Versions Compared


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h1. Introduction

Stonebranch provides product maintenance in the form of updated product installation packages.  This document lists the product installation package maintenance history for Universal Controller 6.6.x.

For Universal Controller 6.6.x, applying maintenance refers to the increase from a currently installed 6.1.x, 6.2.x, 6.3.x, 6.4.x, 6.5.x, or 6.6.x [version|UC66:Downloading Universal Controller Software#Versioning] of the Controller to a later 6.6.x version of the Controller (for example, increase Controller to Controller

h1. Product Packaging

A package maintenance level is incremented when the package changes or the package installation changes.

Stonebranch changes product version, release, or modification identifiers at its discretion when it deems an appropriate number of enhancements or capabilities have been introduced to warrant the change.

h2. {anchor:Versioning}Versioning

Package version numbers are comprised of four numeric identifiers: version, release, modification level, and maintenance level. 

For example, for Universal Controller

* 6 = Version 6
* 6 = Release 6
* 6 = Modification Level 6
* 0 = Maintenance Level 0

h2. Packaging Methods

The Universal Controller 6.6.x packages are provided in formats appropriate for the target platforms.

See [Installation, Upgrade, and Applying Maintenance|UC65:Installation, Upgrade, and Applying Maintenance] for information on installing, upgrading, and applying maintenance to the Universal Controller.

h1. Package Maintenance Levels

This section identifies the changes included in Universal Controller 6.6.x.

