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Comment: Macro name changed from html to html-bobswift during server to cloud migration processing.


Step 1

From the Automation Center navigation pane, select Tasks > z/OS Tasks. The z/OS Tasks list displays.

Step 2

Select the task for which you want to create one or more Step Conditions. The z/OS Task Details for that task displays.
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Step 3

In the Exit Code Processing field, select Step Conditions from the drop-down list and then click the Update button.

Step Conditions list
Step Conditions list
Step 4

Click the Step Conditions tab. The Step Conditions list displays a list of any currently defined Step Conditions for this task.
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Step 5

Click New. The Step Condition Details pop-up dialog displays.
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Step 6

Using the field descriptions, below, as a guide, complete the fields as needed.

Step 7

Click a Save button to save the record and return to the Step Conditions list.

Step 8

If appropriate, repeat these steps for any additional Step Conditions you want to add.


Field Name



Job step name to match. A blank value or an asterisk (*) will match any job step name. Generic matching characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?) match zero or more characters and one character, respectively.


Procedure step name to match. A blank value or an asterisk (*) will match any procedure step name. Generic matching characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?) match zero or more characters and one character, respectively.


Program name to match. A blank value or an asterisk (*) will match any program name. Generic matching characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?) match zero or more characters and one character, respectively.

Condition Codes
Condition Codes
Condition Codes

Conditions codes are integer return codes from the program or ABEND codes. Integer return codes are specified as a comma-separated list of integer values or ranges. Ranges are specified with a dash (-) separating the lower and upper bounds of the range. The z/OS job step return code range is 0-4095. ABEND codes are specified directly as either a user ABEND or a system ABEND. The ABEND code must be specified verbatim including leading zeroes.
For example: 1,6-4095,Sxxx,Unnnn,JCLERR


Action to take and the task status to set if the Step Condition matches. See Creating Step Conditions#Step Condition Logic, below, for an explanation of the actions.


This section contains Metadata information about this record.


Universally Unique Identifier of this record.

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.

Created By

Name of the user that created this record.


Date and time that this record was created.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Step Condition Details that let you perform various actions.


Saves a new record in the Controller database.

Save & New

Saves a new record in the Controller database and redisplays empty Details so that you can create another new record.

Save & View

Saves a new record in the Controller database and continues to display that record.


Displays empty (except for default values) Details for creating a new record.

Update button

Include Page
UC69IL:Update buttonUC69
IL:Update button


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.

Delete button

Include Page
UC69IL:Delete buttonUC69
IL:Delete button


For pop-up view only; closes the pop-up view of this task.



The Controller searches Step Condition definitions based on their order in the Creating Step Conditions#Step Conditions list; the definition at the top of the list is searched first. To change the order of the definitions in the list, drag and drop them to any location.



Job execution continues and task status is set to SUCCESS.


Job execution continues and task status is set to FAILED.


Job execution is halted at the current step and task status is set to FAILED.


Job execution is stopped and the Controller sends a WTOR message to the console operator requesting a reply on how job execution should proceed. The action is dependent upon the operator reply (see Creating Step Conditions#Example Example 4, below).

During job processing, the Controller issues message UAG1059A to the job log when it matches a Step Condition definition to a step that has completed execution. Message UAG1059A includes the Step Condition definition values including the action that is taken. The message provides an audit record of Step Condition processing that has influenced job execution.


Example Job and Procedure

Example Job

Html bobswift
//JOBA  JOB ... 
//S1    EXEC ACCTBL10 

Example Procedure (Cataloged Procedure)

Html bobswift
//         PEND

User Interface Specifications and Actions

The following examples specify condition code checks for the example job above.

Example 1

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In this example, if the condition code of any step of the job is greater than 12, the job halts and the task status is set to FAILED.

Example 2

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In this example, if the condition code of any procedure step executed as job step S1 is equal to 8, the job continues and the task status is set to SUCCESS.

Example 3

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In this example, if the condition code of program IEBGENER is 0 or 12, the job continues and the task status is set to SUCCESS.

Example 4
Example 4
Example 4

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In this example, if the condition code from job step S1, procedure step STEP2 is user ABEND U0010, the operator is alerted with a WTOR console message that specifies the job name, the job step, the procedure step, and the actual condition code. The Controller will take the action specified by the operator reply.

Issued WTOR

Html bobswift
UAG1058A JOBA    ,S1      ,STEP2   ,Code: U0010 Reply 1:CONT/SUCCESS, 2:CONT/FAIL, 3:HALT/FAIL

The UAG1058A WTOR message identifies the job name as JOBA, step name as S1, procedure step name as STEP2, and the Step Condition code as U0010 that matched the Step Condition definition which resulted in the ASKOPER action.



(See Creating Step Conditions#Step Condition Logic for an explanation of these replies.)

Example 5

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In this example, if the condition code from job step S1, procedure step STEP3 is within the range of 0-7, the job continues and the task status is set to SUCCESS.

Example 6

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In this example, if the condition code from job step S1, procedure step STEP1 is greater than 0, the job continues and the task status is set to FAILED.