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This Universal Task allows customers to create an EC2 instance with parameters, either in task form, or by simply creating an EC2 instance from the existing AWS launch template. This task also offers the option to additionally install a Linux/UNIX Universal Agent in the newly provisioned EC2 Instance.


  • The task interacts with the AWS platform via a Python boto3 module.

  • All AWS credentials remain encrypted.

  • Customers can also install/configure a Linux Universal Agent for each EC2 instance, enabling the Universal Controller to instantly communicate with the newly created instance. (NOTE: only Linux Universal Agent is supported at the moment.)

  • This task also lets customers create multiple EC2 instances with the same configuration. New instances can also be tagged.

  • It allows customers to create a new keypair or use an existing one for the new EC2 instance.

  • This task also enables options for additional EBS volume and encryption, as well as detailed monitoring. 

AWS EC2 Task High-Level Overview

Image Removed


AWS Batch is a set of batch management capabilities that enables developers, scientists, and engineers to easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of batch computing jobs on AWS.

This Universal Extension provides the capability to submit new AWS Batch Jobs as well as read the status for an existing AWS Batch Job.

Version Information

Template NameExtension NameExtension Version
AWS Batchue-aws-batch


Refer to ChangeLog for version history information.

Software Requirements

This integration requires an a Universal Agent and a Python runtime to execute the Universal Task against AWS EC2 Instance.

Software Requirements for /wiki/spaces/UC71x/pages/5178050 and /wiki/spaces/UC71x/pages/5180675 Universal Template and Universal Task

Requires Python






0 or higher. Tested with the Universal Agent bundled Python distribution.


  • requests

  • Boto3

Software Requirements for Universal Agent

Both Windows and Linux agents are supported:

  • Universal Agent for Windows x64 Version


  • 7.


  • 2.0.0 and later with python options installed.
  • Universal Agent for Linux Version


  • 7.


  • 2.0.0 and later with python options installed.

Software Requirements for Universal Controller

Universal Controller Version




2.0.0 and later.

Software Requirements for the Application to be Scheduled

  • The Server Running the Universal Agent needs to have Python 2.7.x or 3.6.x installed

  • AWS IAM Credentials -Access Key, Secret Access key and Region with EC2 set of permissions

  • This universal task for the AWS EC2-start-stop-terminate has been tested with the agent bundled with python 3.6 and boto3 module

Technical Considerations

  • Consider using this universal task either with universal agent bundled with python(uapy) and also having boto3 module within this environment or a python environment (py) in a host where universal agent is installed with boto3 module in it.

  • AWS IAM credentials (Access Key, Secret Access key and Region) should be with the Appropriate access for handling AWS EC2 instances.

  • With the current version of this Universal Task, Universal Agent can be installed only in Linux EC2 Instance.

AWS Create EC2 Instance (with Universal Agent) Key Features






Create New EC2 Instance


Creates a EC2 Instance based on the parameters that are provided in the form


Launch EC2 from template


Create a EC2 Instance based on a template in AWS

Import AWS Create EC2 Instance (with Universal Agent) Downloadable Universal Template


Network and Connectivity Requirements

Extensions' Universal Agent host should be able to reach AWS Batch REST endpoints, through the configured VPC.

More information on setting up AWS Batch VPC, can be found in the AWS Batch official user guide.

Key Features

This Universal Extension provides the following key features:

  • Support to submit a new Batch Job, with option to Terminate Job after a timeout period.
  • Support to submit a new Batch Job and wait until it reaches state "success" or "failed".
  • Support to read Batch Job status for an existing Job ID.
  • Support for authorization via IAM Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) strategy.
  • Support for Proxy communication via HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

Import Universal Template

To use the Universal Template, you first must perform the following steps:

  1. This Universal Task requires


  1. the Resolvable Credentials feature. Check that the


  1. Resolvable Credentials Permitted system property has been set to true.


  1. To import the Universal Template


In the Universal Controller UI, select Configuration > Universal Templates to display the current list of /wiki/spaces/UC71x/pages/5178054.


Right-click any column header on the list to display an Action menu.


Select Import from the menu, enter the directory containing the Universal Template file(s) that you want to import, and click OK.

  1. into your Controller, follow the instructions here.

  2. When the files have been imported successfully, refresh the Universal Templates list; the Universal Template will appear on the list.



