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The Universal Data Mover Gateway is licensed by the for a set time period, number of UDMG Server instances, and number of transfer executions per month per node (per node or nodes) and per environment; specifically, environment. The counted file transfer executions only include the number of transfer instances that completed as DONE over a period of one month.

is it needed for all environments; are they free for non-prod? - yes a license key is needed per environment; need to note that the # of nodes and # of environments are not contractual restrictions and the key(s) can be created based on the customers need

should we say this part 1 of licensing - since we are not enforcing /hard enforcement?


License Information

The License has All environments must have an attached license key, including non-production environments. 

License Information

The license includes six (6) components:

  • License Status: "Unlicensed" when no license has been entered, "Licensed" otherwise
  • License Customer: name of customer
  • Environment
  • Expiration Date
  • Cluster Nodes
  • Monthly Transfers

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Number of Monthly Transfers

The Universal Data Mover Gateway is licensed by the number of executions per month; specifically, the number of transfer instances that completed as DONE over a period of one month.

If you are licensed for an Unlimited number of monthly executions, then there is no limit on the number of task instances you can run.


This feature will be enabled in a future release. – I thought this was included in 1.6/2.0?

what counts as a transfers? incoming/outgoing?

are they notified when they are close to it per month? - no; there is no system tracker – we need to think about how we communicate this; 

if so how? if not we should say PM manages it and communicate # to customer monthly; is there a a manual way to pull this? if iwas them iw ould want to know how many i did regardless if we are going to stop them + sales needs to know to help put it in contractually

is it total transfers or per node? 

Expiration Date


  • : environment name (e.g., test, dev, non-prod, prod)
  • Expires On: the date when the license expires (at 00:00:00)
  • Nodes: the number of allowed cluster nodes, or unlimited
  • Transfers: the number of allowed transfers per month, or unlimited

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Expiration Date

Each license has an explicit expiration date, regardless of when it is applied. are they notified when close - by system or by PM/POC?A notification is provided by the Stonebranch Product Management Team when the expiration date is close. 


High Availability Licensed Cluster Nodes

When a Universal Data Mover Gateway has restrictions on the Cluster Nodes within its License-- all do right? its not a contractul thing though, The license and the restriction on the number of nodes is applied globally and the selection of active nodes is performed automatically during startup. 

If the license has Cluster Node restrictions, then the following behavior is experienced when a new or existing Cluster Node is started up:

where should we note the license gets applied to node/server kind at random/picks the latest? server?

Number of Nodes within the License (No Violation)

If a new Cluster Node starts up and adding  is started and the addition of a new Cluster Node is not in violation of the Licenselicense:

  • The usual process occurs where the Cluster Node is created and starts up as Passive PASSIVE.

If an existing Cluster Node starts up is started after being offline, and the License license is not in violation with respect to concerning Cluster Nodes: --Is this starting up after being offline? when would this happen that doesn't fall in the one above or is it supposed to be "if an existing cluster nodes starts up and adding a new cluster node will not violate the license"? 

  • The usual process takes place with where the Cluster Node starting starts up as Passive PASSIVE.

Number of Nodes


Exceeds or


Will Exceed the License (Violation)

If a new Cluster Node starts up and adding is started and the addition of a new Cluster Node violates the License, license or the License license is already in violation for Cluster Nodes:

  • The new Cluster Node is added but it runs as a new status of UNLINCENSED UNLICENSED.

If an existing Cluster Node starts up is started and there are more Cluster Nodes than the License allows; that islicense allows (i.e., the License license is already in violation for Cluster Nodes):

  • A count of running Cluster Nodes is taken:

    • If the number of running Cluster Nodes is less than the license, the Cluster Node starts up normally as Passive PASSIVE.

    • If the number of running Cluster Nodes exceeds the license, the Cluster Node starts up as UNLINCENSED UNLICENSED.

