Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


System Requirements

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (or Windows 8.1) and later

  • NGINX web server (1.20 and later)

  • PostgreSQL database (11 and later)

  • UDMG distribution files for the different modules:

    • UDMG Admin UI

    • UDMG Authentication Proxy

    • UDMG Server (Waarp Gateway)

    • UDMG Agent Proxy, this module is optional 

  • An account with administrative privileges for the installation.
  • Network connectivity via TCP/IP.
  • Approximately 100 megabytes of disk space for the installation. More disk space is required for log files.
  • A dedicated account for the execution of the UDMG components, with write access to the storage location for the files that will be managed by UDMG.
  • WinSX ( for service management, optional.

Database Space Requirements

Following the initialization of the Universal Data Mover Gateway database, the initial table space size will be approximately 10MB.

Based on calculations using data from all transfer types, each file transfer consumes approximately 2KB of database space. You should estimate space requirements for your data based on your expected number of file transfers per day and the duration for retaining history and activity data before purging.

Installing and Configuring the Components


  • Install NGINX (see nginx for Windows), for example under C:\MFTUDMG\nginx.

  • Run the following command to check the main NGINX configuration file:


C:\MFTUDMG\nginx> nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file C:\MFTUDMG\nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file C:\MFTUDMG\nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successfully


  • Create a configuration file mft.conf under this directory (normally C:\MFTUDMG\nginx\conf\enabled):

upstream mft_auth_proxy {
 # MFT Auth Proxy Configuration
    server        localhost:5000;

server {
    listen        8080;
    server_name   localhost;

    access_log    logs//mft.access.log;

    location /service/ {
      proxy_pass  http://mft_auth_proxy/;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
        root      mft;

  • Validate that the configuration is correct with the following command:

C:\MFTUDMG\nginx> nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file C:\MFTUDMG\nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file C:\MFTUDMG\nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successfully

  • Create the Root directory under the NGINX main directory called mft:

C:\MFTUDMG\nginx> mkdir mft

  • Start NGINX


  • Uncompress the tar file for MFT Admin UI, under the directory that we created during the configuration.


C:\MFTUDMG\nginx\mft> tar -x -f mft_admin_ui-<version>.tar

  • Validate that the service is working properly with curl

C:\>curl.exe http://localhost:8080 -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.23.0
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2022 17:53:09 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 7788
Last-Modified: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 13:58:15 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "62befd77-1e6c"
Accept-Ranges: bytes


UDMG Server

  • Create a directory C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Gateway

  • Install the binaries as waarp-gatewayd.exe and waarp-gateway.exe

  • Create the configuration file C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Gateway\server.ini with the following parameters:


UDMG Authentication Proxy

  • Create a directory C:\MFTUDMG\MFT Auth Proxy

  • Install the binaries as mft_auth_proxy_server.exe

  • Create the configuration file C:\MFTUDMG\MFT Auth Proxy\config.toml with the following parameters:


UDMG Agent Proxy

  • Create a directory C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Agent

  • Install the binaries as mft_agent_proxy_client.exe and mft_agent_proxy_server.exe



# ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -N "" -f "C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Agent\agent_key"
# ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -N "" -f "C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Agent\client_key"

If OpenSSH is not installed or not available, the PuTTY tool can be used instead.


  • Create a configuration file as C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Agent\agent\agent.toml


# Listen IP Address
hostname = ""
# Listen Port
port = "2222"
# SSH Priv Key
ssh_key = "C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Agent\agent_key"
# SSH Public Key
ssh_key_pub = "C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Agent\"

# Service User
username = "mft"
# Service Password
password = "61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089"


  • Create a configuration file as C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Agent\client\client.toml


# MFT UDMG Agent Proxy Hostname or IP
hostname = "localhost"
# MFT UDMG Agent Proxy Listen Port
port = "2222"

# SSH Priv Key
ssh_key = "C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Agent\client_key"
# SSH Public Key
ssh_key_pub = "C:\MFTUDMG\MFT UDMG Agent\"

# Service User
username = "mft"
# Service Password
password = "61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089"

# Default TTL to Connection Retry

# MFT UDMG Agent Client Admin API
# Listen Port

# MFT Waarp Gateway
# MFT Waarp Gateway Hostname or IP
hostname = "localhost"
# MFT Waarp Gateway Port
port = "18080"
# MFT Waarp Gateway Username/Password
username = "admin"
password = "admin_password"


Setup the Windows Services



Open a PowerShell console and create components can be installed as Windows service with the WinSX tool.

