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{panel} {toc:maxlevel=2} {panel} h1. Introduction This page summarizes the changes introduced in each component maintenance release for Universal Agent 6.3.x. For a list of all component changes included in the maintenance release for each platform, see: * [z/OS Package Maintenance Levels|zOS Package Maintenance Levels - Agent 6.3.x] * [Windows Package Maintenance Levels|Windows Package Maintenance Levels - Agent 6.3.x] * [UNIX Package Maintenance Levels|UNIX Package Maintenance Levels - Agent 6.3.x] h1. Universal Agent for Command Line Interface h3. {anchor:UA for CLI Release - July 14, 2016}Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | D-06382 | UAGCMD | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Generate unique names for trace files. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. h3. {anchor:UA for CLI Release - March 31, 2016}Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | D-06382 | UAGCMD \\ \\ \\ \\ UAGCMDZ | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows \\ \\ z/OS | Generate unique names for trace files. \\ \\ \\ \\ Previously delivered as D-05890 in | h3. {anchor:UA for CLI Release - January 18, 2016}Release - January 18, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05428 | UAGCMDZ \\ UAGCMD | All | Update command line help for {{wait-type} and {{wait-day-constraint}} parameters for the [ops-task-set-timewait|UC62:Task Functions#Set or Modify Wait Time for a Task Instance] CLI function. &nbsp; Previously delivered as B-05429 in | | D-05903 | UAGCMDZ \\ UAGCMD | All | Update command line help for [ops-task-rerun|UC62:Task Functions#ops-task-rerun] CLI function. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06108 in | | D-05963 | UAGCMDZ \\ UAGCMD | All | Remove condition that can cause [ops-trigger-now|UC62:Trigger Functions#ops-trigger-now] to become unresponsive. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-05954 in | | D-06163 | UAGCMDZ \\ UAGCMD | All | Prevent possible segmentation fault when certain resources become unavailable during processing of an [ops-trigger-now|UC62:Trigger Functions#ops-trigger-now] command. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06164 in | h1. Universal Agent for SOA h3. {anchor:UA for SOA Release - January 18, 2016}Release - January 18, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | D-06113 | Install | Windows | Allow [Universal Agent for SOA|UA63:Universal Agent for SOA for Windows Installation] to recognize Universal Broker 3.2.0 and later installations in order to satisfy installation prerequisite. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06112 in | h1. Universal Automation Center Agent h3. {anchor:UAG Release - September 12, 2016}Release - September 12, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-06427 | UAGSRV \\ UAGMCENG | All | Add support for new resolvable script credential functions ${_credentialUser(‘<cred>’)} and ${_credentialPwd(‘<cred>’)}. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature requires Universal Controller and later. | | D-05719 | UAGUJI | z/OS | Do not retain catalog information for new GDGs and other sequential datasets that did not get created in a job’s initial run. | | D-06468 | UAGSRV | UNIX | Make sure all error information is reported for an EXISTS file monitor that fails because the path name specified in the task definition does not exist. | | D-06511 | UAGSRV | UNIX, \\ Windows | File Monitors that end with a Failed status do not always end with non-zero exit codes. | | D-06532 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Make sure z/OS tasks whose jobs end with “$HASP106 JOB DELETED BY JES2 OR CANCELLED BY OPERATOR BEFORE EXECUTION” do not stay in Submitted status. &nbsp; *Note:* z/OS 2.x is required to enable this behavior. | | D-06782 | UAGSRV | UNIX | Allow SFTP server port to be overridden when password-based authentication is used with SFTP file transfer tasks. | | D-06888 | UAGSRV | All | Clean up temporary script files created by SAP tasks. | | D-06909 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Make sure jobs that end with S822 are reported correctly to Universal Controller. | | D-06940 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Prevent reserve deadlock when running multiple 6.3.0.x agents. | h3. {anchor:UAG Release - July 16, 2016}Release - July 16, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05827 | UAGSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05907 | UAGSRV | All | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. | | D-05592 | UAGSRV | z/OS | When the initial run or restart of a job results in all executed steps being flushed (except for our step OPSSTP00 that executes UAGRERUN) the task will tail with the error “All steps flushed,” provided there are no other errors (for example, JCL errors) that caused the steps to flush. &nbsp; *Note:* This functionality will also apply if the “Skip Steps” feature is used to skip all steps in a job. To skip execution of the entire job and allow any successors to run, the “Force Finish” or “Skip” commands may still be used for the task. | | D-06406 | UAGSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Allow concurrent file monitor instances to search for files using regular expressions that contain a comma. