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Universal Broker stores Universal Agent component information in the bcomponent.db and scomponent.db database files.


The database, UBR_CMP_DB, is located in the spool library, UNVSPL620.


The database file resides in the /var/opt/universal/spool directory.


The database file default location is C:\Program Files\Universal (64-bit Windows systems)


Universal Agent components access this file via an HFS- or zFS-allocated dataset, which is mounted on the z/OS Unix System Services (USS) file system. Universal Broker is capable of dynamically mounting this database during start-up, if it is not already mounted.

Universal Spool

The Universal Spool - or more simply, the spool - supports storage of the standard file I/O that Universal Command Server redirects from user processes. When Universal Command Server executes with spooling enabled, it captures a user process' standard input, standard output, and standard error and writes them to the spool.


The spool database files that store redirected standard input, standard output, and standard error have the format spool.stdin.compid.db, spool.stdout.compid.db, and spool.stderr.compid.db, respectively. In each of the names, compid is replaced by the server's actual component ID.


These files are located in the spool library, UNVSPL520, in the following format:

  • SExxxxxxxx (SE = standard error)
  • SOxxxxxxxx (SO = standard output)
  • SIxxxxxxxx (SI = standard input)

In each file name, xxxxxxxx is the component ID expressed in hexadecimal. (The component ID is the Component ID used to identify a Stonebranch process. This is the same Component ID output by Universal Query.)


These files reside in the /var/opt/universal/spool directory.


The database files' default location is: C:\Program Files\Universal (64-bit Windows systems)


Universal Agent components access these files via an HFS- or zFS-allocated dataset, which is mounted on the z/OS Unix System Services (USS) file system. Universal Broker is capable of dynamically mounting this database during start-up, if it is not already mounted.