NGINX Server

  • Download WinSX and copy winsw.exe under C:\UDMG\nginx with the following name: nginx-service.exe
  • Create a new service definition file: nginx-service.yml

$params = @{
  Name = "MFT Waarp Gateway Server"
  BinaryPathName = '"C:\MFT\MFT Gateway\waarp-gatewayd.exe" server -c "C:\MFT\MFT Gateway\server.ini"'
  DisplayName = "MFT Waarp Gateway Server"
  StartupType = "Automatic"
  Description = "MFT Waarp Gateway Server."
New-Service @params

  • Start the service and check the status:

Start-Service "MFT Waarp Gateway Server"

Be sure that the listen port and network interface is reachable by UDMG Authentication Proxy and UDMG Agent Client.

UDMG Authentication Proxy

  • Create a new service definition:


$params = @{
  Name = "MFT Auth Proxy"
  BinaryPathName = 'MFT_AUTH_PROXY_CONFIG=config.toml "C:\MFT\MFT Auth Proxy\mft_auth_proxy_server.exe"'
  DisplayName = "MFT Auth Proxy server"
  StartupType = "Automatic"
  Description = "MFT Auth Proxy server."
New-Service @params

  • Start the service and check the status:

Start-Service "MFT Auth Proxy server"

Be sure that the listen port and network interface is reachable by NGINX Server.

UDMG Agent Proxy

Agent Proxy Server Service

  • Create a new service definition:


$params = @{
  Name = "MFT Agent Server"
  BinaryPathName = 'MFT_AUTH_PROXY_CONFIG=config.toml "C:\MFT\MFT Agent\agent\mft_agent_proxy_server.exe"'
  DisplayName = "MFT Agent Server"
  StartupType = "Automatic"
  Description = "MFT Agent server."
New-Service @params

  • Start the service and check the status:

Start-Service "MFT Agent Server"

Be sure that the listen port and network interface is reachable by UDMG Agent Client .

Agent Proxy Client Service

  • Create a new service definition:


$params = @{
Name = "MFT Agent Client"
  BinaryPathName = 'MFT_AUTH_PROXY_CONFIG=config.toml "C:\MFT\MFT Agent\client\mft_agent_proxy_server.exe"'
  DisplayName = "MFT Agent Client"
  StartupType = "Automatic"
  Description = "MFT Agent Client."
New-Service @params

  • Start the service and check the status:

Start-Service "MFT Agent Client"id: NGINX
name: NGINX Service
description: Runs the nginx.exe as a service
executable: C:\UDMG\nginx\nginx.exe
stopexecutable: C:\UDMG\nginx\nginx-stop.cmd
logpath: C:\UDMG\nginx\logs
logmode: roll

  • Create a stop script: nginx-stop.cmd

@echo off

cd /D %~dp0

if not exist logs\ GOTO skip
nginx.exe -s quit
del logs\


taskkill /f /IM nginx.exe

  • Start the service and check the status:

C:\UDMG\nginx>nginx-service.exe install
2022-10-07 10:20:20,724 INFO - Installing service 'NGINX Service (NGINX)'...
2022-10-07 10:20:20,777 INFO - Service 'NGINX Service (NGINX)' was installed successfully.

C:\UDMG\nginx>nginx-service.exe status

C:\UDMG\nginx>nginx-service.exe start
2022-10-07 10:20:40,213 INFO - Starting service 'NGINX Service (NGINX)'...
2022-10-07 10:20:41,327 INFO - Service 'NGINX Service (NGINX)' started successfully.

