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This integration provides UAC customers the ability to manage and integrate their JSCAPE Managed File Transfer Server processes within their UAC automation processes and workflows.


This integration delivers a the JSCAPE MFT Universal Template that allows UAC customers to build Tasks to perform the following JSCAPE Managed File Transfer Server functions:


Software Requirements for Universal Template and Universal Task

  • Requires Python 3.7.6 or higher. Tested with the Universal Agent bundled Python distribution.

  • Python modules required:


  1. This Universal Task requires the Resolvable Credentials feature, check that the Resolvable Credentials Permitted system property has been set to true. For more information about Resolvable Credentials click here.

  2. Download the provided ZIP file.

  3. In the Universal Controller UI, select Administration >Configuration > Universal Templates to display the current list of Universal Templates.

  4. Click Import Template.

  5. Select the template ZIP file and Import.




MFT Server URL

MFT Server URL i.e. : that is, https://localhost:11443

MFT Server Credential

UC credential definition containing a valid JSCAPE MFT Server Administrator username and password.


Select the required JSCAPE MFT Server Domain name.


Select the PGPEncrypt Function.

Encrypted File Name

The name of the target encrypted file.

Plain Text File Name

The name of the source plaintext file.


Select the PGP Key to use for encryption.

Delete Source File

Specify if the source plaintext file is to be deleted.


Specify if the target encrypted file is to be compressed.




MFT Server URL

MFT Server URL i.e. : that is, https://localhost:11443

MFT Server Credential

UC credential definition containing a valid JSCAPE MFT Server Administrator username and password.


Select the required JSCAPE MFT Server Domain name.


Select the PGPDecrypt Function.

Encrypted File Name

The name of the source encrypted file.

Plain Text File Name

The name of the target plaintext file


Select the PGP Key to use for encryption.

Delete Source File

Specify if the source encrypted file is to be deleted.




MFT Server URL

MFT Server URL i.e. : that is, https://localhost:11443

MFT Server Credential

UC credential definition containing a valid JSCAPE MFT Server Administrator username and password.


Select the required JSCAPE MFT Server Domain name.


Select the RunTrigger Function.

Trigger Name

Select the required JSCAPE MFT Server Trigger.

On Rerun Restart All Actions

Check this option to restart Trigger form the beginning when performing a rerun of the task instance, leave unchecked to start from the failed or cancelled Trigger action.




MFT Server URL

MFT Server URL i.e. : that is, https://localhost:11443

MFT Server Credential

UC credential definition containing a valid JSCAPE MFT Server Administrator username and password.


Select the required JSCAPE MFT Server Domain name.


Select the SFTPUpload Function.


Specify the remote SFTP server Host Name or IP address.


Specify the remote SFTP server port.

SFTP Credential

Select the Credential definition to access the remote SFTP server.

Local File Name

Specify the location of the Local File.

Remote Directory

Specify the remote SFTP Server Directory.

Transfer Mode

Specify the Transfer Mode.

Overwrite if File Exists

Check to overwrite destination file(s) if it exists.

Retry Limit

Specify the Maximum Retry Attempts.

Retry Interval

Specify the Interval in Seconds Between Retries.




MFT Server URL

MFT Server URL i.e. : that is, https://localhost:11443

MFT Server Credential

UC credential definition containing a valid JSCAPE MFT Server Administrator username and password.


Select the required JSCAPE MFT Server Domain name.


Select the SFTPDownload Function.


Specify the remote SFTP server Host Name or IP address.


Specify the remote SFTP server port.

SFTP Credential

Select the Credential definition to access the remote SFTP server.

Local File Name

Specify the location of the Local File.

Remote File Name

Specify the remote SFTP File.

Transfer Mode

Specify the Transfer Mode.

Overwrite if File Exists

Check to overwrite destination file(s) if it exists.

Retry Limit

Specify the Maximum Retry Attempts.

Retry Interval

Specify the Interval in Seconds Between Retries.




MFT Server URL

MFT Server URL i.e. : that is, https://localhost:11443

MFT Server Credential

UC credential definition containing a valid JSCAPE MFT Server Administrator username and password.


Select the required JSCAPE MFT Server Domain name.


Select the TradingPartnerUpload Function.

Trading Partner

Select the JSCAPE MFT Server Trading Partner definition.

Local File Name

Specify the location of the Local File.

Remote Directory

Specify the remote Trading Partner Directory.

Transfer Mode

Specify the Transfer Mode.

Passive Mode

Check to use passive mode.

Retry Limit

Specify the Maximum Retry Attempts.

Retry Interval

Specify the Interval in Seconds Between Retries.




MFT Server URL

MFT Server URL i.e. : that is, https://localhost:11443

MFT Server Credential

UC credential definition containing a valid JSCAPE MFT Server Administrator username and password.


Select the required JSCAPE MFT Server Domain name.


Select the TradingPartnerDownload Function.

Trading Partner

Select the JSCAPE MFT Server Trading Partner definition.

Local File Name

Specify the location of the Local File.

Remote File Name

Specify the remote Trading Partner File.

Transfer Mode

Specify the Transfer Mode.

Passive Mode

Check to use passive mode.

Retry Limit

Specify the Maximum Retry Attempts.

Retry Interval

Specify the Interval in Seconds Between Retries.




MFT Server URL

MFT Server URL i.e. : that is, https://localhost:11443

MFT Server Credential

UC credential definition containing a valid JSCAPE MFT Server Administrator username and password.


Select the required JSCAPE MFT Server Domain name.


Select the TradingPartnerRegExUpload Function.

Trading Partner

Select the JSCAPE MFT Server Trading Partner definition.

Regular Expression / Wildcard

Specify the Regular Expression or Wildcard.

Expression Type

Select either "Regular Expression" or "Widlcard".

Local Directory

Specify the location of the Local File.

Remote Directory

Specify the remote Trading Partner Directory.

Transfer Mode

Specify the Transfer Mode.

Passive Mode

Check to use passive mode.

Fail if No Files Found

Check to fail if no files match the specified expression (Regular Expression or Wildcard).

Delete on Success

Check to delete source files after successful transfer.

Retry Limit

Specify the Maximum Retry Attempts.

Retry Interval

Specify the Interval in Seconds Between Retries.




MFT Server URL

MFT Server URL i.e. : that is, https://localhost:11443

MFT Server Credential

UC credential definition containing a valid JSCAPE MFT Server Administrator username and password.


Select the required JSCAPE MFT Server Domain name.


Select the TradingPartnerRegExDownload Function.

Trading Partner

Select the JSCAPE MFT Server Trading Partner definition.

Regular Expression / Wildcard

Specify the Regular Expression or Wildcard.

Expression Type

Select either "Regular Expression" or "Widlcard".

Local Directory

Specify the location of the Local File.

Remote Directory

Specify the remote Trading Partner Directory.

Transfer Mode

Specify the Transfer Mode.

Passive Mode

Check to use passive mode.

Fail if No Files Found

Check to fail if no files match the specified expression (Regular Expression or Wildcard).

Delete on Success

Check to delete source files after successful transfer.

Retry Limit

Specify the Maximum Retry Attempts.

Retry Interval

Specify the Interval in Seconds Between Retries.


This document references the following documents:




Universal Templates

User documentation for creating Universal Templates in the Universal Controller user interface.




User documentation for creating Universal Tasks in the Universal Controller user interface.