Versions Compared


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Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.
This Universal Extension provides the capability to monitor AWS SQS messages from an existing queue and run job(s) and/Universal Task or workflows accordingly.

Version Information

Template NameExtension NameExtension Version
Amazon SQS Monitorue-aws-sqs-monitor1.1.1

Refer to Changelog for version history information.

Software Requirements

This integration requires a Universal Agent and a Python runtime to execute the Universal Task.

Software Requirements for for Universal Template and  and Universal Task

Requires Python 3.7.0 or higher. Tested with the Universal Agent bundled Python distribution.

Software Requirements Universal Agent


This Universal Task requires that Universal Controller property /wiki/spaces/UC71x/pages/5177877 Web Service Default Response Content (uc.web_service.response.content.default) is set to JSON.

Network and Connectivity Requirements

Extension's Universal Agent host should be able to establish connection with:

  • AWS SQS Queue REST endpoints (The AWS Credentials provided in the Amazon SQS Queue Monitor Universal Task, should have sufficient permissions on AWS to get messages from the specified queue).
  • The Universal Controller host URL (The Universal Controller Credentials provided in permissions to launch a Universal Controller Task).

Key Features

This Universal Extension provides the following main features:


  • Action
    • Monitor AWS SQS messages from a standard or a FIFO queue.


    • Launch a task in Universal Controller with variables holding the id, body, attributes, message attributes and receipt handle for each fetched message.
  • Authentication
    • AWS Credentials.


    • IAM Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) strategy.
  • Other


        • Communication through Proxy with use of HTTP or HTTPS.

      Import Universal Template

      To use the Universal Template, you first must perform the following steps:.

      1. This Universal Task requires


      1. the Resolvable Credentials feature. Check that the


      1. Resolvable Credentials Permitted system property has been set to true.


      Download the provided ZIP file.


      1. To import the Universal Template into your Controller


      Click Import Template.


      Select the template ZIP file and Import.


      1. , follow the instructions here.

      2. When the files have been imported successfully, refresh the Universal Templates list; the Universal Template will appear on the list


      1. .

      Modifications of this integration, applied by users or customers, before or after import, might affect the supportability of this integration. For more information refer to Integration Modifications.

      Configure Universal Task

      For the a new Universal Task type, create a new task, and enter the task-specific details that were created in the Universal Templaterequired input fields.

      Input Fields

      The input fields for this Universal Extension are described in the following table.


      Input type

      Default value





      MessageMonitor Messages


      The action performed upon the task execution.


      Optional since version 1.1.0




      Region for the Amazon Web Service.

      Find more information about the AWS Service endpoints and quotas here.

      When AWS Region is not populated as part of the task definition, during task execution the integration will look for AWS Region on the task execution environment. Refer to configuration options for more information.

      AWS CredentialsRequired

      Optional since version 1.1.0




      The AWS account credentials.

      They are comprised of:

    • AWS access key ID

    • AWS secret access key

      Credentials definition should be as follows.

      • AWS Access Key ID as "Runtime User".
      • AWS Secret Access Key as "Runtime Password".

      When AWS Credentials are not populated as part of the task definition, during task execution the integration will look for AWS Credentials on the task execution environment. Refer to configuration options for more information.

      Queue Name



      Dynamic Choice

      Dynamic fetched list of queue names.

      The user can select the required queue name from a drop-down list.

      Queue Name Prefix




      A prefix to use for filtering the Queue Names list results.

      Only those queues whose name begins with the specified string are returned.

      Queue Names are case-sensitive.

      Role Based Access




      Flag to configure whether the type of authorization is based on IAM Role-Based Access Control(RBAC) strategy.

      Find more information about the IAM RBAC authorization model here.

      Role ARN




      The Role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to have access to the SQS queue.

      Role ARN format: arn:aws:iam::<AWS Account ID>:instance-profile/<Role name>

      Required when Role Based Access has been clicked.

      Use Proxy




      Flag to configure whether Proxy should be used in communication.

      Proxy Type




      Type of proxy connection to be used.