Universal Task

For the a new Universal Task type, create a new task, and enter the task-specific details that were created in the Universal Template.

Field Descriptions for AWS Create EC2 Instance (with Universal Agent) Universal Task








AWS Region kept as credential




AWS Secret Key




AWS Access Key


Launch Instance Option


Select either launch from template or create a brand new ec2 instance with the parameter supplied in the form




Mandatory if launch_instance_option=” Launch from template”




Provide the AWS machine ID ,Mandatory if launch_instance_option=” new_instance”


Keypair option


PEM file creation choice , Select either existing Key pair or New Key pair


EC2-KEYPAIR-Path & Name


Provide Keypair file name and the path (Do not give the extension) for new and for existing keypair just the name


EC2 Instance Type


provide ec2-instance type like t2. Micro , if Launch from template = “Create New Instance”


Minimum Count


Minimum Count of instance that need to be created, if Launch from template = “Create New Instance”


Max Count


Max count of instance that needs to be created, if Launch from template = “Create New Instance”




If a public IP needs to be created when a instance is created




Provide subnetID where the instance to be associated within AWS


Availability Zone


Provide Availability Zone where the instance to be associated within AWS


Security Group ID


provide security group ids, if multiple ID's then separate by comma


Instance Tag name


EC2 Instance Tag Name




If applicable provide the IAM Instance Profile Name




Provide the device name; for example, /dev/sda1




Provide EBS Volume size


EBS Vol. Type


Select either standard or io1 or gp2 or sc1 or st1


EBS Vol. Encyption


Check if encryption needs needed


EC2 Monitoring


Check this box if detailed monitoring required


Install Universal Agent


Check this box if you would need to install universal agent with this new EC2 instance created


Agent Download URL


Provide the path to download the agent URL, if install universal agent option is selected


Universal Agent Install OS


select the OS where universal agent needs to be installed


Agent OMS IP


Provide the OMS server IP for the universal agent to be connected after installation , if install universal agent option is selected


Use Public IP for SSH


Select if you would need to use the public or provide IP for SSH




Provide the OS user ID that will be used to make SSH connection

Examples for AWS Create EC2 Instance (with Universal Agent) Universal Tasks

New EC2 Instance Creation

Image Removed

Launch Instance with Launch Template

Image Removedrequired input fields.

Input Fields

The input fields for this Universal Extension are described below.

FieldInput typeDefault valueTypeDescription
ActionRequiredSubmit JobChoiceAction performed upon the task execution. Available actions:
  • Submit Job
  • Read Job Status

AWS Region

Optional since version 1.1.0

Optional-TextRegion for the Amazon Web Service. Find more information about the AWS Service endpoints and quotas here.

When AWS Region is not populated as part of the task definition, during task execution the integration will look for credentials on the task execution environment. Refer to configuration options for more information.

AWS Credentials

Optional since version 1.1.0


The Credentials definition should be as follows.

  • AWS Access Key ID as "Runtime User".
  • AWS Secret Access Key as "Runtime Password".

When AWS Credentials are not populated as part of the task definition, during task execution the integration will look for AWS Credentials on the task execution environment. Refer to configuration options for more information.

Role Based AccessOptionalFalseBoolean

Special type of authorization is provided by Role Assumption where the client sends his own credentials and the role he wants to assume from another user.

If allowed, the client receives temporary credentials with limited time access to some resources.

Role ARNOptional-Text

Role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to have access to the SQS queue.Role ARN format: arn:aws:iam::<AWS Account ID>:instance-profile/<Role name>.

Required when Role Based Access has been checked.

Job NameOptional-TextName of the Batch Job that will be submitted.
Job DefinitionOptional-Text

Job definition used by this job. This value can be one of name , name:revision , or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the job definition.

If name is specified without a revision then the latest active revision is used.

Required when Submit Job action has been selected.

Job QueueOptional-Text

The job queue where the job is submitted. You can specify either the name or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.

Required when Submit Job action has been selected.

Job TimeoutOptional-Integer

Can be filled when Action = Submit Job.

The timeout configuration (in seconds) for this Submit Job operation.

You can specify a timeout duration after which Batch terminates your jobs if they have not finished. If a job is terminated due to a timeout, it is not retried. The minimum value for the timeout is 60 seconds. This configuration overrides any timeout configuration specified in the job definition.

Optional when Submit Job action has been selected.

Container Overrides Script

Introduced in version 1.1.0

Optional-Script Field

The overrides that user want to apply on the container.

The script payload should be in JSON format.

Additional Job ParametersOptional-Array

Additional parameters passed to the job that replace parameter substitution placeholders that are set in the job definition. Parameters are specified as a key and value pair mapping. Parameters in a SubmitJob request override any corresponding parameter defaults from the job definition.

Optional when Submit Job action has been selected.

Job IDOptional-Text

The Job ID of an already submitted Batch Job.

Required when Read Job Status action has been selected.

Use ProxyOptionalFalseBooleanFlag to indicate whether Proxy shall be used in the communication with AWS.
Proxy TypeOptionalHTTPChoiceType of proxy connection to be used. Available options are:
  • HTTP
  • HTTPS with password

Required when Use Proxy is checked.


Comma separated list of Proxy servers. Valid formats: http://proxyip:port or http://proxyip:port,https://proxyip:port.

Required when Use Proxy is checked.

Proxy CA Bundle FileOptional-Text

The path to a custom certificate bundle to use when establishing SSL/TLS connections with proxy.

Used when Proxy Type is configured for "HTTPS" or "HTTPS With Credentials".

Proxy CredentialsOptional-CredentialsCredentials to be used for the proxy communication. They are comprised of:
  • username
  • password

Required when Proxy Type is configured for "HTTPS" or "HTTPS With Credentials".

Wait for Success or Failure

Introduced in version 1.2.0

If selected, the task will continue running until Job reaches the "SUCCEDED" or "FAILED" state.

Required for Action "Submit Job".

Polling Interval

Introduced in version 1.2.0

The polling interval in seconds between checking for the Job status.

Required when Wait for Success or Failure ="True".

Show full job information on Extension Output

Introduced in version 1.3.0


Controls visibility on the latest Full Job Information as provided by AWS Batch Service. 

Task Examples

Submit Job

Example of AWS Batch Universal Task for submitting a new AWS Batch Job.

Image Added

Submit Job with all optional input arguments

Example of AWS Batch Universal Task for submitting a new AWS Batch with the following arguments.

  • Environment Variables as AWS Region

    Example of Universal Task for submitting a new AWS Batch Job providing no AWS Credentials in task definition and providing AWS Region as Environment Variable, leaving the respective input fields empty. AWS Credentials are expected in this case to be configured on the task execution environment. Please refer to AWS Credentials input field for more information.

  • Job Timeout

  • Container Overrides Script

  • Wait for Success or Failure

  • Proxy Type "HTTPS With Credentials"

Image Added

Read Job Status with Role Based Access Enabled

Example of AWS Batch Universal Task for reading the status of an existing Batch Job by ID, Role Based Access and "HTTP Proxy" connection.

Image Added

Task Output

Output Only Fields

The output fields for this Universal Extension are described below.

FieldTypePreserved on re-runDescription
Job ARNTextFalseARN value of the newly submitted Batch Job.
Generated in Submit Job action.
Job IDTextFalseId of the newly submitted Batch Job.
Generated in Submit Job action.
Job NameTextFalse

Name of the Batch Job.
Generated in Read Job Status action.

Since 1.2.0: Generated for Action "Submit Job" with Wait for Success or Failure = "True", updating live during execution.

Job StatusTextFalse

Status of the Batch Job.
Generated in Read Job Status action.

Since 1.2.0: Generated for Action "Submit Job" with Wait for Success or Failure = "True", updating live during execution.

Exit Codes

The exit codes for AWS Batch Extension are described below.

Exit CodeStatus Classification CodeStatus Classification DescriptionStatus Description
0SUCCESSSuccessful ExecutionSUCCESS: Successful Task execution
1FAILFailed ExecutionFAIL: < Error Description >
2AUTHENTICATION_ERRORBad credentialsAUTHENTICATION_ERROR: Account cannot be authenticated.
3AUTHORIZATION_ERRORInsufficient PermissionsAUTHORIZATION_ERROR: Account is not authorized to perform the requested action.
10CONNECTION_ERRORBad connection data or connection timed outCONNECTION_ERROR: < Error Description >
11CONNECTION_ERRORExtension specific connection errorCONNECTION_ERROR: ProxyConnectionError: Failed to connect to proxy URL <url>
22SUCCESSSuccessful Execution

SUCCESS: Job is in RUNNING state.

