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sh ./unvinst [--user username [--userdir directory] [--create_user {yes|no}] ] [--group group name [--create_group {yes|no}] ] 
             [--keystore {yes|no}] [--security {appdef|default|inherit|pam|pam_sessions}]
             [--convert_opsagent [--opsdir directory] ] [--oms_servers network address] [--oms_port port] [--ac_agent_clusters clusters] 
             [--ac_agent_ip IP address] [--oms_autostart {yes|no}] [--ac_netname ID] [--uag_autostart yes]
             [--ac_extension_accept_list list] [--ac_extension_python_list list] [--ac_extension_deploy_on_registration {yes|no}] 
             [--ac_extension_cancel_timeout value {s|m|h|d}] [--ac_process_cancel_timeout value {s|m|h|d}] [--ac_message_level level]
             [--ac_loglvl level] [--opscli {yes|no}] [--usermode_install {yes|no} [--unvdir directory] [--unvcfgdir directory] 
             [--unvdatadir directory] [--unvport port] [--python {yes|no}] ] [--use_tls1_3 {yes|no}] [--register_ubrokerd {yes|no}] [--ubrokerd_id value]

See Linux Installation Script Parameters and Installation Script Example, below, for a description of the optional parameters that you can issue with unvinst and an example of unvinst with these parameters.





Base Parameters



Normal UNIX username that is used to execute the Universal Broker daemon. The install grants this user account ownership of all installed files, with the exception of the Universal Agent server components (for example: ucmsrv, udmsrv, and uemsrv) which, due to security requirements, are owned by root and will have their "set user ID on execution" bit set.

  • If the user account that you want to use already exists, specify that user account.
  • If the user account does not exist, the install creates it.
  • If you want to change the user account for an installed Universal Agent for Linux system, you must perform a re-installation and use this parameter to change the user account.
  • If --user is omitted from unvinst, the default is used.
  • If --usermode_install is yes, there is no default.




Specification (yes or no) for whether or not to create the user name that will own the installed files as a local user.



Home directory for the created user account specified by --user.

  • If this directory does not exist, it is created when the specified user is created.
  • If the user specified by --user already exists, but the home directory of that user is not the default directory (/home/<username>), --userdir must specify the path to that home directory.
  • If --userdir is omitted from unvinst, the default is used.



Normal UNIX groupname; the Universal Broker daemon will run as this specified group. All installed files will be assigned to this group.

  • If the group that you want to use already exists, specify that group.
  • If this group does not exist, the install creates it.
  • If --group is omitted from unvinst, the default is used.




Specification (yes or no) for whether or not to create the group that will own the installed files as a local group.



Specification (yes or no) for whether or not to create encryption keys during installation and set up the local Universal Broker as a keystore owner.



Sets the value (default, inherit, pam, pam_sessions, or trusted) of the following configuration options for Universal Agent server components:

The appdef value for -security controls how product configuration options are set; it does not map to a product configuration option.


pam_sessions is a valid value only for the UCMD Server and UDM Server.


Specifies (yes or no) whether or not Universal Broker is started by the Installer when installation is completed.

If --ubroker_start is not included in the script, Universal Broker will be started when installation is complete.


--ubroker_start is ignored for user mode installs.

If specified (using yes), all components will be set up to use TLS 1.3 by setting the max_ssl_protocol option to tls1_3 (and encrypt to yes for UCMD and UDM).no


Specifies whether the Universal Broker daemon will be defined to systemd for automatic ubrokerd startup. When this value is 'yes' for system mode installs, a systemd unit file named ubrokerd.service is created. For user mode installs, the name of the file is formatted as described by the -ubrokerd_id command line option.
The install will attempt to install this file into the configured systemd system unit file directory. If a configured value cannot be determined, the script uses /usr/lib/systemd/system. If this option is not specified, it defaults to 'no', and the ubrokerd daemon is not registered with systemd.

UAG Parameters



Causes unvinst to execute (residing in /opt/universal/uagsrv/bin), which performs the following tasks:

  1. Searches for an existing Opswise Automation Center Agent 1.6 or 1.7 install and converts properties stored in the agent.props file to corresponding configuration options in the Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) configuration file, uags.conf.
  2. Searches for an active Opswise Automation Center Agent 1.6 or 1.7 daemon process and attempts to stop it.
  3. Assigns the ID used by the Opswise Automation Center Agent 1.6 or 1.7 to UAG by moving the qname file from the Opswise Automaton Center install directory to the /var/opt/universal/uag/var directory.


If --convert_opsagent is specified: Identifies the primary install directory for Universal Agent.

  • If --opsdir is omitted from unvinst, the default is used.




Specifies a value, in the format port@host[,port2@host,...,portn@hostn], for the port and network address of the OMS server(s) to be used as network communications providers.


You should always include --oms_servers in unvinst; OMS is the network communications provider between a Controller 7.2.x.x and Agent 7.2.x.x.

