Versions Compared


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The website is organized into spaces, each of which contains a set of information on specific subject matter.

Current documentation for the Universal Automation Center contains the following spaces:




Provides links to all current documentation and access to all previous versions of documentation.


Universal Automation Center


Provides an overview of Universal Automation Center.


Universal Controller 7.2.x


Provides information on Universal Controller.


Universal Agent 7.2.x


Provides information on Universal Agent and specific information on Universal Command and Universal Data Mover.


Support, Maintenance Lists, and Release Information


Provides information on product maintenance, platform and browser support, end of support dates, release information, technical briefs, and links to all documentation.

Similar spaces are Spaces are also provided for earlier versions of documentation.


  1. In your browser address bar, enter
  2. On the Stonebranch website, select Documentation from the support menu.
  3. From the Stonebranch Customer Portal (, select Documentation.
  4. From the Universal Controller user interface, click (the help button) in the upper right corner of any screen.

Accessing this website from your browser address bar or the Stonebranch website takes you to the home page for /wiki/spaces/UACDOC72UACDOC74/overview.

Accessing this website from the Universal Controller user interface takes you to the home page for Universal Controller 7.2.x.

Navigating the Website

Each page on the website is organized into two frames: a Navigation frame on the left and a Documentation frame on the right.

The upper half of the Navigation frame is the same on every page. It contains links that form a master table of contents; for the current Universal Automation Center documentation:


Universal Controller




The lower half of the Navigation frame contains a table of contents for the current documentation space, preceded by a search box for searching that space (see Searching the Website, below).

Each home page contains links to landing pages based on feature or function, such as Installation or Security.


Search Locations

To search the entire documentation website, enter the search text in the Search All Documentation box at the top right of any page.

To search only the current space, enter search text in the Navigation frame Search box. Text above the search box identifies the current documentation space to be searched.

Both searches provide a list of pages containing the best matches for the data being searched. Click a page link to view the page.

To search the contents of a page, use the web browser Find action (typically Ctrl-F) to locate a specific instance of the search data.

Search Criteria

To find pages containing an exact match of the search text, enclose the text in double quotation marks ( " ).

To find pages that contain at least one instance of each word in the search text (including exact matches), do not enclose the text in double quotation marks.

You can use * as a wildcard in your search text, as long as it is not the first search character.


Search text is not case-sensitive.


PDFs of website information are provided on the /wiki/spaces/UACDOC72/pages/4390923 page of the Documentation Library for each All Universal Automation Center releasePDFs page. Each PDF contains interactive bookmarks and Table of Contents.

If you would like a Zip file of specific PDFs from the PDFs page in any Documentation Library, send a request to Stonebranch Documentation.

Creating an Ad Hoc PDF

If you want to create a PDF of specific information from your current Space location in Confluencethe website:

  1. From the Space Tools menu, select Look and Feel > PDF Layout.
  2. Define the PDF Title Page, Header, and Footer information.
  3. Select Content Tools > ExportBrowse drop-down list, click Advanced.
  4. From the Export menu, select click PDF and click Next>>Export.
  5. Click Custom Export and select Select any or all of the pages to be included in the PDF.
  6. Click Export.
  7. When the PDF export is complete, click the Download here link.

Your PDF may contain instances of the following message: Error formatting macro: redirect: java.lang.NullPointerException. This is not an error in the PDF; it is internally generated code that identifies where page redirection has been implemented in the online documentation in order to automatically expand the Navigation panel.

Creating a PDF of the Current Page

If you want to create a PDF of the current page:

  1. From the Tools drop-down list, click Export to PDF.
  2. Open or Save the PDF.

Creating a Zip File of All PDFs

You can create a Zip file of all PDFs on the PDFs page in any Documentation Library.

  1. Access the Documentation Library page.
  2. Click the All Universal Automation Center PDFs link.
  3. On the All Universal Automation Center PDFs page, from the ellipse (...) drop-down list located underneath the Log in link, click Attachments ( # ).At the bottom of the Attachmentsselect Tools > Attachments.
  4. On the Attached Files, page, click Download All to create a Zip file of all PDFs attached to the All Universal Automation Center PDFs page.

If you would like a Zip file of specific PDFs from the PDFs page in any Documentation Library, send a request to Stonebranch Documentation

Creating a PDF of the Current Page

If you want to create a PDF of the current page:




Your feedback is very helpful in improving the documentation and its usability.


Stonebranch, Inc. provides customer support, via telephone and e-mail, for all Universal Automation Center components.


All Locations

Customer support contact via e-mail also can be made via the Stonebranch website.
