. |
| B-04578 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00013, \\
PS00014, \\
PS00015 | Add support for JCL override library and automatic cleanup. |

h1. {anchor:Release} Release - June 3, 2014 

|| Change ID || Platform || Component || PTF (z/OS only) || Description ||
| B-03784 | All | UBROKER \\
UDM \\
UDMSRV   | PS02001, PS02002, \\
PS02003, PS02004, \\
PS04001, PS04002, \\
PS04003, PS04004, \\
PS04005, PS04006, \\
PS04007, PS06001, \\
PS06002, PS06003, \\
PS06004 | Add support for configurable TCP send and receive buffer sizes in support for RFC 1323 window scaling:
<li> Universal Broker TCP_SEND_BUFFER and TCP_RECV_BUFFER configuration options
<li> UDM Manager TCP_SEND_BUFFER and TCP_RECV_BUFFER configuration options
<li> UDM Server TCP_SEND_BUFFER and TCP_RECV_BUFFER configuration options
</ol>{html}Additionally, add UDM Manager ACK_WINDOW configuration option to set the NFT acknowledgement window size for improved performance over some transmission links. |
| B-04256 | UNIX | Install |  | Add support for a non-privileged install. |
| B-04298 | Windows | Install |  | Increase length of Universal Broker service account password to 256 characters. |
| B-04533 | UNIX | UAGSRV |  | Execute UNIX task in a non-interactive login shell when sudo is used or running unprivileged. |
| D-02372 | All   | UCMD \\
UDM | PS03001, PS05001, \\
PS04001, \\
PS06001 | The UDM Manager exec command does not pass digital certificate options to UCMD Manager. |
| D-04396 | Windows | UAGSRV |  | Memory leak while running non-continuous file monitors. |
| D-04440 | z/OS   | UDM \\
UDMSRV   | PS04001, PS04002, \\
PS06001  | UDM ends with RC 0 attempting to copy non-existent HFS file]. |
| D-04447 | Windows | UAGSRV |  | File monitor using wild card pattern may get access denied error. |
| D-04469 | UNIX | Install |  | Clarify -userdir command line option in {{unvinst}} command line help. |
| D-04470 | UNIX | UAGSRV |  | qname file incorrectly sets file permission for other as read/write. |
| D-04472 | UNIX | Install |  | When a user mode install is performed repeatedly, avoid duplicating updates to user profile. |
| D-04475 | UNIX | UAGSRV |  | Large number of file monitors may result in process limits being exceeded. |
| D-04493 | AIX | UAGSRV |  | AIX login environment not initialized correctly. |
| D-04505 | Windows | Install |  | Universal Configuration Manager exception C0000374. |
| D-04577 | AIX | UAGSRV |  | File monitor may fail with "glob, 36, identifier removed" error after a file is deleted. |
| D-04589 | Windows&nbsp;and&nbsp;UNIX | OMSSRV |  | OMS Server does not recover from message database file I/O error. |

h1. {anchor:Release} Release - May 2, 2014 

|| Change&nbsp;ID || Platform || Component || PTF&nbsp;(z/OS&nbsp;only) || Description ||
| D-04320 | z/OS | UAGRERUN | PS00007 | UAGRERUN (alias OPSRERUN) ends with invalid return code 173. |
| D-04322 | z/OS  | UAGSRV \\
UAGCFG00 | PS00008 \\
PS00009 \\
PS00010 \\
PS00011 | Add option JTSK_NUM to specify the number of job task worker threads. |
| D-04537 | z/OS | UAGCMDZ | PS00006 | UAGCMDZ (alias OPSCMDZ) fails to connect to Transport using SSL protocol. |
| D-04557 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00008 | S0C4 in cbJobOutput converting STDOUT/STDERR to UTF-8. |

h1. {anchor:Release}Release - March 20, 2014

|| Change&nbsp;ID || Platform || Component || PTF&nbsp;(z/OS&nbsp;only) || Description ||
| D-04281 | Windows | UAGSRV |  | File monitor fails with start failure indicating the file is being used by another process. |
| D-04283 | Windows&nbsp;and&nbsp;UNIX | UAGSRV |  | Scan text does not scan past first 5 MB of file. |
| D-04348 | Windows&nbsp;and&nbsp;UNIX | UAGSRV |  | FTP tasks potentially fail user authentication. |

h1. {anchor:Release}Release - March 6, 2014

|| Change&nbsp;ID || Platform || Component || PTF || Description ||
| B-04205 | All | UAGCMDZ | PS00001 | Add ops-change-credentials-password Command Line Interface command for changing the password for a specified Opswise Credentials resource. |
| B-04206 | All | UAGCMDZ | PS00001 | Add ops-change-user-password Command Line Interface command for changing the password for a specified Opswise User account. |
| B-04215 | Windows | UAGSRV |  | Added new configuration control named Opswise Message Service Server to Universal Configuration Manager. |
| B-04219  | All | UAGSRV \\
UAGCFG00 | PS00002 \\
PS00003 \\
PS00004 \\
PS00005 | UAG configuration option AGENT_IP was added to specify the IP address UAG server reports to the Controller. |
| D-04220 | z/OS | UAGSRV | PS00002 | Controller z/OS task step return code value may display incorrect value. |
| D-04257 | All | USAP | PS01001 | Generated USAP job definitions may contain the wrong value for keyword PRUNX. |
| D-04271 | UNIX&nbsp;and&nbsp;Windows | UAGSRV |  | File Monitor deletion may lead to deadlock. |
| D-04279 | All | UAGSRV | PS00002 | File Monitor of type *Exists* does not set some Opswise Controller built-in variables. |