      Available options are:

      • httpHTTP

      • https

      • https with passwordHTTPS

      • HTTPS With Credentials

      Required when Use Proxy is enabled.





      Proxy server and port. Valid format: http://proxyip:port or https://proxyip:port.

      Required when Use Proxy is enabled.

      Proxy CA Bundle File




      The path to a custom certificate bundle to use when establishing SSL/TLS connections with proxy.

      Used when Proxy Type is configured for "httpsHTTPS" or "https with passwordHTTPS With Credentials".

      Proxy Credentials




      Credentials to be used for the proxy communication.

      They are comprised of:

      • username

      • password

      Required when Proxy Type is configured for "https with passwordThe credential definition should be as follows.

      • Proxy Username as "Runtime User".
      • Proxy Password as "Runtime Password".

      Required when "Proxy Type" is configured for "HTTPS" or "HTTPS With Credentials".

      Attribute Names




      A list of attributes to be returned along with each message.

      Available options are:

      • All - Returns all values

      • Approximate First Receive Timestamp – Returns the time the message was first received from the queue (epoch time in milliseconds).

      • Approximate Receive Count – Returns the number of times a message has been received across all queues but not deleted.

      • AWS Trace Header – Returns the X-Ray trace header string.

      • SenderId:

        • For an IAM user, returns the IAM user ID.

        • For an IAM role, returns the IAM role ID.

      • Sent Timestamp – Returns the time the message was sent to the queue (epoch time in milliseconds).

      • Message Deduplication Id – Returns the value provided by the producer of the message for FIFO queue.

      • Message Group Id – Returns the value provided by the producer of the message for FIFO queue.

      • Sequence Number – Returns the value provided by Amazon SQS.

      Message Attribute Names




      Attribute names of the message to be returned from the request, separated by a comma.

      For example: FirstName,LastName,Title.

      ALL returns all attributes of the message.

      Retrieve all message attributes starting with a prefix, using for example bar.*.

      Naming rules and restrictions:

      • Name can contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_ ), hyphen (- ), and period (. ).

      • Name is case-sensitive and must be unique among all attribute names for the message.

      • Name must not start with AWS-reserved prefixes such as AWS. or Amazon. (or any casing variants).

      • Name must not start or end with a period (. ), and it should not have periods in succession (.. ).

      • Name can be up to 256 characters long.

      Maximum Number of Messages




      The maximum number of messages to return within each request.

      Valid values from 1 to 10.

      Visibility Timeout (seconds)




      The duration that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests.

      Valid values range from 1 to 43200.

      Wait Time (seconds)




      The duration for which the call waits for Maximum Number of Messages to arrive in the queue before returning.

      If the requested number of messages is available, the messages are returned sooner than Wait Time (seconds).

      Polling Interval (seconds)




      The amount of time the task will wait before pooling for a new message batch when no messages are found during the last cycle.

      Valid values from 0.

      Delete After Processing




      Flag to delete the received message after processing.

      If an error occurs during the launching task process, the received message will not be deleted regardless of the Delete after processing flag.

      Launch Task Name




      The name of the Task to be launched in the Universal Controller.

      The task will always be launched with the Task variables:

      • messageId - Returns the MessageId.

      • messageBody - Returns the Body of message.

      • attributes - Returns the list of specified attributes of the message in JSON format.

      • messageAttributes - Returns the list of specified message attributes in JSON format.

      • receiptHandle - Returns the received ReceiptHandle value of message.

      Universal Controller URL




      The Universal Controller URL to launch the Task after when receiving a message.

      For exampleValid URL format is:


      Universal Controller Credentials




      The credentials of Universal Controller URL to be used for launching the task

      The Credentials must have “Web Service Access” Permissions.


      Example of Universal Task for monitoring messages from an existing queue.

      Image RemovedImage Added

      Monitor Messages with Role Based Access Enabled

      Example of Universal Task for monitoring messages with Role Based Access Enabled.

      Image Removed

      http Proxy Type Task Configuration

      Example of Universal Task for monitoring messages through http proxy connection.

      Image Removed


       The credentials in this case are optional and will be stored as environment variables on the execution environment.

