Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The following figure illustrates the command line syntax of the DISPLAY PRCS PRINT JOB REQUEST REPORT command, using the command line, long form of its configuration options.

-display prcs_print_jobrequestreport -processinstance number
[-iteminstance number]





 {yes | no}] 
[-printdistlist {yes | no}] 
[-printsystemmessage {yes | no}] 
[-printapplicationmessage {yes | no}] 
[-printparamlist {yes | no}] 
[-outfmt {text | xml}]

Command Argument

The DISPLAY PRCS PRINT JOB REQUEST REPORT command can be expressed as either:


Option Name

Command Line
Long Form




Process instance number identifying the job, jobset, or process.



Instance number of the scheduled job or jobset.



Specification for whether or not the job tree is included in the report.



Specification for whether or not the report-recipient distribution list is included in the report.



Specification for whether or not system messages are included in the report.



Specification for whether or not application messages are included in the report.



Specification for whether or not the parameter list for job items are included in the report.



Format of the output for this command.


upps -userid USERNAME1 -pwd PASSWORD1 -host


 qapsft.stone.branch -port 8000 -display prcs_print_jobrequestreport -processinstance 140596

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<img src="%IMAGE(PT_JOB_EXPANDED)" height='12' width='15' border='0' />
<span class='PSTEXT' ><strong>CC_TEST</strong></span><br />
<img src="%IMAGE(PT_PIXEL)" width='15' height='1' />
<img src="%IMAGE(PSTREEMGR_CONNECT)" height='17' width='15' border='0' />
<img src="%IMAGE(PT_JOB_PROCESS)" height='12' width='15' border='0' />
<span class='PSTEXT' >1  FGHR003A:  60 Day Probation Term Notices (Application Engine)</span><br />
<img src="%IMAGE(PT_PIXEL)" width='15' height='1' />
<img src="%IMAGE(PSTREEMGR_ENDCONNECT)" height='17' width='15' border='0' />
<img src="%IMAGE(PT_JOB_PROCESS)" height='12' width='15' border='0' />
<span class='PSTEXT' >2  TREEMOVER:  Tree Mover (Application Engine)</span><br />
<p>&nbsp;</p><TABLE cellPadding=2 cellSpacing=0 width="100%">
     <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=3 cellSpacing=0 width="100%">
      <th class='PSHEADER' colspan="3" bordercolor=rgb(51,51,153)><p align="left">Instance: 140596</p></th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' colspan="9" bordercolor=rgb(51,51,153)>Job Name: CC_TEST - CC_TEST</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' colspan="3" bordercolor=rgb(51,51,153)><p align="left">Mode: Serial</p></th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' colspan="9" bordercolor=rgb(51,51,153)>&nbsp</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="5%">Seq.</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="10%">Instance</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="10%">Process Name</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="15%">Description</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="10%">Process Type</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="5%">Run Status</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="10%">Run Control ID</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="5%">Type</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="8%">Output
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="8%">Server Name</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="7%">Begin Date/Time</th>
      <th class='PSHEADER' width="7%">End Date/Time</th>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  align="center" width="5%">1</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  align="center" width="8%">140597</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  width="10%"><a href=http://qapsft.stone.branch:8000/psc/ps/EMPLOYEE/PSFT_HR/c/CDM_RPT.CDM_RPT.GBL?Page=CDM_RPT_INDEX&Action=U&CDM_ID=29619>FGHR003A</a></td>;
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  width="15%">60 Day Probation Term Notices</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  align="center" width="10%">Application Engine</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  align="center" width="8%">Success</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  align="center" width="5%">ESS1A</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  align="center" width="5%">Web</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  align="center" width="8%">Text Files (*.txt)</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  align="center" width="8%">PRCS1090</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  align="center" width="7%">2018-02-08-</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW'  align="center" width="7%">2018-02-08-</td>
        <td class='PSEVENROW'  colspan="2">&nbsp</td>
        <td class='PSEVENROW'  colspan="10">
      <p>psae  -CT ORACLE -CD HR92U19 -CO "PASSWORD1" -CP OPRPSWD -R ESS1A -I 140597 -AI FGHR003A -OT 6 -FP "/home/psadm2/psft/pt/8.55/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/log_output/AE_FGHR003A_140597/" -OF 14</p>
        <p><strong>Distribution List:</strong></p>
        <table  border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"  bordercolor="#CCCCCC">        <tr>
        <td class='PSEVENROW' ><strong>Type</strong></td>
        <td class='PSEVENROW' ><strong>Name</strong></td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW' >User</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW' >PS</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW' >User</td>
      <td class='PSEVENROW' >USERNAME1</td>
        <p><strong>Application Messages:</strong></p>
      <p>Published message with ID 6c706d4e-0d02-11e8-b10f-f5bb5f09b289 to create entry in folder GENERAL. (65,435)</p>
      <p>Successfully posted generated files to the report repository (65,71)</p>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  align="center" width="5%">2</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  align="center" width="8%">140598</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  width="10%">TREEMOVER</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  width="15%">Tree Mover</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  align="center" width="10%">Application Engine</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  align="center" width="8%">Cancelled</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  align="center" width="5%">ESS1A</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  align="center" width="5%">Web</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  align="center" width="8%">Text Files (*.txt)</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  align="center" width="8%">PRCS1090</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  align="center" width="7%">2018-02-08-</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW'  align="center" width="7%">2018-02-08-</td>
        <td class='PSODDROW'  colspan="2">&nbsp</td>
        <td class='PSODDROW'  colspan="10">
      <p>psae  -CT ORACLE -CD HR92U19 -CO "PASSWORD1" -CP OPRPSWD -R ESS1A -I 140598 -AI TREEMOVER -OT 6 -FP "/home/psadm2/psft/pt/8.55/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/log_output/AE_TREEMOVER_140598/" -OF 14</p>
        <p><strong>Distribution List:</strong></p>
        <table  border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"  bordercolor="#CCCCCC">        <tr>
        <td class='PSODDROW' ><strong>Type</strong></td>
        <td class='PSODDROW' ><strong>Name</strong></td>
      <td class='PSODDROW' >User</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW' >PS</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW' >User</td>
      <td class='PSODDROW' >USERNAME1</td>
        <p><strong>Application Messages:</strong></p>
      <p>PeopleCode Exit(1) Abort invoked by Application at TREEMOVER.Export.Step01. (108,543)</p>
      <p>Process 140598 ABENDED at Step TREEMOVER.Export.Step01 (PeopleCode) -- RC = ? (108,524)</p>
      <p>140598 TREEMOVER Export Step01 PeopleCode ? %7 %8 %9 (65,30)</p>
      <p>Published message with ID 761ff1a2-0d02-11e8-b10f-f5bb5f09b289 to create entry in folder GENERAL. (65,435)</p>
      <p>Successfully posted generated files to the report repository (65,71)</p>
<p>&nbsp;</p>    </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

UNV6830E Universal Connector for PeopleSoft Process Scheduler ending with exit code 0.