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Table of Contents


Universal Controller uses SAML Single Sign-On for authentication and Single Sign-On Settings#User User Provisioning. All user and group authorization must be configured within Universal Controller through Permission and Role assignment.


Any user created by SAML assertion attributes, during the single sign-on process, is considered an Identity Provider-sourced user. See Single Sign-On Settings#Attribute Attribute Mappings in Single Sign-On Settings#Single Sign-On Settings.

User Field Defaults

Single Sign-On provisioned users are created with the following default field values:



User Password

random, 32-characters

Password Requires Reset


Login Method

Single Sign-On

Web Browser Access

- - System Default - -

Command Line Access


- - System Default - -

Applies only to users designated to use the Standard login method.

Web Service Access



- - System Default - -

Applies only to users designated to use the Standard login method.

Group Membership Attribute Mapping


However, Universal Controller allows an administrator to customize the Service Provider Entity ID by specifying a Service Provider Entity ID Subdomain in the Single Sign-On Settings#Single Sign-On Settings in the user interface.

For example, an Service Provider Entity ID Subdomain value of dev would allow for a Service Provider Entity ID of


To configure the SP Entity Base URL to a specific value, an administrator can specify the Service Provider Entity Base URL from the Single Sign-On Settings#Single Sign-On Settings in the user interface.

The following table documents the SAML endpoints, and their supported bindings, contained within the Universal Controller Service Provider metadata.


You can specify the location of the Identity Provider metadata file in the Single Sign-On Settings#Single Sign-On Settings Details of the user interface. By default, on initial start-up, the Controller automatically populates the Identity Provider metadata file setting with a value of ${catalina.base}/conf/saml/idp.xml.


To create the JKS keystore file, with the default private key, assuming your Identity Provider does not require keys be signed by a specific certification authority, you can use the Java utility keytool command to generate a self-signed key, entering the distinguished name information when prompted.




Html bobswift
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA256withRSA -alias ucsaml -keypass ucsaml -keystore samlKeystore.jks -storepass ucsaml -storetype JKS

To import a key signed by a certification authority, which are typically provided in .p12/.pfx format (or can be converted to .p12/.pfx format using OpenSSL), you can use the following keytool command.


Html bobswift
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore key.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass <i>password</i> -alias <i>alias</i> -destkeystore samlKeystore.jks -destalias ucsaml -destkeypass ucsaml

To determine the alias available in the p12 file, you can use the following command.


Html bobswift
keytool -list -keystore key.p12 -storetype pkcs12

If your Identity Provider metadata is signed, to verify trust of the signature, Universal Controller will use all keys found in the configured keystore. To import the public certificate of the metadata signature, you can use the following keytool command.


of the metadata signature, you can use the following keytool command.


Html bobswift
keytool -importcert -alias <i>alias</i> -keystore samlKeystore.jks -file signature.cer

The location of the KeyStore File can be specified from the Single Sign-On Settings in the user interface. However, by default, Universal Controller automatically populates the KeyStore File setting with a value of ${catalina.base}/conf/saml/samlKeystore.jks on initial start-up.


If your Identity Provider requires that you upload the public key certificate for the SAML Single Logout profile, you can export the certificate from the JKS keystore as follows.


from the JKS keystore as follows.


Html bobswift
keytool -exportcert -alias ucsaml -file ucsaml.cer -keystore samlKeystore.jks -storepass ucsaml -storetype JKS

Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)



Starting with Java 1.8.0_162, JCE unlimited policy is enabled by default.  You no longer need to install the policy file in the JRE or set the security property crypto.policy.


The saml.log.level property can be configured in the to enable debug logging for the SAML framework. However, as a best practice, saml.log.level should remain at INFO under normal operation.


An administrator can turn on/off and configure SAML Single Sign-On through the user interface.
 configure SAML Single Sign-On through the user interface.


Each Universal Controller cluster node maintains its own Single Sign-On Settings configuration, associated by Node Id. Therefore, you must complete the Single Sign-On Settings configuration for each deployed cluster node, including the Active node and any Passive nodes.

The Identify Provider Metadata File and KeyStore File, by default located under ${catalina.base}/conf/saml/, must be accessible to each cluster node.

Step 1

From the Administration navigation pane, select Configuration > Single Sign-On Settings. The Single Sign-On Settings page displays.
Image RemovedImage Added

Step 2

Enter / select your Single Sign-On Settings, using the field descriptions below as a guide.

  • Required fields display in boldfacean asterisk ( * ) after the field name.
  • Default values for fields, if available, display automatically.

Step 3

Click the Update button.


Field Name



This section contains detailed information on the Single Sign-On settings.

SAML Single Sign-On

If enabled, turns on SAML Single Sign-On.
If disabled, all fields are read-only.

User Provisioning
User Provisioning
User Provisioning

If enabled, turns on the provisioning of users through SAML assertion attributes.

SP Entity ID

Read-only; Unique identifier of the Universal Controller Service Provider.

SP Entity ID Subdomain

Customize the SP Entity ID with a unique subdomain.

