Versions Compared


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Step 1

Download the desired Universal Agent for Windows product distribution file to your work station:

  • sb-7.12.0.<level>-windows-x64.exe, the 64-bit Universal Agent for Windows distribution file (for supported 64-bit versions of Windows only).

Step 2

Execute the distribution file from the command line, and include all appropriate command line switches and parameters.
The installation process determines whether a Windows Installer update is needed. The process then extracts and saves a Windows installer package file (.msi) to one of these locations.
After all files (including the .msi) are extracted from the distribution file, the installation process verifies that your machine meets the minimum installation requirements. If the requirements are met, the installation begins.



Repairs a Universal Agent for Windows installation.
om (after the /f) are options used by the repair. There are other options available, but for behavior that matches the repair done from the graphical install, the om options must be used.
/fom cannot be used with the /x (uninstall) command line switch.


Suppresses the initialization and extraction dialogs displayed before the product install Welcome dialog."
If you are using the #/q command line parameter, use this switch additionally for a completely silent install.


Passes parameters to the Windows Installer (msiexec).
The list of parameters must be enclosed in double (") quotation marks. See Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface#Command Line Parameters for available parameters.


Instructs the Windows Setup application to wait until the installation completes.
Use this switch when launching the installation from a script file. Without it, the Setup application may return immediately after launching Windows Installer.


Uninstalls Universal Agent for Windows.
/x cannot be used with the /fom (repair) command line switch.






Sets the AGENT_CLUSTERS UAG configuration option to specify the Universal Controller-defined agent clusters to which this agent will belong.


AC_AGENT_IP=IP address

Sets the AGENT_IP UAG configuration option to have UAG Server register with Universal Controller using a specific IP address.



This option is deprecated starting with Universal Agent UAG Server will always attempt to use SSL/TLS for OMS connections.


AC_EXTENSION_ACCEPT_LISTSets the EXTENSION_ACCEPT_LIST UAG configuration option, which is a comma-separated list of Universal Extensions the Agent will accept. The default value for this option is "*", which will cause the Agent to accept all extensions. Specify a value of "none" to cause the Agent to disallow execution of all Extensions.*

Sets the EXTENSION_CANCEL_TIMEOUT UAG configuration option, which specifies the length of time that a Universal Extension task is given to complete its response to a CANCEL request.

If the task fails to finish its own termination processing within the specified timeout period, UAG Server will forcefully terminate the task.

The specified timeout must be numeric, but a one-letter suffix is accepted to specify (s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours, or (d)ays. If no time unit is specified, the default is seconds.

The following maximums are enforced:

  • 2147483647 or 2147483647s

  • 35791394m

  • 596523h

  • 24855d

Minute, hour, and day maximums are set to ensure that their value represented as a number of seconds does not exceed 2147483647.

AC_EXTENSION_DEPLOY_ON_REGISTRATIONSets the EXTENSION_DEPLOY_ON_REGISTRATION UAG configuration option that controls whether UAG Server will automatically receive Universal Extensions from Universal Controller at Agent startup.NO
AC_EXTENSION_PYTHON_LISTSets the EXTENSION_PYTHON_LIST UAG configuration option, which is a comma-separated list of all Python interpreters that should be considered for Universal Extension execution. There are some default locations the Agent will check even if this option is not specified. See the EXTENSION_PYTHON_LIST option's description for more information.(none)


Specifies a value for a network ID that uniquely identifies the Agent on this system to the Universal Controller. The install uses this value to set the UAG NETNAME configuration option. The value specified in AC_NETNAME will override any currently configured options, including those imported from agent.props, if Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface#CONVERT CONVERT_OPSAGENT is set to yes.
If AC_NETNAME is omitted from the command line, and no other value specifies the Agent's network ID, the default is used.



Used by the install when Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface#RUNBROKERASUSER RUNBROKERASUSER=1 to specify the password for the account used to execute the Universal Broker service. The install also uses BROKERPWD to initialize the Password shown in the Universal Broker Service Account dialog.
Valid values are any 256 characters or less.
BROKERPWD is ignored if Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface#RUNBROKERASUSER RUNBROKERASUSER=0.