Valid only for Action = "Read Job"

23SUCCESSSuccessful Execution

SUCCESS: Job is in STARTING state.

Valid only for Action = "Read Job"

24SUCCESSSuccessful Execution

SUCCESS: Job is in RUNNABLE state.

Valid only for Action = "Read Job"

25SUCCESSSuccessful Execution

SUCCESS: Job is in PENDING state.

Valid only for Action = "Read Job"

26SUCCESSSuccessful Execution

SUCCESS: Job is in SUBMITTED state.

Valid only for Action = "Read Job"

27SUCCESSSuccessful Execution

SUCCESS: Job is in SUCCEEDED state.

Valid only for Action = "Read Job"

Attribute changed is populated as follows

  • true, in case Action "Submit Job" is executed successfully.
  • false, in case Action "Read Job" is executed.

The Extension output contains attribute result. Attribute result contains the following sub-attributes:

out_job_arnstringARN value of the newly submitted Batch Job.

Generated in "Submit Job" Action.
out_job_idstringID of the newly submitted Batch Job.

Generated in "Submit Job" Action.
out_job_namestringName of the Batch Job.
Generated in "Read Job" Action

Since 1.2.0: Generated for Action "Submit Job" with Wait for Success or Failure = "True", updating live during execution.
out_job_statusstringStatus of the Batch Job.
Generated in "Read Job" Action

Since 1.2.0: Generated for Action "Submit Job" with Wait for Success or Failure = "True", updating live during execution.

Latest job information provided from Batch service

Generated in "Read Job" and "Submit Job" Action

Extension Output

The Extension Output for AWS Batch Universal Task successful execution is described below.

   "status_description":"SUCCESS: AWS Batch Task submitted successfully",
         "action":"Submit Job",
                  "value":"value 1"
                  "value":"value 2"
"full_job_info": true
} }, "result":{ "out_job_name":"ue-aws-batch-demo-job", "out_job_status":"SUCCEEDED", "out_job_arn":"arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:123456789:job/1234-5678-90123-456-7890", "out_job_id":"1111-11111-11111-11111-11111",
"job_info: [ ... ] } }

Cancelation and Re-Run

There will be no specific cancel logic. In case of Retry, the Batch job will be re-submitted.


STDOUT and STDERR provide additional information to User. The populated content can be changed in future versions of this extension without notice. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed.

Document References

This document references the following documents:.

Document Link


Universal Templates documentation for creating, working with and understanding Universal Templates and Integrations.
Universal TasksUser documentation for creating Universal Templates Tasks in the Universal Controller user interface.
AWS BatchUser guide for AWS Batch.
IAM RBAC authorization modelUser Documentation for Comparing ABAC to the traditional RBAC model.



ue-aws-batch-1.3.1 (2024-02-01)


  • Fixed: Revert `certifi` as requirement. (#35294)



Universal Tasks



0 (2023-12-11)


  • Added: Extension Output is enhanced to provide the latest job information coming from the AWS Batch Service. (#33753)

ue-aws-batch-1.2.1 (2023-08-04)


  • Fixed: Field 'Proxy Type' raised a data validation error on Controller and later. (#34038)

ue-aws-batch-1.2.0 (2022-07-19)


  • Added: Support Submit Batch Job and Wait until Job Reaches status "Succeeded" or "Failed (#29278)
  • Added: Output fields are updated during execution for the above scenario.
  • Added: Log payload response for Read and Submit Job Action on debug mode.

ue-aws-batch-1.1.0 (2022-06-09)


  • Added: Provide the capabilty to rely on AWS credentials set-up on the environment where the extension is running and therefore it is not mandatory to be passed on the task definition as input fields. The same applies to AWS Region. (#28286)
  • Added: AWS Region can be resolved from environment variables. (#28286)
  • Added: Support for "containerOverrides" parameter. (#28860)

ue-aws-batch-1.0.1 (2022-03-14)


  • Added: Update of extension icon. (#27753)


  • Fixed Fix wrong exit code when invalid ARN is provided. (#27736)
  • Fixed Fix response message when status is SUCCESS. (#27730)