Note |
All command line switches are case-sensitive. |
Command Line Switch | Description | Default | Required | Controller Property |
| For an Agent-Only deployment If --agentonly is true, Universal Controller Start-up Properties (uc.properties) is deployed with an Agent-Only demonstration license. | false | No |
| Full path of the Universal Controller war file (universal-controller-N.N.N.N-build.N.war ) from the downloaded Universal Controller package. | none | Yes |
| Universal Controller database name. Note |
The property uc.db.name should be set to the name of the database being connected to. It can be seen in the System Details widget under Database information as well as in the uc.log.
- Oracle
- For Oracle, the uc.db.name property is for informational purposes only.
- SQL Server
- If the
uc.db.url property contains the attribute "DatabaseName" then the uc.db.name property is for informational purposes only, similar to Oracle. - If however, the
uc.db.url does not contain the database name, then the uc.db.name will be used to connect to the database by issuing the SQL "USE dbname", where dbname is the value of the uc.db.name property.
- MySQL should not contain the database name in the uc.db.url property.
- MySQL will use the uc.db.name property to connect to the database specficied by also issuing the SQL "USE dbname" statement where dbname is the value of the uc.db.name property.
| uc | No | uc.db.name |
| Database user's password. | none | Yes | uc.db.password |
| JDBC connect URL. Format: jdbc:[database type]://localhost Examples (for MS SQLServer and Oracle, uc is the database name): Include Page |
| IL:dburl examples - |
| IL:dburl examples - |
Note |
| Enclose the URL in quotation marks to guard against any special characters (for example: ; > < &) which are treated by the shell uniquely. - Unix
Enclose the URL in single quotation marks; for example: 'jdbc:sqlserver://dbserver.local;instanceName=IN01;DatabaseName=uc' - Windows
Enclose the URL in double quotation marks; for example: "jdbc:sqlserver://dbserver.local;instanceName=IN01;DatabaseName=uc"
Refer to the jdbc documentation from your database supplier for specific jdbc driver URL parameters or options that might be needed for your environment. You may want to consult with your local DBA to discuss these parameters and options. Refer to Installing a Database in this documentation for more information about suggested connection parameters, database configuration, and setup. | jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ | No | uc.db.url |
| Database user name. | none | Yes | uc.db.user |
| Used by the Universal Controller to generate a unique Cluster Node Node Id in the format of hostname:port-dbname. Note |
| This is meant to represent the value of the Tomcat HTTP/1.1 Connector port configured in the server.xml. It is used solely for Node Id generation and does not impact the Tomcat HTTP/1.1 Connector configuration. |
| 8080 | No | uc.servlet.port |
| Database type. Valid values are: - mysql
- sqlserver
- sqlserver-jtds
- oracle
Note |
| * --rdbms is required if --dburl is used in the command. |
Note |
| Customers have reported difficulty establishing secure SQL connections using the jTDS open source JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server (--rdbms sqlserver-jtds) when SSL/TLS is enabled on the server. We have received feedback that the issue can be resolved by installing a patched version of the jTDS driver from bug report https://sourceforge.net/p/jtds/bugs/725/. Stonebranch only bundles the official jTDS release, currently 1.3.1, with the Universal Controller. We do not include unofficial patches, and if you decide to use them, you do so at your own risk. |
| mysql | No * | uc.db.rdbms |
| Path to the Tomcat installation directory (contains the directories:/bin , /conf , /logs , webapps ). Note |
| Enclose the path in quotes to guard against spaces or any special characters (for example: ; > < &), which are treated by the shell uniquely. |
| none | Yes |
Shown below are sample commands for installing the Controller on Linux and Windows platforms, using defaults for the database: