Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



This sample is a Bourne shell script that uses a combination of environment variables set by the UEM Server, the script's process ID, and the current system date/time in order to construct a unique file name used to store the output of the ls -al command.



## Set a date string in the format
dt=`date +%Y.%m.%d`

## Set a time string in the format
tm=`date +%H.%M.%S`

## Save the process ID

## Remove the extension from the file tracked by UEM.
uemFName=`basename "$UEMORIGFILE" | sed 's/(^.*).(.*)/1/'`

## Construct a filename using the name of the file tracked by UEM, the
## current date, the current time, and the process ID.

## Execute the command. Redirect the output to the file name 
## constructed above.
ls -al >$fname

## Set the return code and exit the script
exit $rc



This sample is a Windows batch file that uses a combination of environment variables set by the UEM Server and the current system date/time in an attempt to construct a unique file name used to store the output of the dir command. Because multiple instances of this script can be executing at the same time, and a process ID is not available to a Windows batch file, a loop exists to retry the file name construction if a matching file is found.

@echo off

:: Main script flow
set rc=0

call :SetVariables
call :SetupOutputFile

:: Now, execute the command. Redirect the contents of this directory
:: and all subdirectories to the file identified by %fname%.

dir /o/-p/s >%fname%

:: Exit the script
goto Exit

:: Subroutines 

:: Set a date string in the format
for /f "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do set dt=%%c.%%a.%%b

:: Set a time string in the format
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=: " %%a in ('time /t') do set tm=%%a.%%b

:: Remove file extension
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=." %%a in ("%UEMORIGFILE%") do set uemFName=%%a

:: Set the file name
set fname=%uemFName%.%dt%.%tm%.txt

goto :EOF

:: Test for the existence of the output file. If the file is found, loop 
:: for a while then reset the time variable and check again.
:: If the file doesn't exist, create it to prevent another instance of this
:: script from grabbing it.
if not exist %fname% (
echo. >%fname%
goto SetupOutputFileExit

:: Otherwise, wait for a count of 10,000 (approx 1 sec) and try again.
if exist %fname% for /l %%I in (1,1,10000) do echo. >NUL

call :SetVariables
goto SetupOutputFile

goto :EOF

exit %rc%
