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Change ID





Extend the AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER option to support the primary_secondary value, which will instruct a Universal Agent configured with a SYSPLEX_ROLE of primary to start as a secondary Agent if another primary Agent is already running.


The AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER option continues to support a default value of never, which will disable automatic failover and will require failovers to be managed manually via a Universal Broker MODIFY command. 


Extend the AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER option to support the secondary_primary[n] value, where n is an optional numeric value that sets a priority to determine which secondary Agent (among several active secondary Agents) will take over as primary.


The AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER option continues to support a default value of never, which will disable automatic failover and will require failovers to be managed manually via a Universal Broker MODIFY command. 

B-13288z/OSUAGSRVAdded the (mutually-exclusive) ZOS_JOB_SYSAFF and ZOS_JOB_SYSTEM configuration options that can manage a z/OS task's execution via a SYSAFF or SYSTEM JOB card parameter, respectively.

Extend the AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER option to support the always_primary value, which will force an Agent whose SYSPLEX_ROLE is primary to always start as a Primary Agent. Any other Agent running as a Primary Agent will become a Secondary Agent when this Agent starts.


The AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER option continues to support a default value of never, which will disable automatic failover and will require failovers to be managed manually via a Universal Broker MODIFY command. 


Establish a connection to the (S)FTP Server before attempting the requested transfer operation. This will allow connection-specific failures to be isolated and reported.

To support this change, the following message:

UNV3707E cURL reports could not connect.

was replaced with:

UNV6955E Unable to establish an FTP server connection (curl_rc): curl_msg

where curl_rc and curl_msg are the return code and error message, respectively, that identify the problem.

In addition, UFTP now displays the entire connection conversation between it and the Server without requiring the -verbose option. 



OMSSRVUAGSRVFix an issue that prevents a z/OS Agent using IBM System SSL (that is, RACF-based keyrings) from connecting to an OMS Server.



Fix an issue where an attempt to transfer PDS members from z/OS using UDM may result in an S0C4 ABEND.

When this occurs, the following error is reported:

CEE3204S The system detected a protection exception (System Completion Code=0C4).
From entry point UPdsRead at compile unit offset +00000398 at entry offset +00000398 at address 0A5B5030.


This problem was introduced by D-08997, delivered in UA


Fix an issue that prevented a file monitor task from locating datasets when a wildcard is used as the first character in the dataset pattern.

This restores behavior that existed prior to Universal Agent

D-10676AllUFTPEnsures that UFTP will not crash when used to transfer a comma-separated list of files from z/OS using the MGET command.

When running a File Transfer Task via a z/OS Agent, if the Local and/or Remote Filename values exceeded 72 characters, UAG Server failed to properly format the SYSIN DD statement in the JCL used to execute UFTP.

The z/OS Agent now ensures that such values are properly terminated at column 72 and continued to the next line.