h1. {anchor:Release}Release - February 11, 2014

|| Change&nbsp;ID || Platform || Component || Description ||
| D-04266 | z/OS | z/OS Install | FMID TUAG520 is not selected by SMP/E APPLY when upgrading a CSI with TUAG510 install. |  

h1. {anchor:Release}Release - February 3, 2014

|| Change&nbsp;ID || Platform || Component || Description ||
| B-02799 | UNIX,&nbsp;except&nbsp;MP-RAS | Install | Add support for a user mode installation method, which allows installation of the product in user-selected directories, and supports multiple installs of differing versions or the same versions of the product. |
| B-02845 | z/OS | UAGSRV | Add support for z/OS job step level condition checking and actions. |
| B-02987 | z/OS | UBROKER \\
UAGSRV | Add support for MODIFY REFRESH command to refresh Broker configuration data.\\
Add support for LOGSWITCH MODIFY command to switch the active UAG agent log. |
| B-03134 | z/OS | UAGSRV | Add support for SMF STATUS MODIFY command to display SMF exit status. |
| B-03307 | z/OS | UAGSRV | Set IBM Language Environment (LE) options in the UAGSRV program. |
| B-03443 | UNIX | UAGSRV | Add support for SFTP username and password pairs in addition to keys. |
| B-03463 | UNIX | UAGSRV | Task cancel request will send SIGKILL to user task if no response to SIGINT. |
| B-03465 | UNIX | UAGSRV | Remove unnecessary write permission on agent log files. |
| B-03497 | z/OS | UAGSRV | Change SYSOUT processing to utilize a SYSOUT cache directory. |
| B-03565 | z/OS | UBROKER STC | Add {{TIME=NOLIMIT}} to UBROKER JCL procedure to prevent SIGXCPU signal. |
| B-03649 | All | UAGSRV \\
UAG CLI programs | Add support for OMS network provider. |
| B-03704 | Windows and UNIX | UAGSRV | Add support for *Create* and *Exists* File Monitor type. |
| B-03712 | UNIX | Install | Add support for user verification in {{unvinst}} for group membership assigned by Windows Active Directory. |
| B-03882 | Windows | Windows Install | Add Opswise Controller Command Line Interface (CLI) program as an optionally installed component. |
| B-03904 | UNIX,&nbsp;except&nbsp;MP-RAS | Install | Add Opswise Controller Command Line Interface (CLI) program as an optionally installed component. |
| B-04014 | Windows | Windows Install | Add support for Broker user domain accounts during installation. |

h1. Opswise Universal Agent for SOA 5.2.0 for UNIX Packages

|| Release || Release Date || Universal Command Agent for SOA  ||
|| | February 3, 2014 | |

h1. Universal Enterprise Controller 5.2.0 for Windows Packages

|| Release || Release Date || Universal Enterprise Controller ||
|| | February 3, 2014 | |

h1. Universal Enterprise Controller Client Applications 5.2.0 for Windows Packages

|| Release || Release Date || I-Activity Monitor || I-Administrator || I-Management Console ||
|| [|#UEC Clients] | December 17, 2014 | | | |
|| | February 3, 2014 | | | |

h2. {anchor:UEC Clients} - December 17, 2014 

|| Change&nbsp;ID || Platform || Component || Description ||
| D-05213 | Windows | ALL | Put start menu shortcuts in correct location for silent [per-machine installs|UAUMFT520:Upgrading Opswise Universal Agent#Upgrading UEC Client Applications for Windows]. |

h1. Opswise Universal Agent for SOA 5.2.0 for Windows Packages

|| Release || Release Date || Universal Command Agent for SOA  ||
|| | February 3, 2014 | |


h1. {anchor:IBM i}IBM i

*Currently, IBM i runs Workload Automation 5.1.0.* &nbsp; *This page provides information for that version.*

h2. Overview

This section identifies the package contents for the single Workload Automation 5.1.0 for IBM i release, and the maintenance level of every component in that package.

h2. {anchor:Workload Automation 5 for IBM i Package}Workload Automation 5.1.0 for IBM i Package

|| Release || Release Date || Universal\\Broker || Universal \\ Automation\\Center \\ Agent || Universal\\Certificate || Universal \\ Command\\Manager || Universal \\ Command\\Server || Universal \\ Connector || Universal\\Control || Universal\\ Database\\Utilities || Universal\\Data \\ Mover || Universal\\Encrypt || Universal \\ Enterprise\\Controller || Universal\\Event \\ Monitor ||
|| | January 27, 2012 | || || | | || || || | | | || ||

h1. {anchor:HP NonStop}HP NonStop

*Currently, HP NonStop runs Universal Command 2.1.1.* &nbsp; *These pages provide information for that version.*

h1h2. Overview

This pagesection identifies the package contents for all Universal Command 2.1.1 for HP NonStop maintenance releases and the maintenance level of every component in each package. 

