Property | UI Field Name | Description | Specifications | Required |
command | Command | If commandOrScript = Command (1); Command being executed on the remote machine. | Variables supported. | N |
Anchor |
| commandOrScript - LU |
| commandOrScript - LU |
commandOrScript | Command or Script | Specification for whether a single command or a script is being executed. | Valid values: - As String = Command, As Value = 1
- As String = Script, As Value = 2
Default is Command (0). | N |
commandType | Command Type | Specifies the type of command used to execute | Valid values: - As String = CL, As Value = 1
- As String = REXX, As Value = 2
- As String = PASE, As Value = 3
Default is CL (1). | N |
Anchor |
| environment - LU |
| environment - LU |
environment | Environment Variables | Environment variables needed by the program to run. | List of environment variables:
Panel |
</environment> |
| N |
Anchor |
| exitCodeOutput - LU |
| exitCodeOutput - LU |
exitCodeOutput | Output File | If outputType = FILE (3); Path and file name of the output file that should be scanned for the text in exitCodeText . |
| N |
Anchor |
| exitCodeProcessing - LU |
| exitCodeProcessing - LU |
exitCodeProcessing | Exit Code Processing | Specification for how the Controller should determine whether the executed command failed or completed successfully. | Valid values: - As String = Success Exitcode Range, As Value = 1
- As String = Failure Exitcode Range, As Value = 2
- As String = Success Output Contains, As Value = 3
- As String = Failure Output Contains, As Value = 4
Default is Success Exitcode Range (1). | N |
Anchor |
| exitCodes - LU |
| exitCodes - LU |
exitCodes | Exit Codes | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Exitcode Range (1) or Failure Exitcode Range (2); Range of exit codes. | Format: Numeric. Use commas to list a series of exit codes; use hyphens to specify a range. Example: 1,5, 22-30. | Y |
Anchor |
| exitCodeText - LU |
| exitCodeText - LU |
exitCodeText | Scan Output For | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Output Contains (3) or Failure Output Contains (4); text for which the Controller should scan the output file. | The Controller will process this field as a regular expression. | Y |
Anchor |
| outputFailureOnly - LU |
| outputFailureOnly - LU |
outputFailureOnly | Failure Only | If outputReturnType = STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6), and waitForOutput is false; Indication for whether output should be retrieved on task failure only. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| outputReturnFile - LU |
| outputReturnFile - LU |
outputReturnFile | Output File | If outputReturnType = FILE (4); Path and file name containing the output that you want automatically retrieved and attached to the task instance. |
| Y |
Anchor |
| outputReturnNline - LU |
| outputReturnNline - LU |
outputReturnNline | Number of Lines | If outputReturnType = STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6); Allows you to limit the retrieved data to the number of lines specified. | Integer; Default is the value of the Retrieve Output Default Maximum Lines Universal Controller system property. | N |
Anchor |
| outputReturnSline - LU |
| outputReturnSline - LU |
outputReturnSline | Starting Line | If outputReturnType = STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6); Allows you to instruct the Controller to retrieve data beginning at this line. | Integer; Default is 1. | N |
Anchor |
| outputReturnText - LU |
| outputReturnText - LU |
outputReturnText | Scan Text | If outputReturnType = STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6); Instructs the Controller to scan the data for the text specified and retrieve only that. | The Controller will process this field as a regular expression. | N |
Anchor |
| outputReturnType - LU |
| outputReturnType - LU |
outputReturnType | Automatic Output Retrieval | Specification for whether you want the Controller to automatically retrieve any output from the job and attach it to the task instance record. | Valid values: - As String = NONE, As Value = 1
- As String = STDOUT, As Value = 2
- As String = STDERR, As Value = 3
- As String = FILE, As Value = 4
- As String = OUTERR, As Value = 6
Default is NONE (1).
Note |
| If outputReturnType is not NONE (1), the web service will fail with Start Failure if outputProhibited is true for the specified agent . |
| N |
Anchor |
| outputType - LU |
| outputType - LU |
outputType | Output Type | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Output Contains (3) or Failure Output Contains (4); Type of output. | Valid values: - As String = STDOUT, As Value = 1
- As String = STDERR, As Value = 2
- As String = FILE, As Value = 3
Default is STDOUT (1). | Y |
Anchor |
| parameters - LU |
| parameters - LU |
parameters | Parameters | Any arguments needed by the program to execute properly. | Variables are supported. | N |
Anchor |
| retryExitCodes - LU |
| retryExitCodes - LU |
retryExitCodes | Retry Exit Codes | Exit code range for which an auto-retry of the task in FAILED status will occur. Exit code ranges must be in the same format as ranges specified in exitCodes . Maximum Retries must be greater than 0. If an exit code range is not specified, any exit code potentially will cause a retry. | Format = 1,5,22-30 | N |
Anchor |
| retryIndefinitely - LU |
| retryIndefinitely - LU |
retryIndefinitely | Retry Indefinitely | Specification for whether or not the Controller should continue trying indefinitely to run this task. If retryIndefinitely = yes, it overrides any value placed in retryMaximum . | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| retryInterval - LU |
| retryInterval - LU |
retryInterval | Retry Interval | Number of seconds between each retry. | Integer; Default is 60. | N |
Anchor |
| retryMaximum - LU |
| retryMaximum - LU |
retryMaximum | Maximum Retries | Maximum number of times that the Controller should retry this task after it has started and gone to a failed state. | Integer; Default is 0. | N |
Anchor |
| retrySuppressFailure - LU |
| retrySuppressFailure - LU |
retrySuppressFailure | Suppress Intermediate Failures | Specification for whether or not the following will be suppressed until all scheduled retry attempts have been made: - All Actions (Abort, Email Notification, Set Variable, SNMP Notification, and System Operation) to be made against the task instance.
- Workflow conditional path processing; any Successors waiting on a failure path will not be released.
- Task Monitors will not be notified of the Failed status. Also, any Task Monitor task that has a Time Scope in the past will disqualify any matching task instance in the past with a Failed status if the task instance is scheduled for automatic retry and for which Suppress Intermediate Failures has been enabled.
- Any Workflow containing the Failed task instance will not transition to the Running/Problems status.
| Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
Anchor |
| runtimeDir - LU |
| runtimeDir - LU |
runtimeDir | Runtime Directory | Directory from which the application should be executed. Variables are supported. |
| N |
script | Script | If commandOrScript is Script (2); Name of a script in the Controller database that will be executed by this task. |
| Y |
Anchor |
| waitForOutput - LU |
| waitForOutput - LU |
waitForOutput | Wait For Output | If outputReturnType = STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6), and outputFailureOnly is false; Specification for whether or not the task should wait for the requested output before completing. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |