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Universal Event Publishing
Universal Event Publishing
Publish Universal Event 


When publishing Universal Events through the Web Service API, take into consideration both Universal Controller server and Database server sizings.

The Universal Event Publishing web service is allowed only for users with the ops_admin role.

DescriptionPublsh a global Universal Event.

HTTP Method


Example URI

AuthenticationHTTP Basic
Consumes Content-Typeapplication/xml, application/json
Produces Content-Typen/a
Example Responses
  • Status 200

    • Universal Event "{eventname}" published.

  • Status 400

    • Invalid Time To Live. Value must be non-negative or empty.

    • Universal Event attributes unknown for Universal Event Template "{eventname}".

    • Universal Event attribute name required.

    • Universal Event attribute "{attributename}" duplicated.

    • Universal Event attribute "{attributename}" unknown for Universal Event Template "{eventname}".

    • Universal Event attribute value "{attributevalue}" for attribute "{attributename}" is not a valid integer.

    • Universal Event attribute value "{attributevalue}" for attribute "{attributename}" is not a valid float.

  • Status 403

    • Operation prohibited due to security constraints.

  • Status 404

    • Universal Event Template "{eventname}" not found.

    • A universal template with id "{templateid}" does not exist.

  • Status 500

    • Unexpected request failure. See log(s) for more details.


  • The request body is captured as the payload attribute.

  • ttl and businessService (multi-value) query parameters specify the Universal Event TTL and Member of Business Services, respectively.

  • All other query parameters are captured as attributes with the exception of an access_tokentoken query parameter.

    • Any character in a query parameter name that is not a letter or digit is converted to an underscore (_).

  • All headers are captured as attributes with the exception of authorization and connection.

    • Any character in a header name that is not a letter or digit is converted to an underscore (_).