For each release, changes made to individual components only for HP NonStop are identified. Maintenance level changes to a component for non-HP NonStop platforms are not shown.

h1h2. {anchor:Universal Command 2.1.1 for HP NonStop Packages}Universal Command 2.1.1 for HP NonStop Packages

|| Release || Release Date || Universal \\Broker || Universal \\Command \\Manager || Universal \\Command \\Server || Universal \\Control \\Manager || Universal \\Control \\Server || Universal \\Query || Universal \\Encrypt || Universal \\Message \\Translator ||
|| [#] | July 10, 2013 | | | | | | | | |
|| [#] | September 3, 2008 | | | | | | | | |
|| [#] | January 23, 2004 | | | | | | | | |
|| [#] | September 30, 2003 | | | | | | | | |
|| | July 7, 2003 | | | | | | | | |

h2. {anchor:HP NonStop} - July 10, 2013

|| Change&nbsp;ID || Platform || Component || Description ||
| D-03227 | Integrity | UCMSRV | IPC files are not being cleaned up on the [HP Nonstop|UCMD510:Universal Command Server for HP NonStop - User Command Environment] platform. |
| D-03228 | Integrity | UCMSRV | A setuid failure happens whenever jobs are executed on the [HP Nonstop|UCMD510:Universal Command Server for HP NonStop - User Command Environment] platform. |

h2. {anchor:HP NonStop} - September 3, 2008

|| Change&nbsp;ID || Platform || Component || Description ||
| UCM-992 | Itanium | UCMD | HP NonStop [Itanium support|INSTALL510:HP NonStop Installation - Distribution File]. |

h2. {anchor:HP NonStop} - January 23, 2004

|| Change&nbsp;ID || Platform || Component || Description ||
| CR01135 | HP&nbsp;NonStop | UCMSRV | Certain errors, such as [#OBEY file] not found, were not properly detected and resulted in exit code 0. |
| CR01137 | HP&nbsp;NonStop | UCOPY | [UCOPY|UTIL510:Universal Copy for HP NonStop] always created files with file code 180. UCOPY is now capable of creating Guardian EDIT files as well as C files (180). |
| DF01060 | HP&nbsp;NonStop | UBROKER | The [ubrokerd|IND510:Starting Universal Broker for HP NonStop#Daemon] script with the status argument only worked if run with the same user identifier as the broker is executing. Any user can now successfully execute the status command. |
| DF01325 | HP&nbsp;NonStop | UBROKER | Broker log file permission was set so that only the user identifier with which the broker is running could read it. This identifier is normally [super.super|IND510:Starting Universal Broker for HP NonStop#Console Security]. File permissions are now set so everyone can read them. |
| DF01326 | HP&nbsp;NonStop | UCMSRV | Server trace file permission was set so that only the user identifier with which the broker is running could read them. This identifier is normally [super.super|IND510:Starting Universal Broker for HP NonStop#Console Security]. File permissions are now set so everyone can read them. |
| DF01335 | HP&nbsp;NonStop | UBROKER | The broker [unv.log|UB510:MESSAGE_DESTINATION - UBROKER configuration option#HP NonStop] file does not roll over to the next generation. |

h2. {anchor:HP NonStop} - September 30, 2003

|| Change&nbsp;ID || Platform || Component || Description ||
| CR01023 | HP&nbsp;NonStop | UCMSRV | Added the server options [CPU|UCMD510:CPU - UCMD Server configuration option] and [PRIORITY|UCMD510:PRIORITY - UCMD Server configuration option]. The CPU option permits a UCMD manager to specify the processor on which the user job executes. The PRIORITY option permits a UCMD manager to specify the priority with which the user job executes. The UCMD manager can specify both options with the manager's SERVER option (-S or –server). |
| DF01000 | HP&nbsp;NonStop | UCMSRV | Standard input redirection was enabled. 
Changed the [UCOPY|UTIL510:Universal Copy for HP NonStop] program from a Guardian program to an OSS program to prevent gtacl from manipulating the data transferred in binary mode.
Added the UCMD server option [SCRIPT_TYPE|UCMD510:SCRIPT_TYPE - UCMD Server configuration option] in order to support both TACL and OSS commands and scripts. The UCMD manager can specify the option with the manager's [SERVER|UCMD510:SERVER_OPTIONS - UCMD Manager configuration option] option (-S or –server). |
| DF01027 | HP&nbsp;NonStop | UBROKER | The time values printed in the UCMD messages were not correct. The C run-time library's TZ environment variable controls time values be specifying the time zone for the program. The [TZ environment variable|INSTALL510:HP NonStop Installation - Customization#TZ Environment Variable] has been added to the UBROKERD startup script. |