If the BROKERPWD option is set from the command line, and an installation log is generated (using the /l option to msiexec), the password value may be displayed in the log file, depending on the logging options used. Specifically, the c, p, and v flags will show the value of the BROKERPWD command line option. We recommend using /liarewum to set installation log file options to collect as much information as possible without exposing any sensitive information.
If the BROKERPWD option is not used from the command line, all logging options may be turned on (using /l*v) without exposing any sensitive information.



Used by the install when Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface#RUNBROKERASUSER RUNBROKERASUSER=1 to override the default or currently configured user ID associated with the account used to execute the Universal Broker service. The install also uses BROKERUID to initialize the User ID shown in the Universal Broker Service Account dialog.
Valid values are any 20 characters or less. For domain accounts, a domain name of up to 256 characters is accepted, but the user ID is still limited to 20 characters.



Specification for whether or not to convert an existing Opswise Automation Center Agent (1.5, 1.6, or 1.7) to Agent 7.1.x.
The installation process will invoke a script, opsmerge.vbs, which stops the Agent and converts the configuration options stored in its agent.props file to corresponding configuration options in the Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) uags.conf file. The script also performs several other tasks needed for the conversion.


You must include this parameter when upgrading an Opswise Automation Center Agent (1.5, 1.6, or 1.7) to Agent 7.1.x.



Sets the root installation directory to installdir. Each component will be installed under this directory.
INSTALLDIR is required only if you want to install Universal Agent for Windows under a directory different from the one specified by the PROGRAMFILES environment variable (typically C:\Program Files\Universal). If the directory contains spaces, you must use double ( " ) quotation marks around the path name.



Specification for whether or not to create encryption keys during installation and set up the local Universal Broker as a keystore owner.


Specification for whether or not to install the Universal Message Service (OMS) during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, OMS is not required unless you want to change the current install state. OMS is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Message Service on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification for setting the start-up behavior of the Universal Message Service (OMS) Server component.




This OMS_AUTOSTART value is used to initialize the state of a check box on the OMS Server Start-up Option dialog, which displays for new installs and upgrades from Universal Agent releases earlier than 5.2.0. Changing the state of this check box will override the value specified from the command line.





A list of one or more locations where an OMS Server resides.



Specification (yes or no) for whether or not to install the Universal Controller Command Line Interface (CLI) during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, OPSCLI is not required unless you want to change the current install state. OPSCLI is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Controller Command Line Interface on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification for whether or not the Python 3.7 Distribution for Universal Agent is installed.



Controls whether the Universal Broker service executes as an Administrative user account or as Local System.

  • If RUNBROKERASUSER=1, the install will perform the following steps:
    1. If the Universal Broker service is not installed or currently is configured to run as Local System, the install will set the service's start-up account to UBrokerService or the user ID specified by the BROKERUID command line option.
    2. If the Universal Broker service is installed and already is configured to run as a user account, the Broker's start-up account will not be changed (allows customized user accounts to be preserved during upgrades).
  • If RUNBROKERASUSER=0, the install will perform the following steps:
    1. If the Universal Broker service is not installed or is currently configured to run as an account other than Local System, the install will set the service's start-up account to Local System.


      The Universal Broker service's properties will be set to allow Universal Broker to interact with the desktop. This is supported only when Universal Broker runs as Local System.

    2. If the Universal Broker service is installed and is currently configured to run as Local System, the Universal Broker service's properties will not be changed.

1: new installs
0: upgrades earlier than 4.3.0


Sets the AUTOMATICALLY_START UAG server component definition option to control whether Universal Broker automatically starts the UAG Server.



Specification for whether or not to install Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UAGSRV is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UAGSRV is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Automation Center Agent on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification for whether or not to install the Universal Command (UCMD) Manager during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UCMDMGR is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UCMDMGR is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Command Manager on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification for whether or not to install the Universal Command (UCMD) Server during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UCMDRSV is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UCMDSRV is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Command Server on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Sets the Universal Command Server working folder. This value is used only if the Universal Command Server is being installed.
If the folder contains spaces, you must use double ( " ) quotation marks around the path name.



Specification (yes or no) for whether or not to install the Universal Control (UCTL) Manager during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UCTLMGR is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UCTLMGR is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Control Manager on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification for whether or not to install the Universal Control (UCTL) Server during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UCTLRSV is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UCTLSRV is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Control Server on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Sets the Universal Control Server working folder. This value is used only if the Universal Control Server is being installed.
If the folder contains spaces, you must use double ( " ) quotation marks around the path name.



Specification for whether or not to install the Universal Data Mover (UDM) Manager during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UDMMGR is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UDMMGR is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Data Mover Manager on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification (yes or no) for whether or not to install the Universal Data Mover (UDM) Server during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UDMRSV is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UDMSRV is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Data Mover Server on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Sets the Universal Data Mover Server working folder. This value is used only if the Universal Data Mover Server is being installed.
If the folder contains spaces, you must use double ( " ) quotation marks around the path name.



Specification for whether or not to install Universal Event Log Dump (UELD) during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UELD is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UELD is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Event Log Dump on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification for whether or not to install the Universal Event Monitor (UEM) Manager during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UEMMGR is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UEMMGR is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Event Monitor Manager on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification for whether or not to install the Universal Event Monitor (UEM) Server during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UEMRSV is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UEMSRV is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Event Monitor Server on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Sets the Universal Event Monitor Server working folder. This value is used only if the Universal Event Monitor Server is being installed.
If the folder contains spaces, you must use double ( " ) quotation marks around the path name.



Specification for whether or not to install the Universal Connector for PeopleSoft (UPPS) during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UPPS is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UPPS is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Connector for PeopleSoft on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification for whether or not to install the Universal Query (UQUERY) during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, UQUERY is not required unless you want to change the current install state. UQUERY is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Query on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification for whether or not to install the Universal Connector (USAP) during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, USAP is not required unless you want to change the current install state. USAP is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Connector on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Specification (yes or no) for whether or not to install the Universal Spool Utilities, Universal Spool List (USLIST) and Universal Spool Remove (USLRM), during new installs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Since, by default, each component's install state is preserved during an upgrade or maintenance, USPOOL is not required unless you want to change the current install state. USPOOL is ignored during an uninstall.
Setting this parameter has the same effect as selecting whether or not to install Universal Spool Utilities on the Custom Setup dialog when installing Universal Agent via the graphical interface.



Suppresses the product installation dialogs.
Use this parameter in addition to the #/s command line switch for a completely silent install.
The following flags are available for /q:

See Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface#Command Line Switches, Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface#Command Line Installation Examples, and Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface#Detecting Detecting the Completion of a Silent Install for additional information regarding silent installs.



Instructs the installation process to create an installation log file named <logfilepath> (full path name). If <logfilepath> contains spaces, you must enclose it with double ( " ) quotation marks.
*v are flags used to specify the level of detail (verbose) contained in the log file. To reduce the amount of output generated, *v can be omitted. However, using these options is good practice; they can assist Stonebranch Customer Support with problem determination should any errors occur during installation.




If the option to generate an installation log file is used alongside the Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface#BROKERPWD BROKERPWD option, the password value may be displayed in the log file, depending on the logging options used. Specifically, the c, p, and v flags will cause the value of the BROKERPWD option to appear in the log file.

To generate a log file when specifying the BROKERPWD option, we recommend using /liarewum to set to collect as much information as possible without exposing any sensitive information.

For example:

sb- /v"/liarewum setup.log RUNBROKERASUSER=1 BROKERUID=ubradmin BROKERPWD=guessme"

If the BROKERPWD option is not used from the command line, all logging options may be turned on (using /l*v) without exposing any sensitive information.

Detecting the Completion of a Silent Install
Detecting the Completion of a Silent Install
Detecting the Completion of a Silent Install

If Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface# /s and Installing a Universal Agent System Install via the Command Line Interface# /q are used to perform a silent install, no graphical interface or user interaction is required. One drawback to this is that no feedback is provided that indicates when the Windows Installer process (install, uninstall, or repair) finishes.