UAG configuration: The value specified for --oms_servers is set automatically for the UAG OMS_SERVERS configuration option.



Specifies the Universal Controller-defined clusters to which this agent will belong.
UAG configuration: The value specified by --ac_agent_clusters is set automatically for the UAG AGENT_CLUSTERS configuration option.



Specifies the IP address or host name (which resolves to an IP address) that the Agent reports to the Controller.
UAG configuration: The value specified by --ac_agent_ip is set automatically for the UAG AGENT_IP configuration option.



Specifies the network ID that Universal Agent will use.
UAG configuration: The value specified by --ac_netname is set automatically for the UAG NETNAME configuration option.



Specifies a comma-separated list of one or more Universal Extensions that the agent will accept via auto-deployment from the Controller.

  • A single value of * indicates that all extensions are accepted.
  • A single value of none indicates that no extensions are accepted.

The value specified for this parameter sets the EXTENSION_ACCEPT_LIST configuration option value.

-ac_extension_python_list --ac_extension_python_list

Specifies a comma-separated list of zero or more Python locations. Each item in the list is expected to contain a complete path to a Python executable.

The value specified for this parameter sets the EXTENSION_PYTHON_LIST configuration option value.

-ac_extension_deploy_on_registration --ac_extension_deploy_on_registration

Controls Extension deployment behavior from the Universal Controller.

  • If the value is yes, the Controller will preemptively deploy all extensions acceptable by UAG.
  • If the value is no, the Controller will only send Extension modules as needed (on demand).

The value specified for this parameter sets the EXTENSION_DEPLOY_ON_REGISTRATION configuration option value.



Set the EXTENSION_CANCEL_TIMEOUT UAG configuration option, which specifies the length of time a Universal Extension task is given to complete its response to a CANCEL request.

If the task fails to finish its own termination processing within the specified timeout period, UAG Server will forcefully terminate the task.

The specified timeout must be numeric, but a one-letter suffix is accepted to specify (s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours, or (d)ays. If no time unit is specified, the default is seconds.

The following maximums are enforced:

  • 2147483647 or 2147483647s

  • 35791394m

  • 596523h

  • 24855d

Minute, hour, and day maximums are set to ensure that their value represented as a number of seconds does not exceed 2147483647.



Set the PROCESS_CANCEL_TIMEOUT UAG configuration option, which specifies the length of time an OS task is given to complete its response to a CANCEL request.

If the task fails to finish its own termination processing within the specified timeout period, UAG Server will forcefully terminate the task.

The specified timeout must be numeric, but a one-letter suffix is accepted to specify (s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours, or (d)ays. If no time unit is specified, the default is seconds.

The following maximums are enforced:

  • 2147483647 or 2147483647s

  • 35791394m

  • 596523h

  • 24855d

Minute, hour, and day maximums are set to ensure that their value represented as a number of seconds does not exceed 2147483647.



This option is deprecated starting with Universal Agent UAG Server will always attempt to use SSL/TLS for OMS connections.



Specifies a message level for UAG. The install uses this value to set the MESSAGE_LEVEL UAG configuration option.(none)


Specifies a log level for UAG. The install uses this value to set the LOGLVL UAG configuration option.(none)



Specifies (yes or no) whether or not the Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) Server starts automatically when the Universal Broker is started.
UAG component definition: The value specified by --uag_autostart is set automatically for the UAG AUTOMATICALLY_START component definition option.


OMS Parameters


Specifies the port to use to listen for OMS connection requests.
OMS configuration: The value specified by --oms_port is set automatically for the OMS SERVICE_PORT configuration option.




Specifies (yes or no) whether or not OMS is started automatically by Universal Broker when Universal Broker starts.
OMS component definition: The value specified by --oms_autostart is set automatically for the OMS AUTOMATICALLY_START and RESTART component definition options.


CLI Parameters



Specifies (yes or no) whether or not the Universal Controller Command Line Interface (CLI) tools will be installed.


User Mode
User Mode
User Mode Parameters


Specifies (yes or no) for a user mode installation, which defines both of the following:



If --usermode_install is set to yes: Specifies the Agent binaries (installation) directory.




If --usermode_install is set to yes: Specifies the Agent configuration files directory.




If --usermode_install is set to yes: Specifies the Agent data files directory.




If --usermode_install is set to yes: Specifies the Universal Broker port.



If --usermode_install is set to yes: Specifies the value used to uniquely identify the ubrokerd unit file when the Universal Brokerd daemon is registered with systemd, as directed by the -register_ubrokerd option. This value is used to format a systemd unit file name in the format ubrokerd@<id>.service, where '<id>' is the value specified for this option. 

 If this option is omitted, the value specified for the -unvport option is used. For system mode installs, the unit file name will always be ubrokerd.service.

Value of --unvport option.

Third-Party Parameters



Specifies (yes or no) whether the Python 3.7 Distribution for Universal Agent is installed.


Additional Parameter


Displays command line help.

