Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


The following connection file must be saved in the Universal Controller script library. This file is later referenced in the different Inter-Cloud Data Transfer tasks.

connections.conf (v4)

Code Block
titleconnections.conf (v4)
# Script Name: connectionv4.conf
# Description: 
# Connection Script file for Inter-Cloud Data Transfer Task
# 09.03.2022   Version 1   Initial Version requires UA 7.2
# 09.03.2022   Version 2   SFTP support
# 27.04.2022   Version 3   Azure target mistake corrected
# 13.05.2022   Version 4   Copy_Url added


type = s3
provider = AWS
env_auth = false
access_key_id = ${_credentialUser('${ops_var_target_credential}')}
secret_access_key = ${_credentialPwd('${ops_var_target_credential}')}
region = us-east-2
acl = bucket-owner-full-control

type = s3
provider = AWS
env_auth = false
access_key_id = ${_credentialUser('${ops_var_source_credential}')}
secret_access_key = ${_credentialPwd('${ops_var_source_credential}')}
region = us-east-2
acl = bucket-owner-full-control
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::552436975963:role/SB-AWS-FULLX

type = azureblob
sas_url = ${_credentialPwd('${ops_var_source_credential}')}

type = azureblob
sas_url = ${_credentialPwd('${ops_var_target_credential}')}

type = azureblob
account = ${_credentialUser('${ops_var_source_credential}')}
key = ${_credentialPwd('${ops_var_source_credential}')}

type = azureblob
account = ${_credentialUser('${ops_var_target_credential}')}
key = ${_credentialPwd('${ops_var_target_credential}')}

type = azureblob
account = ${_credentialUser('${ops_var_source_credential}')}
key = ${_credentialPwd('${ops_var_source_credential}')}

type = azureblob
account = ${_credentialUser('${ops_var_target_credential}')}
key = ${_credentialPwd('${ops_var_target_credential}')}

type = azureblob
account = ${_credentialUser('${ops_var_source_credential}')}
service_principal_file = ${_scriptPath('azure-principal.json')} 
# service_principal_file = C:\virtual_machines\Setup\SoftwareKeys\Azure\azure-principal.json

type = azureblob
account = ${_credentialUser('${ops_var_target_credential}')}
service_principal_file = ${_scriptPath('azure-principal.json')} 
# service_principal_file = C:\virtual_machines\Setup\SoftwareKeys\Azure\azure-principal.json

type = google cloud storage
service_account_file = ${_credentialPwd('${ops_var_source_credential}')}
object_acl = bucketOwnerFullControl
project_number = clagcs
location = europe-west3

type = google cloud storage
service_account_file = ${_credentialPwd('${ops_var_target_credential}')}
object_acl = bucketOwnerFullControl
project_number = clagcs
location = europe-west3

type = onedrive
token = ${_credentialToken('${ops_var_source_credential}')}
drive_id = ${_credentialUser('${ops_var_source_credential}')}
drive_type = business
update_credential = token

type = onedrive
token = ${_credentialToken('${ops_var_target_credential}')}
drive_id = ${_credentialUser('${ops_var_target_credential}')}
drive_type = business
update_credential = token

type = hdfs
namenode =
username = maria_dev

type = hdfs
namenode =
username = maria_dev

type = local

type = local

type = local

type = local

type = sftp
host =
user = ubuntu
pass = ${_credentialToken('${ops_var_source_credential}')}

type = sftp
host =
user = ubuntu
pass = ${_credentialToken('${ops_var_target_credential}')}



connection.conf in the Universal Controller script library

Image Added




  • AWS S3

  • Azure Blob Storage

  • Google GCS

  • Microsoft One Drive incl. Share Point, including SharePoint

  • HDFS


  • SFTP


If you want to connect to a different system (for example, Dropbox), you should contact Stonebranch for support.



list directory

List directories; for example,

  • List object stores like S3 buckets, Azure container.
  • List OS directories from Linux, Windows, HDFS.


Copy objects from source to target.


Copies an a single object from source to target and allows to rename the object on the target object.


Move objects from source to target.


Moves an a single object from source to target and allows to rename the object on the target object.


Sync the source to the destination, changing the destination only.

list objects

List objects in an OS directory or cloud object store.


Remove objects in an OS directory or cloud object store.


