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Wiki Markup

h1. Release Notes

Universal Controller release contains the following high-level features; for a complete list of all the included features and fixes, please refer to the [Universal Controller 6.7.x Maintenance list|Universal Controller 6.7.x Maintenance]. 

h2. Activity Enhancements

|| Backlog || Title || Description ||
| B-05326 | Activity - Ability to issue commands (that support multiple selection) from a list based on current filter. | The activity display supports a maximum of 50 results per display page. This has previously impeded the ability to issue concurrent commands to more than 50 active tasks at once. The Activity list now supports the ability to issue commands against all task instances in the current filtered activity list.
Once you have filtered the Activity list to contain the tasks that you want to issue a command against. Simply right click on the List Header and select the Run Command on Filtered option:
!B-05326 - 1.png!
You will be presented with a list of available commands to execute against all tasks in the filtered list:
!B-05326 - 2.png|border=1!
Once you select a command you will see a confirmation dialog box where you can confirm or cancel this action:
!B-05326 - 3.png|border=1!
| B-10601 | Task Lists - Ability to issue commands (that support multiple selection) from a list based on current filter. | Similar to B-05326 the various Task lists now supports the "Run Command On Filtered" option to issue commands against all task instances in the current filtered task list. |

h2. Agent Cluster Broadcast Enhancements

|| Backlog || Title || Description ||
| B-04367 | Add Cluster Broadcast for UDM File Transfer Tasks Utility Agent | File Transfer Tasks using the UDM Transfer Protocol now support the Agent Cluster Broadcast functionality for the Tasks Utility Agent.
For Example a Linux/Unix Agent Cluster contains the following 3 Agents:
!B-04367 - 1.png|border=1!
In order to configure a UDM file Transfer Task to transfer files from agent UCDDKR001 - UCDDKR001 to each of the agents in this Agent Cluster, you would configure the UDM file Transfer Task as follows:
!B-04367 - 2.png|border=1!
<li> Utility Cluster Broadcast<br>
This will Launch an Instance of the UDM File Transfer Task on each of the 3 Agents in the Agent Cluster Definition.
<li>Source UDM Agent<br>
This specifies the single Agent where the file is being transferred from.
<li>Source File Name<br>
This specifies the file to be transferred to each of the 3 Agents in the Agent Cluster Definition.
<li>Destination UDM Agent Option = UDM Agent Variable<br>
This allows the specification of a variable in place of a hard coded destination agent name.
<li>Destination UDM Agent<br>
The built in variable ${ops_agent_name} will resolve to the agent assigned to each task spawned by the Cluster Broadcast function, one task for each of  the 3 Agents in the Agent Cluster Definition.
<li>Destination File Name<br>
Specifies the location to transfer the file(s) to on each of the destination agents.
When you Launch the UDM File Transfer Task, the Controller will create a unique instance of the Task for each of  the 3 Agents in the Agent Cluster Definition. And consequently the /tmp/ops_user.xml file on UCD-DKR001 will be transferred to /tmp/ops_user.xml on each of  the 3 Agents in the Agent Cluster Definition.
If you also include the $\{ops_agent_name} variable in the UDM File Transfer Task Name, each of the spawned task instances will contain the name of the agent that it is associated with.
For Example:
!B-04367 - 3.png|border=1!
{tip} |
| B-10316 | Ignore Inactive or Suspended Agents for Cluster Broadcast | When you create or update an Agent Cluster definition you now have the option to prevent agents from being used by the Cluster Broadcast function if an agent, or its membership in the Cluster, is either Suspended or Inactive. Two new check-boxes on the Agent Cluster Definition form have been provided to facilitate this new functionality. By default these options are unchecked, to use the new functionality you must check the required option(s).
| B-05576 | Add capability for Cluster Broadcast Variable in tasks where Cluster Broadcast is used. | All tasks that can use the Cluster Broadcast functionality now support selection of the Agent Cluster for Cluster Broadcast via a variable. |

h2. File Transfer Task / FTP File Monitor Enhancements

|| Backlog || Title || Description ||
| B-10763 | System configuration of allowable protocols for File Transfer and FTP File Monitor Tasks | System administrators can now optionally restrict which protocols are available for File Transfer and FTP File Monitor tasks. Two new system properties "File Transfer Task Exclude Protocols" and "FTP File Monitor Task Exclude Protocols" allow the administrator to select which file transfer protocol(s) (FTP, SFTP, FTPS) should be unavailable for selection within the corresponding task type. |

h2. Platform Support Updates

|| Backlog || Title || Description ||
| B-10223 | Upgrade packaged Oracle JDBC Driver to ojdbc8 | Universal Controller is now shipped with the Oracle JDBC Driver ojdbc8 version 18.3. |
| B-10314 | Validated Support for Open JRE 8 | Universal Controller version and higher are validated to support Open JRE 8. |
| B-10318 | Validated Support for MySQL 8.0 | Universal Controller version and higher are validated to support MySQL 8.0. |
| B-10320 | Validated Support for Oracle 18c | Universal Controller version and higher are validated to support Oracle 18c. |
| B-10321 | Validated Support for SQL Server 2017 | Universal Controller version and higher are validated to support SQL Server 2017. |

h2. Reporting Enhancements

|| Backlog || Title || Description ||
| B-10376 | Report Chart Group by for Date/Time fields to specify Range of Grouping | Previously report charts that grouped data by any of the available date/time fields based the grouping on the way the date/time field is stored in the database (typically at the millisecond level). 
This enhancement allows for the creation of more meaningful reports that can group chart data with the following levels of granularity:
<li> Group by Year  : yyyy ? YYYY
<li> Group by Month : yyyy-mm ? YYYY-MM
<li> Group by Day : yyyy-mm-dd ? YYYY-MM-DD
<li> Group by Hour : yyyy-mm-dd hh ? YYYY-MM-DD HH24
<li> Group by Minute : yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm ? YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI
For Example, the following report shows the number of Task Definitions updated each day stacked by the Task Type: