Versions Compared


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Cancels a running task instance (see Cancelling a Task Instance), including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Clear All Dependencies

Workflow tasks only: Clears all dependencies (predecessors, resources, and exclusive) of a task instance (see Clearing All Dependencies of a Task Instance).

Clear Exclusive

Clears mutually exclusive dependencies of a task instance (see Clearing Mutually Exclusive Dependencies of a Task Instance).

Clear Instance WaitClears all Previous Instance Wait specifications for this task instance (see  Clearing Previous Instance Wait Specifications of a Task Instance).

Clear Predecessors

Workflow tasks only: Clears predecessor dependencies of a task instance (see Clearing Predecessor Dependencies of a Task Instance).

Clear Resources

Clears resource dependencies of a task instance (see Clearing Resource Dependencies of a Task Instance).

Clear Time/Wait Delay

Clears all Wait To Start and Delay On Start specifications for this task instance (see Clearing Time Wait/Delay Specifications of a Task Instance).

Force Finish

Places a task instance into the Finished status (see Force Finishing a Task Instance), including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Force Finish (Halt)

Places a task instance into the Finished status (see Force Finishing (Halt) a Task Instance), including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Force Finish/Cancel

Cancels a task and places it into the Finished status (see Force Finish/Cancelling a Task Instance); including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Force Finish/Cancel (Halt)

Cancels a task and places it into the Finished status (see Force Finish/Cancelling (Halt) a Task Instance).


Temporarily prevents a task instance from running (see Putting a Task Instance on Hold).


Removes a task instance from being on Hold (see Releasing a Task Instance from Hold).

Release Recursive

Workflow tasks only: Removes a workflow and its task instances from being on Hold (see Releasing a Task Instance from Hold).


Not applicable for Workflow tasks: Re-runs a task instance (see Re-running a Task Instance), including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures)

Not applicable for Workflow tasks: Re-runs a task instance (see Re-running a Task Instance) specifying that intermediate failures be suppressed, including a task instance in a completed workflow (status = Success, Finished, Skipped).

Retrieve Output

Retrieves output (Standard Output and/or Standard Error, or in the case of z/OS, the Job Log) for any running or completed task instance, limited to the following supported task types:

  • Application Control
  • Remote File Monitor
  • Linux/Unix
  • PeopleSoft
  • SAP
  • Universal
  • Universal Command
  • Windows
  • z/OS

Set Completed

Sets a Manual Task instance to the Success status.

Set Priority

Sets the priority of a task instance in Started, Running, or Queued status to High, Medium, or Low (see Changing the Priority of a Task Instance).

Set Started

Resets the Started Time of a Manual Task instance.


Disregards a task instance (see Skipping a Task Instance).

Skip Path

Disregards a task instance and all of its dependent task instances (see Skipping a Task Instance).


Removes the Skip status of a task instance (see Unskipping a Task Instance).



Task Type

Supported Commands

Action Required (60)


  • Cancel
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Force Finish/Cancel
  • Force Finish/Cancel (Halt)
  • Set Started
  • Set Completed

Cancel Pending (99)


  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Retrieve Output

Cancelled (130)


  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Re-run - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures) - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Retrieve Output

Confirmation Required (125)


  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Re-run - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures) - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Retrieve Output

Defined (0)


  • Clear All Dependencies
  • Clear Predecessors
  • Clear Time Wait/Delay
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Skip
  • Skip Path
  • Release Recursive - Workflow tasks only.

Exclusive Requested (22)


  • Clear All Dependencies
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Skip
  • Skip Path

Exclusive Wait (23)


  • Clear All Dependencies
  • Clear Exclusive
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Skip
  • Skip Path
  • Release Recursive - Workflow tasks only.

Execution Wait (33)


  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Skip
  • Skip Path

Failed (140)

All (except Workflows)

  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Re-run - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures) - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Retrieve Output

Finished (190)


  • Re-run - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures) - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Retrieve Output

Held (20)


  • Clear All Dependencies
  • Clear Time Wait/Delay
  • Clear Predecessors
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Release
  • Release Recursive - Workflow tasks only.
  • Skip
  • Skip Path

In Doubt (110)


  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Re-run - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures) - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Retrieve Output
Instance Wait (1217)All 
  • Clear All Dependencies
  • Clear Time Wait/Delay
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Skip
  • Skip Path
  • Release Recursive - Workflow tasks only.

Queued (40)


  • Cancel
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Set Priority

Resource Requested (25)

All tasks using Virtual Resources

  • Clear All Dependencies
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Skip
  • Skip Path

Resource Wait (30)

All tasks using Virtual Resources

  • Clear All Dependencies
  • Clear Resources
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Skip
  • Skip Path
  • Release Recursive - Workflow tasks only.

Running (80)


  • Cancel
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Force Finish/Cancel
  • Force Finish/Cancel (Halt)
  • Release Recursive - Workflow tasks only.
  • Retrieve Output
  • Set Priority

Running Problems (81)


  • Cancel
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Force Finish/Cancel
  • Force Finish/Cancel (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Release Recursive - Workflow tasks only.

Skipped (180)


  • Unskip

Start Failure (120)


  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Re-run - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures) - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Retrieve Output

Started (70)

Agent-based and Manual

  • Cancel
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Force Finish/Cancel
  • Force Finish/Cancel (Halt)
  • Retrieve Output
  • Set Completed - Manual tasks only.
  • Set Priority

Submitted (43)


  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)

Success (200)


  • Re-run - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Re-run (Suppress Intermediate Failures) - Not applicable for Workflow tasks.
  • Retrieve Output

Time Wait (15)

All (except Timer)

  • Clear All Dependencies
  • Clear Time Wait/Delay
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Skip
  • Skip Path
  • Release Recursive - Workflow tasks only

Undeliverable (35)


  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Skip
  • Skip Path

Waiting (10)


  • Clear All Dependencies
  • Clear Predecessors
  • Clear Time Wait/Delay
  • Force Finish
  • Force Finish (Halt)
  • Hold
  • Skip
  • Skip Path
  • Release Recursive - Workflow tasks only


You can only clear Previous Instance Wait Specifications of a task instance if it is in Instance Wait status.



Previous Instance Wait Specifications of a Task Instance from the Activity Monitor or Task Instances List

Step 1

Select the task instance whose Previous Instance Wait specifications you want to clear.

Step 2

Click Clear > Clear Instance Wait. The task instance is launched normally.



Previous Instance Wait Specifications of a Task Instance from the Workflow Monitor

Step 1

View the Workflow that contains the task instance whose Previous Instance Wait specifications you want to clear.

Step 2

Select the task instance for which you want to clear Time clear Previous Instance Wait /Delay specifications.

Step 3

Select Commands.

Step 4

Select Clear Instance Wait. The task instance is launched normally.



Previous Instance Wait Specifications of a Task Instance from the Task Instance Details

Step 1

Open the Task Instance Details for the task instance that you want to clear Previous Instance Wait specifications.

Step 2

Right-click in the task instance Details and select Clear > Clear Instance Wait.