Remove an OS directory or cloud object store.


Create an OS directory or cloud object store.


Download a URL's content and copy it to the destination without saving it in temporary storage.


Monitor a file or object in an OS directory or cloud object store and, optionally, launch Task(s) when an object is identified by the monitor.


Important Considerations

  1. Before running a move or , moveto, copy command, copyto or sync command, you can always try the command by setting the Dry-run option in the Task.

  2. The field max-depth (recursion depth) limits the recursion depth. max-depth 1means that only the current directory is in scope. This is the default value.


    If you change max-depth to a value greater than 1, a recursive action is performed. This should be considered in any Copy, Move, sync, remove-object and remove-object-store operations.




Linux or Windows Universal Agent to execute the Rclone command line.

Agent Cluster

Optional Agent Cluster for load balancing.


[ list directory, copy, list objects, move, remove-object, remove-object-store, create-object-store, copy-url, monitor-object ]

list directories; for example,

  • List object stores like S3 buckets, Azure container.
  • List OS directories from Linux, Windows, HDFS.

Storage TypeEnter a storage Type name as defined in the Connection File; for example,

Select the storage type:

  • [linux_source
  • amazon_s3
  • _source
  • microsoft_azure_blob_storage_source
  • microsoft_azure_blob_storage
, hdfs, onedrive, linux ..

For a list of all possible storage types, refer to Overview of Cloud Storage Systems.

Connection File

In the connection file, you configure
  • _sas_source
  • google_cloud_storage_Source
  • ondrive_source,hdfs_source
  • datalakegen2_storage_source
  • datalakegen2_storage_sp_source
  • windows_source
  • sftp_source,copy_url
  • [linux_target,amazon_s3_target,microsoft_azure_blob_storage_target,microsoft_azure_blob_storage_sas_target,google_cloud_storage_target,ondrive_target,hdfs_target,datalakegen2_storage_source, datalakegen2_storage_sp_source,windows_source,sftp_source,copy_url]
Source Credential

Credential used for the selected Storage Type.

Connection File

In the connection file, you configure all required Parameters and Credentials to connect to the Source and Target Cloud Storage System.

For example, if you want to transfer a file from AWS S3 to Azure Blob Storage, you must configure the connection Parameters for AWS S3 and Azure Blob Storage.

For details on how to configure the Connection File, refer to section Configure the Connection File.

UAC Rest Credentials

Universal Controller Rest API Credentials.


Universal Controller URL; for example,


Universal Task logging settings [DEBUG | INFO| WARNING | ERROR | CRITICAL].

Other Parameters

This field can be used to apply additional flag parameters to the selected action.

For a list of all possible flags, refer to Global Flags.

Recommendation: Add the flag max-depth 1 to avoid a recursive action.

max-depth ( recursion depth )

limits the recursion depth

max-depth 1means only the root directories are displayed without subdirectories. This is the default value.


The following example list all AWS S3 aws s3 buckets in the AWS account configured in the cloud2cloudconnection.conf file.

No sub-directories are displayed, because max-depth is set to 1.

Image Modified

Action: copy




Linux or Windows Universal Agent to execute the Rclone command line.

Agent Cluster

Optional Agent Cluster for load balancing.


[ list directory, copy, list objects, move, remove-object, remove-object-store, create-object-store, copy-url, monitor-object ]

Move objects from source to target.


Enter a source storage Type name as defined in the Connection File; for example,

amazon_s3, microsoft_azure_blob_storage, hdfs, onedrive, linux ..

For a list of all possible storage types, refer to Overview of Cloud Storage Systems.


Enter a target storage Type name as defined in the Connection File; for example,

amazon_s3, microsoft_azure_blob_storage, hdfs, onedrive, linux ..

For a list of all possible storage types, refer to Overview of Cloud Storage Systems.

Connection File

In the connection file you configure all required Parameters and Credentials to connect to the Source and Target Cloud Storage System.

For example, if you want to transfer a file from AWS S3 to Azure Blob Storage, you must configure the connection Parameters for AWS S3 and Azure Blob Storage.

For details on how to configure the Connection File, refer to section Configure the Connection File.

Filter Type

[ include, exclude, none ]

Define the type of filter to apply.