Unlicensed Node Processing

When a Cluster Node starts up as UNLINCENSED UNLICENSED, it can only transition out of from this mode status in the following conditions:

  • A new License license is applied to the system that is no longer makes the number of Cluster Nodes in violation of the License. – should we specify new key is applied; they need a new one via XX process A transitioning to OFFLINE mode of in violation. A new license key must be requested from Stonebranch Support and applied following the License Key Update procedure. 
  • The Cluster Node(s) occurstransitions to an OFFLINE status, thereby removing the Cluster Node violation of the Licenselicense.

Unlicensed Node Limitations

A user can connect to an UNLINCENSED UNLICENSED Cluster Node from the User InterfaceUDMG Admin UI or via the remote interfaces (command line or REST API); however, limited interaction is allowed: --are we calling it the User Interface everywhere? or admin UI?

  • Properties can be updated, to allow a new license to be applied.
  • Transfer Activity Monitoring is not allowedpermitted.
  • Transfer Management is not allowed. For example, it is not possible to initiate the initiation of a file transfer to a remote partner is not permitted.
Code Block
$ udmg-client_a transfer add -f myfile -l mylogin -p mypartner -r myrule -w send
unexpected error (405 Method Not Allowed): a valid license is required to perform this action
  • Local Server Commands like start, stop, restart, are not allowed to be executed.

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Unlicensed Node UI

The Server Status button and pop-up shows the UNLINCENSED an UNLICENSED Cluster NodesNode, as seen below:

The button has a grey background, and the Controller service is marked as UNLICENSED.

Cluster Node List:

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**if they want the license to be applied to a specific server/node, then they must turn all the other ones off and let the system apply the license to the last/only active server

Apply the License Key

Although you do not normally need to enter a license key immediately after installation, at some point the steps must be followed to enter the license key: – I think this weird to tell them; they need to apply the license within X days or as soon as possible

License Information

The License option in the sidebar menu identifies license information for:

  • License Status
  • License Customer
  • Environment
  • Expiration Date
  • Cluster Nodes
  • Monthly Transfers

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From the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, the Cluster Nodes service lists all registered nodes with their status and details:

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Selecting the Active Node(s)

To change the ACTIVE Cluster Node in cases with restricted licenses, all nodes must be stopped and the desired node started first. The license is applied to the first node started and updates the node status to ACTIVE. 


The Universal Data Mover Gateway is licensed by the number of executions per month; specifically, the number of transfer instances that are completed as DONE over one month. 

If the license is for an Unlimited number of monthly executions, then there is no limit on the number of transfer executions that can be run.

License Key Application

Each environment must have a license key to enable file transfers. The license key application should be done during the initial system installation and then for every license renewal.


Only administrator users are allowed to apply and manage the UDMG license.

License Information

The license information is located in the License service in the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane. 

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License Key Application

The following steps outline how to enter the license key:

Step 1Contact your Stonebranch representative or Customer Support to receive the license keys key for the intended operating system and environment. – add # of nodes, and # of file transfers?
Step 2where do they navigate to - admin ui? can only admin apply it? 

Login to UDMG Admin UI with an administrator user.

The user must have "administration read" and "administration write" permissions.

Step 3

Click the License option in the sidebar menuUDMG Admin UI navigation pane

Step 4

Input the license key and press the Update License button.

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Step 5

Refresh the license details.

The display is refreshed with the License details and after license key fields are updated with the following information: 

  • License Status
  • License Customer
  • Environment
  • Expires On
  • Nodes
  • Transfers

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Step 6

After a few minutes, the UDMG Server status switches to ACTIVE mode (see node status). The License key fields include: 

  • License Status
  • License Customer
  • Environment
  • Expiration Date
  • Cluster Nodes
  • Monthly Transfers

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do we have a pic with active showing?


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License Key Update

The following steps outline how to update the license key:

Step 1Contact your Stonebranch representative or Customer Support to receive the updated license key for the intended environment. 
Step 2Login to UDMG Admin UI.

Step 3

Click the License option in the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane. 

Step 4

Input the new license key and press the Update License button.

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Step 5

Refresh the license details.

The license key fields are updated (i.e., expiration date is updated): 

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