      Image Added

      HTTPS With Credentials Proxy Type Task Configuration

      Example of Universal Task for monitoring messages through https HTTPS With Credentials proxy connection:

      Image Removed

      https with password Proxy Type Task Configuration

      Example of Universal Task for monitoring messages through https with password proxy connection.

      Image RemovedImage Added

      Task Output

      Output Only Fields




      Preserved on re-run


      Last Monitor Datetime



      Timestamp of the last time the messages were pooled from the queue.

      Last Monitor Message Count



      Number of fetched messages since the start of the monitoring (task instance).

      Launched Task IDs



      sysID (32 char) of the last launched task as returned by UAC REST API.

      Read Message Count



      Number of fetched messages since the start of the monitoring (task instance).

      Launched Task Count



      Number of launched tasks instances since the start of the monitoring (task instance).


      Exit Code

      Status Classification Code

      Status Classification Description

      Status Description



      Successful Execution

      SUCCESS: Successful Task execution



      Failed Execution

      FAIL: < Error Description >



      Insufficient Permissions

      AUTHORIZATION_ERROR: The authorization credentials provided for the request are invalid.



      Bad connection data or connection timed out

      CONNECTION_ERROR: < Error Description >



      Bad input fields validation

      DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR: Some of the input fields cannot be validated.

      See STDERR for more details.


      STDOUT and STDERR provide additional information to User. The populated content can be changed in future versions of this extension without notice. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed.


      Integration Modifications

      Modifications applied by users or customers, before or after import, might affect the supportability of this integration. The following modifications are discouraged to retain the support level as applied for this integration.

      • Python code modifications should not be done.
      • Template Modifications
        • General Section
          • "Name", "Extension", "Variable Prefix", "Icon" should not be changed.
        • Universal Template Details Section
          • "Template Type", "Agent Type", "Send Extension Variables", "Always Cancel on Force Finish" should not be changed.
        • Result Processing Defaults Section
          • Success and Failure Exit codes should not be changed.
          • Success and Failure Output processing should not be changed.
        • Fields Restriction Section
          The setup of the template does not impose any restrictions, However with respect to "Exit Code Processing Fields" section.
          1. Success/Failure exit codes need to be respected.
          2. In principle, as STDERR and STDOUT outputs can change in follow-up releases of this integration, they should not be considered as a reliable source for determining success or failure of a task.

      Users and customers are encouraged to report defects, or feature requests at Stonebranch Support Desk.

      Document References

      This document references the following documents:

      Document Link


      Universal Templates
      TemplatesUser documentation for creating, working with and understanding Universal Templates
      in the Universal Controller user interface.

      Universal Tasks
      and Integrations.
      Universal TasksUser documentation for creating Universal Tasks in the Universal Controller user interface.
      Amazon SQS

      User documentation for Amazon SQS quotas.

      Amazon Simple Queue Service endpoints and quotas

      User Guide for Amazon Simple Queue Service endpoints and quotas.

      IAM RBAC authorization model

      User Documentation for Comparing ABAC to the traditional RBAC model.
      MessageUser documentation for Amazon SQS.
      IAM RBAC authorization modelUser Documentation for Comparing ABAC to the traditional RBAC model.


      ue-aws-sqs-monitor-1.1.1 (2023-07-28)


      • Fixed: Field 'Proxy Type' raised a data validation error on Controller and later. (#33720)
      • Fixed: Error handling when launching a UAC task in case of a successfully monitored message. (#33922)

      ue-aws-sqs-monitor-1.1.0 (2022-09-15)


      • Added: Allow AWS Credentials and AWS Region as optional fields enabling their configuration on the task execution environment. (#28271)
      • Added: Allow more data in the STDERR (Printing the name of the launched task, message id and task instance sys_id ). (#30006)
      • Added: Task status goes to fail if the proxy can not be reached. (#30066)
      • Added: Task status goes to fail if UAC conectivity error. (#30049)
      • Added: Task status goes to fail if lauch task does not exist. (#30006)

      ue-aws-sqs-monitor-1.0.0 (2022-02-03)

      Initial Version