This task uses Python modules google-cloud-bigquery and google-auth to make REST-API calls to Google BigQuery
This task will use the GCP Project ID, BigQuery SQL or Schema, Dataset ID, Job ID, Location, Table ID, Cloud Storage URI, and Source File Format as parameters of BigQuery function, and GCP KeyFile (API KEY) of Service account for authenticating the REST-API calls to Google BigQuery.
User can perform the following Google BigQuery operations:
BigQuery SQL
List dataset
List tables in dataset
View job information
Create a dataset
Load local file to a table
Load cloud storage data to a table
Export table data
Version Information
Template Name | Version |
CS Google BigQuery | 1.1.4 |
Refer to changelog for version history information.
Universal Agent for Windows x64 Version 67.9 0 and later with Python options installed.
Universal Agent for Linux Version 67.9 0 and later with Python options installed.
Universal Controller Version and later.
Software Requirements for the Application to be Scheduled