Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


For the new Universal Task type, create a new task, and enter the task-specific details that were created in the Universal Template

Input Fields

FiledInput typeDefault valueTypeDescription
ActionRequiredInitChoiceTerraform command.
Valid values are:
  • Init
  • Plan
  • Apply
  • Destroy
Upgrade PluginsOptionalFalseBooleanIf selected, this flag upgrades all previously-selected plugins to the newest version that complies with the configuration's version constraints. This will cause Terraform to ignore any selections recorded in the dependency lock file, and to take the newest available version matching the configured version constraints.
Variables ScriptOptionalEmptyScriptUAC script that contains Terraform input variables including all required credential mappings
Plan Output FileOptionalEmptyTextThe file that contains the resulting plan of the Terraform "Plan" command. If file already exists it will be overwritten.
Plan FileOptionalEmptyTextThe plan file that is applied.
Planning modeOptionalNoneChoiceThe Terraform Planning Mode that is applied.
Print Log on STDERROptionalTrueBooleanIf selected, Terraform log will be printed on STDERR.
JSON OutputOptionalFalseBooleanIf selected, Terraform log will be printed in JSON format.
Runtime DirectoryOptionalEmptyTextThis is the path where all the terraform files, plugins and execution will be performed. It should be also the path to .tf file.

Task Examples

Terraform Init

Init action with default fields

Terraform InitImage RemovedImage Added

Terraform Plan

Plan action with provided Plan Output File, Variables Script, Printing logs in json format and PATH variable to terraform binary

PlanImage RemovedImage Added

Variable Script:

Variables scriptImage RemovedImage Added

Terraform Apply

Apply action with provided Plan File, Variables Script, Printing logs in json format and PATH variable to terraform binary

ApplyImage RemovedImage Added

Terraform Destroy

Destroy action with Printing logs in json format and PATH variable to terraform binaryDestroyImage Removed

Task Output

Exit Codes

The exit codes for this Universal Extension are described below.

Exit CodeStatus Classification CodeStatus Classification DescriptionStatus Description
0SUCCESSSuccessful ExecutionSUCCESS: Terraform command executed successfully!
1FAILFailed ExecutionFAIL: Unexpected error. See STDERR for more details.
20DATA_VALIDATION_ERRORInput fields validation errorDATA_VALIDATION_ERROR: Some of the input fields cannot be validated. See STDERR for more details.

Extension Output

Upon Task's successful completion, the extension produces an Extension Output similar to the one in the example below:


Attribute result.commands provides information for the Terraform executed command. It contains the following sub-attributes.

AttributeOutput TypeTypeDescription
cmdMandatoryTextThe executed command
rcMandatoryIntegerReturn code of executed command.

The Extension Output for UE Terraform is described below.


STDOUT and STDERR provide additional information to User. The populated content can be changed in future versions of this extension without notice.

Document References

Universal Templates documentation for creating Universal Templates in the Universal Controller user interface.
Universal Tasks documentation for creating Universal Tasks in the Universal Controller user interface.
Resolvable Credentials documentation: Resolvable Credentials.
Resolvable Credentials Permitted documentation: Resolvable Credentials Permitted Property.
Terraform Intro to Terraform official documentation
Terraform Cli Cli official documentation