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The UCMD Server's default command type is the z/OS USS shell. This can be customized with the COMMAND_TYPE configuration option. USS shell commands are executed in a USS process within its own address space.

A UCMD Manager requests the execution of a USS command by specifying a COMMAND_TYPE of shell. USS scripts are requested by specifying a SCRIPT_TYPE of shell.

The environmental attributes of the user process are described in the following sections.


UCMD Server can operate with user security active or inactive, based on the USER_SECURITY configuration option.

  • With user security active, the UCMD Server requires the UCMD Manager to supply a valid z/OS user ID and a password. The user process executes with the user ID and the primary and secondary group IDs of the user. The user profile must have a properly defined OMVS segment.


Command Shell

The UCMD Manager LOGIN option and the UCMD Server LOGIN option determine what command shell is used.


For login environments, the shell defined in the user ID's OMVS segment with the SHELL option is used. The shell environment is created as if the user logged on interactively. For example, the shell's .profile is used to initialize the environment.


If user security is inactive, the default shell /bin/sh always is used independent of the SHELL option.

Environment Variables


The following variables are added if not found in the environment: HOME, USER, SHELL, and UCMDENV. The UCMDENV variable is set to a value of 1. It can be used within scripts to determine if Universal Command has invoked them.

The UCMD Manager LOGIN option and the UCMD Server LOGIN option have an impact on the environment variables defined. For login environments, the user's shell is invoked as a login shell, which, in turn, uses the shell profile file in the user's home directory. So any environment variables set in the profile file also will be defined.


UCMD Managers refer to the started task by name and optionally provide an input file and JCL overrides. A Manager requests the execution of a started task by specifying a COMMAND_TYPE of stc.

Started task requests are processed by the Universal Command Server Command Processor for Started Tasks (UCMSCPST). The Command Processor (CP) is executed by the Server as a USS process within its own address space.

The STC CP execution environment is the same as the USS command environment described in #zz/OS UNIX System Services Command.

Extended MCS Console

The started task is started with the START system command through an extended MCS console. Refer to the IBM MVS System Commands manual for a complete description of the START command.


The UCMD Manager provides the START command parameters. The STC CP adds parameter STDIN with a value of a cataloged dynamically allocated data set that contains the standard input from the Manager.

The syntax of the START command that is generated based on options passed to UCMD is as follows:

S manager-cmd,STDIN=stdin-dataset


Access to UCMD Manager started task requests and the associated command value can be protected with Universal Access Control Lists. See Universal Command Server for zOS - UACL for complete details on protecting request types.


The UCMD Server's default stdin data set attributes are set with the DEFAULT_STDIN_ALLOC configuration option. The default values are DSORG=PS, RECFM=VB, LRECL=1024, UNIT=SYSDA, SPACE=(CYL,(5,5),RLSE). The UCMD Manager, optionally, can provide data set attributes using the Manager SERVER_OPTIONS value specifying the Server STDIN_ALLOC option described below.

Instead of the Manager providing a standard input file, the Manager may provide the name of an existing data set allocated on the Server system. That is accomplished with a Manager SERVER_OPTIONS value specifying the Server STDIN_ALLOC option described below.

Standard Output and Error


The STC CP will retrieve SYSOUT data after the STC completes execution. The SYSOUT must be spooled to the JES class specified by the UCMD Server JES_SELECT_CLAS option. Additionally, the SYSOUT data must be held. Released SYSOUT is not retrieved.

Each SYSOUT file is retrieve and written to the appropriate standard I/O file. Message UNV2435I prefixes each SYSOUT file. The message lists the ddname, step, procstep, and spool data set name of each SYSOUT file. The maximum number of records returned per SYSOUT file is controlled with the UCMD Server JES_MAX_LINES_READ configuration option.

After the SYSOUT files are retrieved, their disposition is controlled by the JES_DELETE_SPOOL_FILE and JES_SELECT_CLAS Server options.

JCL Requirements


  • Name of the command reference, in the COMMAND option.
  • cmdref (command reference) value, in the COMMAND_TYPE option.

The UCMD Server searches the system for its directory of command references, as specified in the UCMD Server CMD_REFERENCE_DIRECTORY option, and executes the command or script in the command reference.


For a complete discussion of Command References, see Command References.

USS Command Reference Example


# Command reference to read a file.

-format cmd
-type   shell


ucopy /opt/application/file.txt


# Command reference to scheduler interface.

-format cmd
-type   stc


