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Comment: typos


or with the browser: 

UDMG Server

  • Create a directory C:\MFT\MFT Gateway

  • Install the binaries as waarp-gatewayd.exe and waarp-gateway.exe

  • Create the configuration file C:\MFT\MFT Gateway\server.ini ini with the following parameters:

; The name given to identify this gateway instance. If the the database is shared between multiple gateways, this name MUST be unique across these gateways.
GatewayName = mft_waarp_gateway

; The root directory of the gateway. By default, it is the working directory of the process.
; GatewayHome = /home/mft

; The directory for all incoming files.
; DefaultInDir = in

; The directory for all outgoing files.
; DefaultOutDir = out

; The directory for all running transfer files.
; DefaultTmpDir = tmp

; All messages with a severity above this level will be logged. Possible values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL.
Level = DEBUG

; The path to the file where the logs must be written. Special values 'stdout' and 'syslog' log respectively to the standard output and to the syslog daemon
; LogTo = stdout

; If LogTo is set on 'syslog', the logs will be written to this facility.
; SyslogFacility = local0

; The address used by the admin interface.
Host =

; The port used by the admin interface. If the port is 0, a free port will automatically be chosen.
Port = 18080

; Path of the TLS certificate for the admin interface.
; TLSCert =

; Path of the key of the TLS certificate.
; TLSKey =

; Name of the RDBMS used for the gateway database. Possible values: sqlite, mysql, postgresql
Type = postgresql

; Address of the database
Address = localhost

; The name of the database
Name = mft_waarp_gateway

; The name of the gateway database user
User = mft_waarp_gateway_user

; The password of the gateway database user
Password = mft_waarp_gateway_password

; Path of the database TLS certificate file.
; TLSCert =

; Path of the key of the TLS certificate file.
; TLSKey =

; The path to the file containing the passphrase used to encrypt account passwords using AES
; AESPassphrase = passphrase.aes

; The frequency at which the database will be probed for new transfers
Delay = 5s

; The maximum number of concurrent incoming transfers allowed on the gateway (0 = unlimited).
; MaxTransferIn = 0

; The maximum number of concurrent outgoing transfers allowed on the gateway (0 = unlimited).
; MaxTransferOut = 0

  • Install the binaries under C:\MFT\MFT Gateway as waarp-gatewayd and waarp-gateway

UDMG Authentication Proxy

  • Create the configuration filea directory C:\MFT\MFT Auth Proxy\config.toml with

  • Install the binaries as mft_auth_proxy_server.exe

  • Create the configuration file C:\MFT\MFT Auth Proxy\config.toml with the following parameters:


# Proxy Configuration
# Enable Auto Recover
recover = true
# Enable Cors
cors = true
# Enable  Request Track ID
tracker = false
# Enable Logguer
logger = true
# Listen Port
port = "5000"
# Listen IP 
inet = ""

# Local
# MFT Waarp Gateway Listen Protocol
protocol = "http"
# MFT Waarp Gateway Hostname or IP
hostname = "localhost"
# MFT Waarp Gateway Port
port = "18080""

  • Install the binary under C:\MFT\MFT Auth Proxy called mft_auth_proxy_server.exe

Configuration for LDAP Authentication


  • Create a directory C:\MFT\MFT Agent

  • Install the binaries as mft_agent_proxy_client.exe and mft_agent_proxy_server.exe

Agent Configuration


# ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -N "" -f /etc/mft/agent_proxy/C:\MFT\MFT Agent\agent
# ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -N "" -f /etc/mft/agent_proxy/C:\MFT\MFT Agent\client

If OpenSSH is not installed or not available, the PuTTY tool can be used instead.


  • Create a configuration file as C:\MFT\MFT Agent\agent\agent.toml


# Listen IP Address
hostname = ""
# Listen Port
port = "2222"
# SSH Priv Key
ssh_key = "C:\MFT\MFT Agent\agent"
# SSH Public Key
ssh_key_pub = "C:\MFT\MFT Agent\"

# Service User
username = "mft"
# Service Password
password = "61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089"


  • Create a configuration file as C C:\MFT\MFT Agent\client\client.toml


# MFT Agent Proxy Hostname or IP
hostname = "localhost"
# MFT Agent Proxy Listen Port
port = "2222"

# SSH Priv Key
ssh_key = "/etc/mft/agent_proxy/C:\MFT\MFT Agent\client"
# SSH Public Key
ssh_key_pub = "/etc/mft/agent_proxy/C:\MFT\MFT Agent\"

# Service User
username = "mft"
# Service Password
password = "61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089"

# Default TTL to Connection Retry

# MFT Agent Client Admin API
# Listen Port

# MFT Waarp Gateway
# MFT Waarp Gateway Hostname or IP
hostname = "localhost"
# MFT Waarp Gateway Port
port = "18080"
# MFT Waarp Gateway Username/Password
username = "admin"
password = "admin_password"


Open a PowerShell console and create a new service definition:


$params = @{
  Name = "MFT Waarp Gateway Server"
  BinaryPathName = '"C:\MFT\MFT Gateway\waarp-gatewayd.exe" server -c "C:\MFT\MFT Gateway\server.ini"'
  DisplayName = "MFT Waarp Gateway Server"
  StartupType = "Automatic"
  Description = "MFT Waarp Gateway Server."
New-Service @params


  • Create a new service definition:


$params = @{
  Name = "MFT Auth Proxy"
  BinaryPathName = 'MFT_AUTH_PROXY_CONFIG=config.toml "C:\MFT\MFT Auth Proxy\mft_auth_proxy_server.exe"'
  DisplayName = "MFT Auth Proxy server"
  StartupType = "Automatic"
  Description = "MFT Auth Proxy server."
New-Service @params



Start-Service "MFT Auth Proxy server"

Be sure that the listen port and network interface is reachable by NGINX Server.

UDMG Agent Proxy

Agent Proxy Server Service

  • Create a new service definition:


$params = @{
  Name = "MFT Agent Server"
  BinaryPathName = 'MFT_AUTH_PROXY_CONFIG=config.toml "C:\MFT\MFT Agent\server\agent\mft_agent_proxy_server.exe"'
  DisplayName = "MFT Agent Server"
  StartupType = "Automatic"
  Description = "MFT Agent server."
New-Service @params



Start-Service "MFT Agent Server"

Be sure that the listen port and network interface is reachable by UDMG Agent Client .

Agent Proxy Client Service



$params = @{
Name = "MFT Agent Client"
  BinaryPathName = 'MFT_AUTH_PROXY_CONFIG=config.toml "C:\MFT\MFT Agent\client\mft_agent_proxy_server.exe"'
  DisplayName = "MFT Agent Client"
  StartupType = "Automatic"
  Description = "MFT Agent Client."
New-Service @params



Start-Service "MFT Agent Client"

Component Ports

Make sure that all the ports needed are open under your firewall configuration.


This document references the following documents.



PostgreSQL Client Authentication

PostgreSQL Password Authentication