Versions Compared


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  • This task will use the Databricks URL and the user bearer token to connect with the Databricks environment. 

  • Users can perform the following with respect to the Databricks jobs.

    • Create and list jobs

    • Get job details

    • Run now jobs

    • Run submit jobs

    • Cancel run jobs

  • Also with respect to Databricks clusters, this Universal Task can perform the following operations:

    • Create, start and restart a cluster

    • Terminate a cluster

    • Get a cluster infoinformation

    • List clusters

  • With respect to Databricks DBFS , this Universal Task also provides a feature to upload larger files.




Create Job

Create a job in a Databricks environment from Universal Controller. Here, a JSON input for job creation in Databricks environment will be used.

List jobs

List the jobs available within the Databricks environment.

Get Job details

Provides an existing job definition in Databricks by providing the job ID as input.

Run now Jobs

This feature helps to run an existing job in Databricks environment using the run time input parameters supplied in JSON from the universal task Universal Task and the Universal Controller will be monitoring the execution of the job until it gets completed.

Run Submit jobs

This feature helps to run a job in Databricks environment that can be dynamically defined in JSON as an input parameter in the Universal Task and the Universal Controller will be monitoring the execution of the job until it gets completed.

Cancel Run job

Cancel a execution of job that is in running state within the Databricks environment.

Create Cluster

Create a cluster in Databricks environment. Input to be provided in the JSON in a script in this Universal Task.

List clusters

List the clusters available in the Databricks environment.

Start cluster

Start a cluster that is in stopped state in Databricks.

Restart cluster

Restart a cluster in the Databricks environment.

Terminate cluster

Terminate cluster in Databricks environment by providing cluster ID as input.

Get a Cluster info

Provides the definition of an existing cluster in Databricks environment in JSON.

Upload file to DBFS

Upload a file from local server to a Databricks file system DBFS.




Databricks URL

Specify the Databricks URL.

Bearer Token

Provide the Databricks Personal token or the Azure AD token.

Databricks Function

Select a Function that would like to perform with Databricks.

Create Request Script

Feed the script for the new job creation or cluster in Databricks.

Job ID

Provide the Databricks Job ID.

Job Run Request

Specify the parameters for Jar or notebook or python or spark-submit or the Job submit run request.

Run ID

Specify the Databricks Run ID.

Cluster ID

Provide the cluster ID.

Local file name

Local file name with path.

DBFS file name

Provide the Databricks file path and name.


Specify if the uploaded files need to overwritten in DBFS.

SSL VerifyCheck if this Universal Task requires certificate verification for Databricks REST-API calls.
Certificate Path and file name

Path of the certificate for SSL Verification, if the SSL Verify field is enabled.

Examples for Databricks Integration Universal Tasks

List Cluster Job

Image Added

Run now Job

Image RemovedImage Added

Run Submit Job