Provide the Patterns for matching file matching; for example, in a copy action:

Filter Type: include

Filter report[1-3].txt means all reports with names matching report1.txt and report2.txt will be copied.

For more examples on the filter matching pattern, refer to Rclone Filtering.

Other Parameters

This field can be used to apply additional flag parameters to the selected action.

For a list of all possible flags, refer to Global Flags.

Recommendation: Add the flag max-depth 1 to all Copy, Move, remove-object and remove-object-store in the task field Other Parameters to avoid a recursive action.

Attention: If the flag max-depth 1 is not set, a recursive action is performed.


[ checked , unchecked ]

Do a trial run with no permanent changes.

UAC Rest Credentials

Universal Controller Rest API Credentials.


Universal Controller URL.

For example,


Universal Task logging settings [DEBUG | INFO| WARNING | ERROR | CRITICAL].




Linux or Windows Universal Agent to execute the Rclone command line.

Agent Cluster

Optional Agent Cluster for load balancing.


[ list directory, copy, list objects, move, remove-object, remove-object-store, create-object-store, copy-url, monitor-object ]

Remove objects in an OS directory or cloud object store.

Storage Type

Enter a storage Type name as defined in the Connection File; for example,

amazon_s3, microsoft_azure_blob_storage, hdfs, onedrive, linux ..

For a list of all possible storage types, refer to Overview of Cloud Storage Systems.

File Path

Path to the directory in which you want to remove the objects.

For example:

File Path: stonebranchpmtest

Filter: report[1-3].txt

This removes all S3 objects matching the filter: report[1-3].txt( report1.txt, report2.txt and report3.txt ) from the S3 bucket stonebranchpmtest.

Connection File

In the connection file you configure all required Parameters and Credentials to connect to the Source and Target Cloud Storage System.

For example, if you want to transfer a file from AWS S3 to Azure Blob Storage, you must configure the connection Parameters for AWS S3 and Azure Blob Storage.

For details on how to configure the Connection File, refer to section Configure the Connection File.

Other Parameters

This field can be used to apply additional flag parameters to the selected action.

For a list of all possible flags, refer to Global Flags.

Recommendation: Add the flag max-depth 1 to all Copy, Move, remove-object and remove-object-store in the task field Other Parameters to avoid a recursive action.

Attention: If the flag max-depth 1 is not set, a recursive action is performed.


[ checked , unchecked ]

Do a trial run with no permanent changes.

UAC Rest Credentials

Universal Controller Rest API Credentials.


Universal Controller URL.

For example,


Universal Task logging settings [DEBUG | INFO| WARNING | ERROR | CRITICAL].




Linux or Windows Universal Agent to execute the Rclone command line.

Agent Cluster

Optional Agent Cluster for load balancing.


[ list directory, copy, list objects, move, remove-object, remove-object-store, create-object-store, copy-url, monitor-object ]

Remove an OS directory or cloud object store.

Storage Type

Enter a storage Type name as defined in the Connection File; for example,

amazon_s3, microsoft_azure_blob_storage, hdfs, onedrive, linux ..

For a list of all possible storage types, refer to Overview of Cloud Storage Systems.


Name of the directory you want to remove.

The directory can be an object store or a file system OS directory.

The directory needs to be empty before it can be removed.

For example, Directory: stonebranchpmtest would remove the bucket stonebranchpmtest.

Connection File

In the connection file, you configure all required Parameters and Credentials to connect to the Source and Target Cloud Storage System.

For example, if you want to transfer a file from AWS S3 to Azure Blob Storage, you must configure the connection Parameters for AWS S3 and Azure Blob Storage.

For details on how to configure the Connection File, refer to section Configure the Connection File.

Other Parameters

This field can be used to apply additional flag parameters to the selected action.

For a list of all possible flags, refer to Global Flags.

Recommendation: Add the flag max-depth 1 to all Copy, Move, remove-object and remove-object-store in the task field Other Parameters to avoid a recursive action.

Attention: If the flag max-depth 1 is not set, a recursive action is performed.


[ checked , unchecked ]

Do a trial run with no permanent changes.

UAC Rest Credentials

Universal Controller Rest API Credentials.


Universal Controller URL.

For example,


Universal Task logging settings [DEBUG | INFO| WARNING | ERROR | CRITICAL].
