Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The placeholder "<SERVERNAME>" must be the server name of the configuration. Since we are going to install this under 2 machines, replace with mft_1 or mft_2 or localhost.

  • The placeholder "<SERVERPORT>" is the port of the UDMG server, 18080 with the default installation guideline.

  • HAProxy Status API is configured on port 8081

  • Two ranges of ports are forwarded for the FTP (3000-3010) and SFTP (4000-4010) inbound connections to the backend UDMG servers. This can be tuned according to the desired MFT configuration.



# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Global
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  log local0 info

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Defaults Timeouts
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  retries 3
  option redispatch
  timeout client 30s
  timeout connect 4s
  timeout server 30s

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Stats
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
listen stats
bind  bind *:8081
mode  mode http
log  log global
maxconn  maxconn 10
stats  stats enable
stats  stats hide-version
stats  stats refresh 30s
stats  stats show-node
stats  stats auth admin:password
stats  stats uri /status

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# FTP - mft Servers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
frontend ftp_service_front
bind  bind vip:4000-4010 transparent
mode  mode tcp
use use_backend ftp_service_backend

backend ftp_service_backend
mode  mode tcp
stick stick-table type ip size 10k expire 300s
stick  stick on src
server  server gw0 <SERVERNAME> check port <SERVERPORT>

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# SFTP - mft Servers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
frontend sftp_service_front
bind  bind vip:3000-3010 transparent
mode  mode tcp
use use_backend sftp_service_backend

backend sftp_service_backend
mode  mode tcp
stick stick-table type ip size 10k expire 300s
stick  stick on src
server  server gw0 <SERVERNAME> check port <SERVERPORT>

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# UDMG Server
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
frontend gw_service_front
bind  bind vip:8080 transparent
mode  mode http
default default_backend gw_service_backend

backend gw_service_backend
mode  mode http
balance  balance roundrobin
cookie  cookie SRVNAME insert
server  server gw0 <SERVERNAME> check port <SERVERPORT> cookie S01 check

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Nginx
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
frontend nx_service_front
bind  bind vip:80 transparent
mode  mode http
default default_backend nx_service_backend

backend nx_service_backend
mode  mode http
balance  balance roundrobin
cookie  cookie SRVNAME insert
server  server gw0 <SERVERNAME> check port 80 cookie S01 check

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