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | D-06547 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Ensure JCL statements are padded with statements instead of NULLs. | | D-06559 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Fix error that prevents return of job output to original MSGCLASS when jes_sysout_disp is RELEASE,*. | | D-06721 | UAGUJI. \\ UAGUJV | z/OS | Prevent possible abend when encountering SWA control blocks that reside above the bar. | | D-06751 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Prevent possible S0C4 in UAGSRV function WjssLocalJmeDelete(). | h3. {anchor:UAG Release - March 31, 2016}Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05827 | UAGSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. | | D-06306 | UAGSRV | Windows | DELETE file monitors succeed when file's owner does not match the value of the task's File Owner field. | | D-06350 | UAGSRV | AIX | Fix inconsistency between number of file monitors shown in the Controller and that reported by ops_monitor. | | D-06406 | UAGSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package) | Allow concurrent file monitor instances to search for files using regular expressions that contain a comma. | | D-06437 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Prevent possible S0C4 during variable substitution. | | D-06440 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Tasks may stay in Submitted state after failing with a JCL error. | | D-06443 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Prevent jobnames that start with IEFC from falsely reporting a JCL error. | | D-06456 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Fix behavior that allows the Job Submission Checkpoint (JSC) dataset to contain duplicate keys, resulting in zOS tasks that stay in Submitted status. | | D-06487 | UAGSRV | Windows | Add ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED as a retry condition for file monitor fault tolerance. | h3. {anchor:UAG Release - January 18, 2016}Release - January 18, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-03124 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Add ability for batch jobs submitted via a [z/OS task|UC62:zOS Task] to execute on any image in a [Sysplex|UA63:zOS Installation - Sysplex] environment. &nbsp; New in this release. | | B-04736 | UAGSRV | All | Allow [File Monitor tasks|UC62:File Monitor Task] to recover from and resume execution following temporary environmental interruptions and other transient errors. &nbsp; Two new configuration options are provided: {html}<ul> <li> {html}[FM_FAULT_TOLERANT|UA63:FM_FAULT_TOLERANT - UAG configuration option]{html}: Enables fault tolerant file monitor behavior (Default is no). <li> {html}[FM_FAULT_TOLERANT_TIMEOUT|UA63:FM_FAULT_TOLERANT_TIMEOUT - UAG configuration option]{html}: The time a file monitor task will wait before failing when fault-tolerant behavior is enabled (Default is 120s). </ul>{html}Previously delivered as B-04908 in | | B-05646 | Install | z/OS | Update install job UNVIN07 to allocate a JSC dataset and set the jsc_dataset option the UAGCFG00 configuration member during a [new install|UA63:zOS Installation - New Install, New CSI]. &nbsp; New with this release. | | B-05801 | Install | z/OS | Add a new install job, UNVIN10, to allocate the JSC dataset during an [upgrade|UA63:zOS Installation - SMPE Installation] from an earlier release. &nbsp; NOTE: Starting with this release, UAGSRV requires a JSC dataset even if executing outside of a [Sysplex|UA63:zOS Installation - Sysplex] environment. &nbsp; New with this release. | | B-05805 | UAGSRV | z/OS | dd ability to specify a Job Submission Checkpoint (JSC) dataset and Coupling Facility structure via the [JSC_DATASET|UA63:JSC_DATASET - UAG configuration option] and [CF_STRUCT_NAME|UA63:CF_STRUCT_NAME - UAG configuration option] configuration options, respectively. &nbsp; NOTE: Starting with this release, UAGSRV requires a JSC dataset even if executing outside of a [Sysplex|UA63:zOS Installation - Sysplex] environment. A new install job, UNVIN10, is provided to allocate a JSC dataset if none exists (an [upgrade|UA63:zOS Installation - SMPE Installation] from an earlier release). For [new installs|UA63:zOS Installation - New Install, New CSI], the dataset is created in UNVIN07. &nbsp; New with this release. | | D-05777 | UAGSRV | All | Make sure [$\{ops_trigger_file_name_nopath\}|UC62:Built-in Variables#ops_trigger_file_name_nopath] contains the correct value if the file name contains spaces. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06243 in | | D-05855 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Fix a problem that may prevent Create and Delete [File Monitors|UC62:File Monitor Task] from completing. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-05867 in | | D-05863 | UAGSRV | UNIX | Populate appropriate built-in variables when a MISSING [File Monitor|UC62:File Monitor Task] which uses regular expressions fails. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-05873 in | | D-05878 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Make sure that [z/OS tasks|UC62:zOS Task] with step condition codes require confirmation when JCL changes are made prior to rerun. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-05889 in | | D-05898 | UAGSRV | UNIX, \\ Windows | Fix a file handle leak in [FTP File Monitors|UC62:FTP File Monitor Task]. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-05897 in | | D-05943 | UAGSRV | UNIX | Prevent possible deadlock when several [File Monitor|UC62:File Monitor Task] task instances start and finish simultaneously. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-05944 in | | D-05960 | UAGRERUN | z/OS | Remove PARM=xxx debug statement when [UAGRERUN|UA63:zOS Configuration - Load Library#LNKLST] is executed outside of UAGSRV. &nbsp; New in this release. | | D-05987 | UAGSRV | All | Successfully return output when “last 1 line” is selected for retrieval. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06105 in | | D-05996 | UAGSRV | UNIX | Prevent display of “Error obtaining results” error message when no matching files are found. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06007 In | | D-06005 | UAGU83 | z/OS | Make sure that [z/OS tasks|UC62:zOS Task] with step condition codes require confirmation when JCL changes are made prior to rerun. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-05889 in | | D-06062 | UAGSRV | Windows | Make sure CREATE [File Monitor tasks|UC62:File Monitor Task] successfully detect all matching files when several files are created at once. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06061 in | | D-06075 | UAGSRV | UNIX | Fix format of CPU identification string for [Linux S390|UA63:Universal Agent for Linux Installation#IBM S/390 and zSeries Systems] systems. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06106 in | | D-06094 | UAGSRV | UNIX | Fix problem [monitoring files|UC62:File Monitor Task] larger than 2GB on AIX. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06096 in | | D-06145 | UAGSRV | UNIX, \\ Windows | Prevent all [Application Monitor|UC62:Application Control Tasks] task instances from going into Query Overdue status if any one of the active monitors are stuck in a query. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06146 in | | D-06246 | UAGSRV | UNIX | Fix possible memory leak for [File Monitor tasks|UC62:File Monitor Task]. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06247 in | | D-06255 | UAGSRV | UNIX, \\ Windows | Make regular expression behavior for [File Monitor tasks|UC62:File Monitor Task] similar to that found in [Universal Data Mover|UA63:attrib - UDM Command#regex]. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06151 in | | D-06278 | UAGSRV | z/OS | Fix substitution of MSGCLASS and CLASS variables of more than 1 character. &nbsp; New in this release. | | D-06290 | UAGSRV | Windows | Correct handling of [File Monitor tasks|UC62:File Monitor Task] that use the ‘?’ wildcard in file name patterns. &nbsp; New in this release. | h1. Universal Broker h3. {anchor:UB Release - September 12, 2016} Release - September 12, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | D-06885 | UBROKER | All | Protect initial handshake message protocol from malicious payloads. | h3. {anchor:UB Release - July 14, 2016} Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UBROKER | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05827 | UBROKER | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux\ | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05829 | UBROKER, \\ USSMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05991 | UBROKER, \\ USSMCENG, \\ UBRCFG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add min_ssl_protocol configuration option to manage TLS application protocol support. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | D-06367 | UBROKER | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Prevent Broker crash when it receives a specially-crafted malformed header. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | D-06620 | UBROKER, \\ UBFCFG, \\ USSMCENG | z/OS | Issue error when ssl_implementation option is SYSTEM, and min_ssl_protocol is TLS1_2 and/or an SSL cipher that requires TLS 1.2 support is specified in a control or data session cipher list. &nbsp; *Note:* Support for TLS 1.2 when IBM System SSL is used will be provided in an upcoming release of Universal Agent. Until then, TLS 1.2 support is available with OpenSSL. | | D-06774 | UBROKER | All | Improve authentication of message parameters sent during a session negotiation’s handshake. | h3. {anchor:UB Release - March 31, 2016} Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UBROKER | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. | | B-05827 | UBROKER | AIX,Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. | | B-05829 | UBROKER \\ USSMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. | | B-05991 | UBROKER \\ USSMCENG \\ UBRCFG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add min_ssl_protocol configuration option to manage TLS application protocol support. | | D-06367 | UBROKER | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Prevent Broker crash when it receives a specially-crafted malformed header. | h3. {anchor:UB Release - January 18, 2016} Release - January 18, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05662 | UBROKER | z/OS | Add [SYSPLEX_ROLE|UA63:SYSPLEX_ROLE - UBROKER configuration option] configuration option to set an Agent’s participation in Sysplex to none (default), primary, or secondary. &nbsp; New in this release. | h1. Universal Certificate h3. {anchor:UCERT Release - July 14, 2016} Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UCERT | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05829 | UCERT | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. h3. {anchor:UCERT Release - March 31, 2016} Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UCERT | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. | | B-05829 | UCERT | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. | h1. Universal Command h3. {anchor:UCMD Release - July 14, 2016} Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UCMD, \\ UCMSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05827 | UCMD, \\ UCMSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05829 | UCMD, \\ UCMSRV, \\ UCMMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05991 | UCMD, \\ UCMSRV, \\ UCMMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add min_ssl_protocol configuration option to manage TLS application protocol support. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | D-06620 | UCMD, \\ UCMCFG, \\ UCMMCENG | z/OS | Issue error when ssl_implementation option is SYSTEM, and min_ssl_protocol is TLS1_2 and/or an SSL cipher that requires TLS 1.2 support is specified in a control or data session cipher list. &nbsp; Note: Support for TLS 1.2 when IBM System SSL is used will be provided in an upcoming release of Universal Agent. Until then, TLS 1.2 support is available with OpenSSL. | h3. {anchor:UCMD Release - March 31, 2016} Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UCMD \\ UCMSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. | | B-05827 | UCMD \\ UCMSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. | | B-05829 | UCMD \\ UCMSRV \\ UCMMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. | | B-05991 | UCMD \\ UCMSRV \\ UCMMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add min_ssl_protocol configuration option to manage TLS application protocol support. | h1. Universal Connector h3. {anchor:USAP Release - September 12, 2016} Release - September 12, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-06503 | USAP \\ USPMCENG \\ USAP Configuration \\ File and Template | All | Add new configuration option, [ENABLE_JOB_STATUS_CHECK|UA63:ENABLE_JOB_STATUS_CHECK - USAP configuration option], to enable/disable calls to BAPI_XBP_JOB_STATUS_CHECK. | | D-06837 | USAP | UNIX \\ (except AIX and \\ Solaris SPARC), Windows | Handle RFC timeouts during calls to RSPC_API_CHAIN_GET_STATUS. | | D-06893 | USAP | All | Use USAP group configuration option instead of mshost value for RFC GROUP connection parameter. | h3. {anchor:USAP Release - July 14, 2016} Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-06010 | USAP, \\ USPMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Provide improved client fault tolerance for SAP process chains. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-06017 | USAP, \\ USPMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Provide ability to release intercepted child jobs. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | D-06679 | USAP | AIX, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ z/OS | Prevent XBP 3.0 Create Variant operation failure when SAP note 1144882 has been applied to system. | | D-06836 | USAP | AIX, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ z/OS | Handle RFC timeouts during calls to RSPC_API_CHAIN_GET_STATUS. | | D-06838 | USAP | AIX, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ z/OS | Handle “FAILED” exception from RSPC_API_CHAIN_GET_PROCESSES function. | h3. {anchor:USAP Release - March 31, 2016} Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05827 | USAP | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. | | B-06010 | USAP \\ USPMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Provide improved client fault tolerance for SAP process chains. | | B-06017 | USAP \\ USPMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Provide ability to release intercepted child jobs. | h3. {anchor:USAP Release - January 18, 2016} Release - January 18, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | D-06188 | USAP | UNIX, \\ Windows | Prevent new instance of process chain from starting when the [restart|UA63:RESTART - USAP configuration option] command includes an implicit (-R, Run) or explicit (-S, Start) start command. &nbsp; New in this release. | h1. Universal Control h3. {anchor:UCTL Release - July 14, 2016} Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UCTL, \\ UCTSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | | B-05827 | UCTL, \\ UCTSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05829 | UCTL, \\ UCTSRV, \\ UCTMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05991 | UCTL, \\ UCTMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add min_ssl_protocol configuration option to manage TLS application protocol support. