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Matches the TCP/IP address of the remote user.
The HOST value has the following syntax:

  • Dotted numeric form of an IP address. For example,
  • Dotted numeric prefix of the IP addresses. For example, 10.20.30. matches all IP addresses starting with 10.20.30. The last dot (.) is required.
  • A net/mask expression. For example, matches IP address range through 131.155.7376.255. The mask and the host value are AND'ed together. The result must match net.


    Contact your network administrator for calculation of the correct net / mask expression.

  • Host name for an IP address. For example,
  • Host name suffix for a range of IP addresses. For example, matches all host names ending with, such as, The first dot (.) is required.
  • An alias of a defined host. The application recognizes values prefixed with the @ symbol as a possible alias to the actual host name of a client. For example, an entry of matches a client whose actual host name is, provided that is a defined alias of that host. Note that the entry is also considered a match if is the actual host name of the client.
  • A value of ALL matches all IP addresses. The value must be uppercase.


Matches the user name with which the remote user is executing as on the remote system.
The REMOTE_USER value has the following syntax:

  • An asterisk (*) matches 0 or more characters and a question mark ( ? ) matches one character. For example, AB*M matches ABCDM and ABM. AB?M matches ABCM but not ABCDM.
  • Control code /c switches off case-sensitivity and /C switches on case?sensitivity matching. The default is on. For example, /cABC matches abc. /ca/Cbc matches Abc but not ABC.
  • Pattern matching characters, such as the asterisk and question mark, are included in the text to be matched by prefixing them with a forward slash ( / ) character. For example, A/*B matches A*B. A//B matches A/B.