C:\UDMG\nginx>nginx-service.exe status

UDMG Server

  • Download WinSX and copy winsw.exe under C:\UDMG\UDMG Gateway with the following name: waarp-gatewayd-service.exe
  • Create a new service definition file: waarp-gatewayd-service.yml

id: UDMG Server
name: UDMG Waarp Gateway Server
description: UDMG Waarp Gateway Server
executable: C:\UDMG\UDMG Gateway\waarp-gatewayd.exe
startArguments: server -c "C:\UDMG\UDMG Gateway\server.ini"
workingdirectory: C:\UDMG\UDMG Gateway
priority: Normal

  • Start the service and check the status:

C:\UDMG\UDMG Gateway>waarp-gatewayd-service.exe install
2022-10-07 10:07:48,385 INFO  - Installing service 'UDMG Waarp Gateway Server (UDMG Server)'...
2022-10-07 10:07:48,449 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Waarp Gateway Server (UDMG Server)' was installed successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Gateway>waarp-gatewayd-service.exe status

C:\UDMG\UDMG Gateway>waarp-gatewayd-service.exe start
2022-10-07 10:08:19,297 INFO  - Starting service 'UDMG Waarp Gateway Server (UDMG Server)'...
2022-10-07 10:08:20,418 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Waarp Gateway Server (UDMG Server)' started successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Gateway>waarp-gatewayd-service.exe status

Be sure that the listen port and network interface is reachable by UDMG Authentication Proxy and UDMG Agent Client.

UDMG Authentication Proxy

  • Copy winsw.exe under C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy with the following name: mft_auth_proxy_server-service.exe
  • Create a new service definition file: mft_auth_proxy_server-service.yml

id: UDMG Auth Proxy
name: UDMG Auth Proxy
description: UDMG Auth Proxy
executable: C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\mft_auth_proxy_server.exe
priority: Normal
workingdirectory: C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy
    value: 'C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy\config.toml'

  • Start the service and check the status:

C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy>mft_auth_proxy_server-service.exe install
2022-10-07 10:09:45,618 INFO  - Installing service 'UDMG Auth Proxy (UDMG Auth Proxy)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:45,683 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Auth Proxy (UDMG Auth Proxy)' was installed successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy>mft_auth_proxy_server-service.exe start
2022-10-07 10:09:52,852 INFO  - Starting service 'UDMG Auth Proxy (UDMG Auth Proxy)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:54,053 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Auth Proxy (UDMG Auth Proxy)' started successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Auth Proxy>mft_auth_proxy_server-service.exe status

Be sure that the listen port and network interface is reachable by NGINX Server.

UDMG Agent Proxy

Agent Proxy Server Service

  • Copy winsw.exe under C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent with the following name: mft_agent_proxy_server-service.exe
  • Create a new service definition file: mft_agent_proxy_server-service.yml

id: UDMG Agent Server
name: UDMG Agent Server
description: UDMG Agent Server
executable: C:\MFT\UDMG Agent\agent\mft_agent_proxy_server.exe
priority: Normal
workingdirectory: C:\MFT\UDMG Agent\agent
value: 'C:\MFT\UDMG Agent\agent\agent.toml'

  • Start the service and check the status:

C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent>mft_agent_proxy_server-service.exe install
2022-10-07 10:09:45,618 INFO  - Installing service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:45,683 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)' was installed successfully.
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent>mft_agent_proxy_server-service.exe start
2022-10-07 10:09:52,852 INFO  - Starting service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:54,053 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)' started successfully.
C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\agent>mft_agent_proxy_server-service.exe status

Be sure that the listen port and network interface is reachable by UDMG Agent Client .

Agent Proxy Client Service

  • Copy winsw.exe under C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client with the following name: mft_agent_proxy_client-service.exe
  • Create a new service definition file: mft_agent_proxy_client-service.yml

id: UDMG Agent Client
name: UDMG Agent Client
description: UDMG Agent Client
executable: C:\MFT\UDMG Agent\client\mft_agent_proxy_client.exe
priority: Normal
workingdirectory: C:\MFT\UDMG Agent\client
value: 'C:\MFT\UDMG Agent\client\agent.toml'

  • Start the service and check the status:

C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client>mft_agent_proxy_server-service.exe install
2022-10-07 10:09:45,618 INFO  - Installing service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:45,683 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)' was installed successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client>mft_agent_proxy_server-service.exe start
2022-10-07 10:09:52,852 INFO  - Starting service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)'...
2022-10-07 10:09:54,053 INFO  - Service 'UDMG Agent Server (UDMG Agent Server)' started successfully.

C:\UDMG\UDMG Agent\client>mft_agent_proxy_server-service.exe status

Component Ports

Make sure that all the ports needed are open under your firewall configuration.




PostgreSQL Client Authentication

PostgreSQL Password Authentication

Guide on setting up Nginx as a service on Windows