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | D-06620 | UCTL, \\ UCTCFG, \\ UCTMCENG | z/OS | Issue error when ssl_implementation option is SYSTEM, and min_ssl_protocol is TLS1_2 and/or an SSL cipher that requires TLS 1.2 support is specified in a control or data session cipher list. &nbsp; *Note:* Support for TLS 1.2 when IBM System SSL is used will be provided in an upcoming release of Universal Agent. Until then, TLS 1.2 support is available with OpenSSL. | h3. {anchor:UCTL Release - March 31, 2016} Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UCTL \\ UCTSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. | | B-05827 | UCTL \\ UCTSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. | | B-05829 | UCTL \\ UCTSRV \\ UCTMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. | | B-05991 | UCTL \\ UCTMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add min_ssl_protocol configuration option to manage TLS application protocol support. | h1. Universal Data Mover h3. {anchor:UDM Release - September 12, 2016} Release - September 12, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-04648 | UDM \\ UDMSRV \\ UDMMCENG | All | Add milliseconds value to built-in variables for access, create, and modify file timestamps. | | D-06379 | UDMSRV | UNIX | Display correct version information for UDM Server. | | D-06779 | UDM \\ UDMSRV | All | Make sure memory allocation errors that occur with large ACK_WINDOW values are reported prior to UDM failure. | | D-06781 | UDM \\ UDMSRV | All | Make sure memory allocation errors that occur when a large ACK_WINDOW value is used when NFT is disabled are reported prior to UDM failure. | | D-06803 | UDM \\ UDMSRV | All | Correct problem trimming spaces from very long records. | | D-06883 | UDM \\ UDMSRV | z/OS | Fix incorrectly reported memory error when transferring datasets with RECFM=U and LRECL=0. | | D-06920 | UDM \\ UDMSRV | z/OS | Do not fail conversion of an FBA datasets that starts with an ASA form feed character. | h3. {anchor:UDM Release - July 14, 2016} Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-03155 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | z/OS | Add support for ASA control character conversion/formatting. | | B-05040 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-06253 | UDM | All | Update “compress” option with new “force” parameter (that is, “compress,force”) to allow UDM Managers to override Server-configured compression. | | B-05826 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV, \\ UDMMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Protect against interception of sensitive information during user authentication. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05827 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | HP-UX Itanium, Linux x86, Linux x64 (Debian package), Solaris Intel, Solaris SPARC, zLinux | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05829 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV, \\ UDMMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05991 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV, \\ UDMMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, Linux x86, Linux x64 (Debian package), Solaris Intel, Solaris SPARC, zLinux | Add min_ssl_protocol configuration option to manage TLS application protocol support. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-06011 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV, \\ UDMMCENG | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add ability to authenticate Broker’s certificate. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | D-01721 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | All | Fix conversion error that may occur when creating a session using UTF-8 or UTF-16 codepages. | | D-05880 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | All | Set error return code when the length of a file’s records exceeds a z/OS datasets’s allocated record length. | | D-06592 | UDM | All | Add a message to display the negotiated value of the compress option. | | D-06620 | UDM, \\ UDMCFG, \\ UDMMCENG | z/OS | Issue error when ssl_implementation option is SYSTEM, and min_ssl_protocol is TLS1_2 and/or an SSL cipher that requires TLS 1.2 support is specified in a control or data session cipher list. &nbsp; *Note:* Support for TLS 1.2 when IBM System SSL is used will be provided in an upcoming release of Universal Agent. Until then, TLS 1.2 support is available with OpenSSL. | h3. {anchor:UDM Release - March 31, 2016} Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UDM \\ UDMSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. | | B-05826 | UDM \\ UDMSRV \\ UDMMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Protect against interception of sensitive information during user authentication. | | B-05827 | UDM \\ UDMSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. | | B-05829 | UDM \\ UDMSRV \\ UDMMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. | | B-05991 | UDM \\ UDMSRV \\ UDMMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add min_ssl_protocol configuration option to manage TLS application protocol support. | | B-06011 | UDM \\ UDMSRV \\ UDMMCENG | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add ability to authenticate Broker’s certificate. | h3. {anchor:UDM Release - January 18, 2016} Release - January 18, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05467 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | All | Provide new [built-in variables|UA63:UDM - forfiles Statement - Built-In Variables] to hold tokens found during wildcard (*, ?) pattern matching within a [forfiles|UA63:Universal Data Mover - forfiles Statement] loop. &nbsp; Previously delivered as B-05476 in | | B-05635 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | All | Add support for UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE codepage values in the [open|UA63:open - UDM Command] command. &nbsp; Provide a [bom|UA63:attrib - UDM Command#bom]=\{default\|yes\|no\} attribute to control how byte order marks (BOMs) are managed in files converted to UTF-16. &nbsp; New in this release. | | D-03981 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | All | Retry and gracefully handle failed message queue memory allocations. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-04342 in | | D-05830 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | All | Fix “Invalid command” following the last iteration of a [forfiles|UA63:Universal Data Mover - forfiles Statement] loop when a command is stored in a script variable. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-05868 in | | D-06126 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | All | Make value of [_existdir|UA63:_existdir - UDM Built-in Variable ] built-in variable accessible when the [existdir|UA63:existdir - UDM Command] command is called from a subroutine or an external script. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06124 in | | D-06237 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV, \\ UDMMCENG | All | Make sure wildcard expansion correctly populates built-in $(_file.wildcardn) variables when a complete path name is specified in a [forfiles|UA63:Universal Data Mover - forfiles Statement] statement. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06241 in | | D-06322 | UDM, \\ UDMSRV | All | Prevent memory leak during [forfiles|UA63:Universal Data Mover - forfiles Statement] processing. &nbsp; New in this release. | h1. Universal Encrypt h3. {anchor:UENCRYPT Release - July 14, 2016}Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05825 | UENCRYPT | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Create new files using defaults of AES256 encryption and an expanded 32-bit key. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. h3. {anchor:UENCRYPT Release - March 31, 2016}Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05825 | UENCRYPT | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Create new files using defaults of AES256 encryption and an expanded 32-bit key. | h1. Universal Enterprise Controller h3. {anchor:UEC Release - January 18, 2016}Release - January 18, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05138 | UECTLR | Windows, \\ z/OS | Remove license requirement. &nbsp; Previously delivered as B-05480 in | D-06262 | UECTLR | Windows, \\ z/OS | Universal Brokers cannot be put into [managed mode|UA63:Remote Configuration] if no license information is defined in the UEC configuration file (license requirements were dropped from UEC in &nbsp; New in this release. | h1. Universal Event Monitor h3. {anchor:UEM Release - July 14, 2016}Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UEM, \\ UEMSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05827 | UEM, \\ UEMSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05829 | UEM, \\ UEMMCENG, \\ UEMSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05991 | UEM, \\ UEMMCENG, \\ UEMSRV | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add min_ssl_protocol configuration option to manage TLS application protocol support. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. h3. {anchor:UEM Release - March 31, 2016}Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UEM \\ \\ \\ \\ UEMSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS \\ \\ AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. | | B-05827 | UEM \\ UEMSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. | | B-05829 | UEM \\ UEMMCENG \\ \\ \\ UEMSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS \\ \\ AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows | Add support for TLS 1.2 ciphers, AES256-GCM-SHA384 and AES128-GCM-SHA256. | | B-05991 | UEM \\ UEMMCENG \\ \\ \\ UEMSRV | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS \\ \\ AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows | Add min_ssl_protocol configuration option to manage TLS application protocol support. | h3. {anchor:UEM Release - January 18, 2016}Release - January 18, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05138 | UEMSRV | UNIX, \\ Windows | Remove license requirement. &nbsp; Previously delivered as B-05480 in | | D-06328 | UEMSRV | UNIX, \\ Windows | [Events|UA63:Universal Event Monitor Server#Events] fail to become active following upgrade to if no license info is available (license requirements were dropped from UEM in &nbsp; New in this release. | h1. Universal Message Service (OMS) h3. {anchor:OMS Release - July 14, 2016}Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-04195 | OMSSRV | UNIX | Increase the maximum number of allowable TCP/IP connections. | | B-05907 | OMSSRV | UNIX, \\ Windows | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. | h3. {anchor:OMS Release - January 18, 2016}Release - January 18, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | D-06201 | OMS Server | UNIX, \\ Windows | Prevent buildup of unused files during clean-up if an older file contains an unconsumed message. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06202 in | h1. Universal Query h3. {anchor:UQUERY Release - July 14, 2016}Release - July 14, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UQUERY | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. | B-05827 | UQUERY | HP-UX Itanium, \\ Linux x86, \\ Linux x64 \\ (Debian package), \\ Solaris Intel, \\ Solaris SPARC, \\ zLinux | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. &nbsp; *Note:* This feature was initially delivered in the Universal Agent maintenance release for AIX; Linux x64 (RPM package); and Windows and/or z/OS. h3. {anchor:UQUERY Release - March 31, 2016}Release - March 31, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05040 | UQUERY | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows, z/OS | Add support for TLS 1.2 protocol. | | B-05827 | UQUERY | AIX, Linux x64 \\ (RPM package), \\ Windows | Turn off world readable flag for application configuration and log files. | h1. Install h3. {anchor:Install Release - September 12, 2016}Release - September, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | D-06369 | Install | UNIX \\ (for HP-UX) | Fix upgrade behavior in HP-UX package when Universal Agent command line utilities are installed. | | D-06846 | Install | Windows | Mask passwords displayed by Stonebranch trace functions in install log. | h3. {anchor:Install Release - January 18, 2016}Release - January 18, 2016 || Change&nbsp;ID || Component || Platform || Description || | B-05147 | Install | UNIX | Provide a native 64-bit [Debian package|UA63:Universal Agent for Linux Installation#Debian-Based Systems]. &nbsp; New in this release. | | B-05488 | Install | Windows | Add updated Stonebranch logos to [install dialogs|UA63:Installing Universal Agent via the Graphical Interface]. &nbsp; Previously delivered as B-05479 in | | B-05646 | Install | z/OS | Update install job UNVIN07 to allocate a JSC dataset and set the jsc_dataset option the UAGCFG00 configuration member during a [new install|UA63:zOS Installation - New Install, New CSI]. &nbsp; New with this release. | | B-05801 | Install | z/OS | Add a new install job, UNVIN10, to allocate the JSC dataset during an [upgrade|UA63:zOS Installation - SMPE Installation] from an earlier release. &nbsp; NOTE: Starting with this release, UAGSRV requires a JSC dataset even if executing outside of a [Sysplex|UA63:zOS Installation - Sysplex] environment. &nbsp; New with this release. | | D-05901 | Install | Windows | Fix rendering of [install dialogs|UA63:Installing Universal Agent via the Graphical Interface] when executed on a display running at a very high resolution. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-05876 in | | D-06113 | Install | Windows | Allow [Universal Agent for SOA|UA63:Universal Agent for SOA for Windows Installation] to recognize Universal Broker 3.2.0 and later installations in order to satisfy installation prerequisite. &nbsp; Previously delivered as D-06112 in |
Wiki Markup
Table of Contents


This page summarizes the changes introduced in each component maintenance release for Universal Agent 6.4.x.

For a list of all component changes included in the maintenance release for each platform, see:

Universal Agent for Command Line Interface

UA for CLI Release - MM DD, 2016
UA for CLI Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Agent for SOA

UA for SOA Release - MM DD, 2016
UA for SOA Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Automation Center Agent

UAG Release - MM DD, 2016
UAG Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Broker

UB Release - MM DD, 2016
UB Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Certificate

UCERT Release - MM DD, 2016
UCERT Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Command

UCMD Release - MM DD, 2016
UCMD Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Universal Connector

USAP Release - MM DD, 2016
USAP Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Control

UCTL Release - MM DD, 2016
UCTL Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Data Mover

UDM Release - MM DD, 2016
UDM Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Encrypt

UENCRYPT Release - MM DD, 2016
UENCRYPT Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Enterprise Controller

UEC Release - MM DD, 2016
UEC Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Event Monitor

UEM Release - MM DD, 2016
UEM Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Message Service (OMS)

OMS Release - MM DD, 2016
OMS Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID




Universal Query

UQUERY Release - MM DD, 2016
UQUERY Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID





Install Release - MM DD, 2016
Install Release - MM DD, 2016
Release - MM DD, 2016

Change ID


