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Table of Contents


This page provides detailed information for the Universal Data Mover Gateway utilities, which are installed as part of the UDMG Server package.

udmg-sshkey: SSH Key conversion

UDMG Server only accepts the OpenSSH format for SFTP/SSH public keys. The udmg-sshkey tool allows to convert from other format to the OpenSSH format.

The supported input formats are:


Code Block
udmg-sshkey parse -f
● Public Key:
        Algorithm:           ssh-rsa
        Bits:                2048
        MD5 fingerprint:     1b:46:00:1a:74:ad:5f:79:02:7c:b8:8d:5b:62:d6:2d
        SHA-256 fingerprint: SHA256:t9VWralQjLpMTmGl8c5lIdp23IyslkxkS/BWU5uKs0Q
        Authorized keys:     ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCm8o2RH5gJqQf+vYEmWWiEjZXm3i6/ycUXiv8GkZk/N7kv6Ano2/Zt351D9DOuv7TbZlH2ZP2sfJtk7/jiFaiXYJlyrDaBN4xTagCutbkZHVGNd8ShfHoVFS38hjSXJqOG6Mdou4sET23bR6rIuaHp6Jvkit9HfTRFJPIku2YmdjZJP34i3s3wI+thSGXp5Cuj/QrbjPuCc6ya4qQQI8Pzaqo3SFcwIs68RvnadMqptZeNmYo0CJmPZEkESbmvFtiRq0wXn77P9AajQlWhCMLR3X8qJlvvrn6L/wWV033iOh49Vu0iw5ez4rDyoQ0Wabvc2GAN4/MEowarj9bFn4xn

icap-client: checking connectivity to an ICAP server

A simple ICAP client tool , icap-client, is provided with UDMG software package to test the connectivity towards an ICAP server and the validity of the configuration options.

Code Block
icap-client -h
Usage of /opt/udmg/bin/icap-client:
  -filename string
        Specifies the path of the file.
  -maxSize int
        Specifies the maximum size of a file to use. (default 2048)
  -port int
        Specifies the port to use. (default 1344)
  -previewSize int
        Specifies the preview size to use .
  -retry int
        Specifies the maximum retry to send the file. (default 1)
        Use a secure connection.
  -service string
        Specifies the ICAP service name. (default "avscan")
  -timeout duration
        Specifies the time limit to use in minutes. (default 10m0s)
  -to string
        Specifies the address (via DNS or IP) of the ICAP server (default "localhost")
  -vendor string
        Specifies the ICAP service vendor. (default "c-icap")
        Show Version.

Example for an infected file:

Code Block
$ /opt/udmg/bin/icap-client -filename
2024/03/07 09:30:07 ICAP Status Code: 200
2024/03/07 09:30:07 HTTP Status Code: 403
2024/03/07 09:30:07 Headers: udmg_icap_Istag CI0001-fKM8uYIum6NGTsCfkaivwgAA
2024/03/07 09:30:07 Headers: udmg_icap_X-Infection-Found Type=0; Resolution=2; Threat=Win.Test.EICAR_HDB-1;
2024/03/07 09:30:07 Headers: udmg_icap_X-Violations-Found 1
2024/03/07 09:30:07 Headers: udmg_icap_Encapsulated res-hdr=0, res-body=108
2024/03/07 09:30:07 Headers: udmg_icap_Status OK
2024/03/07 09:30:07 Headers: udmg_icap_Statuscode 200
2024/03/07 09:30:07 Headers: udmg_icap_Server C-ICAP/0.5.3
2024/03/07 09:30:07 Headers: udmg_icap_Connection keep-alive
2024/03/07 09:30:07 Detected

Example for a not infected file:

Code Block
$ /opt/udmg/bin/icap-client -filename sample.txt
2024/03/07 09:30:07 Not Detected