SP Entity Base URL

Base URL to construct SAML endpoints from; must be a URL with protocol, server, port. and context path. If one is not specified, it defaults to values from the initial request in this format: scheme://server:port/contextPath

Identity Provider Metadata File

Identity Provider metadata file location.

Service Provider Metadata field
Service Provider Metadata field
Service Provider Metadata

Link to download the Service Provider metadata for the Universal Controller node.

Key Management

KeyStore File

Keystore file location.

KeyStore Password

Password used to protect the integrity of the keystore. Default is ucsaml.

Private Key Alias

Alias of the private key (with either self-signed or CA-signed certificate) used to digitally sign SAML messages. Default is ucsaml.

Private Key Password

Password used to protect the integrity of the private key. Default is ucsaml. See Single Sign-On Settings#SAML SAML KeyStore.

Attribute Mappings
Attribute Mappings
Attribute Mappings

If Single Sign-On Settings#User User Provisioning is enabled; This section allows you to configure a mapping between user fields and attributes from the attribute statement of a SAML assertion. It is displayed only when Single Sign-On Settings#User User Provisioning is enabled. See Single Sign-On Settings#User User Attribute Mapping for more details.
In addition to user fields, you can specify an attribute mapping for Groups allowing for automatic provisioning of a user's group membership. See Single Sign-On Settings#Group Group Membership Attribute Mapping for more details.

First Name

Name of an attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the First Name of the user.

Middle Name

Name of an attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Middle Name of the user.

Last Name

Name of an attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Last Name of the user.


Name of an attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Email of the user.


Name of an attribute, of type xs:boolean, xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Active condition of the user.
Non-boolean type values that evaluate to true are "true", "1", "yes", and "on." All other non-boolean type values evaluate to false.


Name of a multi-valued attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Group Name of each group that the user is a member of.


Name of an attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Title of the user.


Name of an attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Department of the user.


Name of an attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Name of the Manager of the user.

Business Phone

Name of an attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Business Phone of the user.

Mobile Phone

Name of an attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Mobile Phone of the user.

Home Phone

Name of an attribute, of type xs:string or xs:any, from the attribute statement of the SAML assertion containing the Home Phone of the user.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Single Sign-On Settings that let you perform various actions.


Include Page
UC67:Update button
UC67:Update button


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Single Sign-On Settings.


Upon initial start-up of Universal Controller, a default Single Sign-On Settings record is created and associated with the Universal Controller node by node id. The settings are specific to the Universal Controller node, as the SP Entity ID, Base URL, and File paths may differ between each Universal Controller node. See Single Sign-On Settings#Single Sign-On Settings Field Descriptions, above, for the default configuration.


Universal Controller Uninitialized

While the Universal Controller web application is initializing, the user login flow cannot proceed. Any users attempting to authenticate with SAML at this time receive the following error:
Universal Controller is being initialized. Please try again later.

User Account Not Found

Any SAML-authenticated user who cannot be linked to a user account in the Universal Controller database is prohibited from accessing the application and receives the following error:
User 'username' not synchronized with Universal Controller. Please check with your administrator.
Additionally, the uc.log will contain the following warning:
User 'username' authenticated by identity provider 'remote-entity-id' not synchronized with a Universal Controller account.

User Account Not Active

Any SAML-authenticated user linked to a Universal Controller user account that is not Active is prohibited from accessing the application and receives the following error:
User 'username' not synchronized with Universal Controller. Please check with your administrator.
Additionally, the uc.log will contain the following warning:
User 'username' authenticated by identity provider 'remote-entity-id' is synchronized with an inactive Universal Controller account.

Login Method

Any SAML authenticated user linked to a Universal Controller user account that is not designated to use Single Sign-On login method is prohibited from accessing the application and receives the following error:
User 'username' not synchronized with Universal Controller. Please check with your administrator.
Additionally, the uc.log will contain the following warning:
User 'username' authenticated by identity provider 'remote-entity-id' is not permitted to use Single Sign-On login method.

User Account Locked

Any SAML-authenticated user linked to a Universal Controller user account that is locked is prohibited from accessing the application and receives the following error:
User account 'username' is locked. Please check with your administrator.

No Web Browser Access

Any SAML-authenticated user linked to a Universal Controller user account designated with the Single Sign-On login method, but without Web Browser Access, is prohibited from accessing the application and receives the following error:
User 'username' not permitted to login through the web browser. Please check with your administrator.

Authentication Statement Too Old

If users already are authenticated with their Identity Provider, depending on how long their Identify Provider allows them to stay authenticated, they could experience an "Error validating SAML message" authentication error when signing into the Universal Controller through single sign-on.
If users are experiencing this error, search the uc.log for the following message:


Html bobswift
Authentication statement is too old to be used with value 2019-08-15T19:22:56.312Z

Upon confirming the presence of the above message, review property saml.maxAuthenticationAge and adjust accordingly.
This property allows you to set the maximum time between a user's authentication and processing of an authentication statement, which by default is 7200 seconds.