h2. {anchor:Release - March 31, 2019}Release - March 31, 2019

|| Change ID || Description ||

| B-03133 | Ability to attach [local files|UC66:Universal Controller] as email attachment. |
| B-03218 | [Run Criteria|UC66:Creating and Maintaining Workflows#Creating Skip/Run Criteria] expanded to include Week as a Complex Qualifier. |
| B-03412 | Add [function|UC66:Functions#Output Functions] to retrieve predecessor task output by specific line. |
| B-03621 | Ability to specify a minimum size on the creation of a [file|UC66:File Monitor Task]. |
| B-04047 | Automatic purging of old [Custom Day dates|UC66:Universal Controller Properties#Purge Dates From Custom Day List Older Than] from Date List. |
| B-05005 | Automatic output retrieval only on [task failure|UC66:Failure Only]. |
| B-06294 | [Universal Tasks|UC66:Creating a Universal Task] - Require If Field/Require If Field Value - Boolean Field. |
| B-06366 | [Universal Tasks|UC66:Creating a Universal Task] - Field Choices - Allow Empty. |
| B-06728 | Calculate [Observed Public Holidays|UC66:Creating Custom Days]. |
| B-07148 | Add Nth and Nth Amount to [Trigger|UC66:Triggers] Restrictions - Complex Restriction - Adjective. |
| B-07357 | [Custom Days|UC66:Creating Custom Days]: For Relative Repeating Date, add Last Day and Last Business Day to the When Clause. |
| B-08515 | Web Service API: [Universal Templates|UC66:Universal Template Web Services]. |
| B-08870 | [Universal Tasks|UC66:Creating a Universal Task]: Add Array Field. |
| B-09347 | [Service Role|UC66:Roles and Permissions] and Complementing Administration Roles. |
| B-09385 | Add on-delete validation for [credentials|UC66:Credentials]. |
| B-09427 | Add support for decimals to [SQL Task|UC66:SQL Task] Result Set Processing comparison operators (>, >=, <, <=). |
| B-09498 | Add [Time Trigger Minimum Frequency In Seconds|UC66:Universal Controller Properties#Time Trigger Minimum Frequency In Seconds] Universal Controller system property system. |
| B-09506 | [Time Trigger|UC66:Time Trigger] expanded to include Week as a Complex Qualifier. |
| B-09771 | Web Service API: [Delete a Scheduled Bundle Promotion|UC66:Bundle Web Services#Delete a Scheduled Bundle Promotion]. |
| B-09853 | Review virtual resource order processing for potential optimizations. |
| B-09857 | Web Service API: [List Task Instance Variables (Show Variables)|UC66:ListTask Instance Web Services#List Task Instance Variables (Show Variables)]. |
| B-09926 | Added index for OPS_NOTIFICATION("sys_class_name", "task_id", "sys_id”) for promotion optimization based on customer feedback. |
| B-09928 | Add Email Options in PeopleSoft Task. |
| B-09929 | Add Process Distribution Options in PeopleSoft Task. |
| B-09939 | Business Services Security and Visibility for Bundles. |
| B-09940 | SAP Connection Enhancement - Add New fields to SAP Connection Form. |
| B-10115 | List/Download Opswise log files via the Client GUI. |
| B-10124 | Web Service API: Cancel Scheduled Bundle Promotion. |
| B-10166 | Expose Task Instance Statistics as Variables. |
| B-10167 | Include property 'inheritance' for Actions in the Create Workflow RESTful API request. |
| B-10217 | Add simple search to Configuration -> Properties List Grid. |
| B-10224 | Re-labelling of the Shorted Estimated End Time, and Longest Estimated End Time, for consistency. |
| B-10253 | Universal Template : Add "py" and "uapy" to Windows Script File Type. |
| B-10278 | Universal Tasks - Array Field - Custom Column Titles. |
| B-10286 | Business Services Security and Visibility for Promotion Targets - Bundle-less Promotion. |
| B-10311 | UC : Update Product Copyright Year to 2019. |
| B-10325 | Replace favicon and SB logo with new corporate branding. |
| B-10326 | Remove Universal Controller TM from Banner. |
| B-10327 | Remove "old" logos from webapps/controller/images/opswise/logos. |
| B-10344 | Branding : Change Default "Banner Background Color" to #186CDA. |
| B-10353 | Update user documentation links in the product. |
| B-10602 | Distribute Agent Heartbeat processing over multiple threads. |
| D-05599 | Universal Controller shouldn't allow associating a file monitor that cluster broadcasts with a file monitor trigger. |
| D-05723 | Broadcast task not honoring dependencies correctly when broadcasting task releases another broadcasting task. |
| D-06177 | Time trigger multi update - it's possible to set adjustment amount to negative number. |
| D-07265 | Time trigger - Changing a calendar may trigger an instance twice. |
| D-08883 | Multi Update Parent Audit Records are not Using Display Names. |
| D-08953 | Filter Builder should only list "Credential Field x Name" fields if the Universal Task has mapped Credential fields. |
| D-09011 | Filters - Is one of - When setting up a filter if you choose the "Is one of" the next field says "Comma separated values" however it only allows you to choose one selection (being a drop down). |
| D-09228 | Universal Tasks - Field picker for Filter Builder lists "Credential Field [1-4] Name" fields for unmapped Credential fields. |
| D-09230 | The Tasks tab on Script form does not show the New button unless the user has "update" permission for the Script. |
| D-09232 | Universal Tasks - Show Details tab lists "Credential Field [1-4] Name" fields for unmapped Credential fields. |
| D-09346 | Runtime Parameters are not deleted when changing PeopleSoft Task Command field from "Schedule Job". |
| D-09347 | SNMP Manager should be required for Cluster Node, OMS Server, and Agent notifications. |
| D-09359 | Children task instances of a manually deleted workflow instance will never qualify for Data Backup/Purge. |
| D-09364 | Virtual Resource Updated Field - not getting updated when resource limit is being set via a System Operation from a task. |
| D-09389 | Updating an enabled Time trigger from Time Style "Time" to "Time Interval", where one of the {"Time Interval", "Time Unit", "Enable Offset"} fields do not change will result in the interval being calculated beginning from the old Next Scheduled Time. |
| D-09391 | NullPointerException when create a new Application and the Status is not Inactive. |
| D-09394 | Unable to set Value for Stored Procedure Parameter Input/Output parameter mode through Web Service API. |
| D-09398 | PeopleSoft Task with multiple RunTime Parameters generates invalid XML for the UPPS Submit Process request. |
| D-09399 | Scheduled report for Stored Procedure Task Instance "Parameters" fails with "Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key ops_exec_stored_proc_param.label". |
| D-09400 | Scheduled report for PeopleSoft Task/Task Instance "RunTime Parameters" fails with "Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key ops_exec/task_peoplesoft_rt_param.label". |
| D-09401 | Workflow Task Instance "Step Actions" not deleted when Workflow Task Instance deleted. |
| D-09404 | List Qualifying Times does not return correct list for "Every Business Day of Week" Time Trigger using Calendar with First Day of Week is Monday. |
| D-09405 | PeopleSoft Task Instance in Undeliverable status does not get queued when agent becomes available. |
| D-09406 | PeopleSoft Task should not allow Distribution Type be blank. |
| D-09408 | Trigger is not re-enabled when the 'First Day of Week' changed. |
| D-09410 | Run Criteria Validation not adding correct error field to be identified on the Form. |
| D-09415 | Cached User Permission(s) are not cleared when using Web Service to update User Permission(s). |
| D-09418 | Custom Day - Last Day/Last Business Day not working for Period. |
| D-09420 | Trigger can be deleted when referenced by a Trigger Now System Operation. |
| D-09421 | Workflow stays in the Running status even all the tasks in the workflow finished (Success or Skipped). |
| D-09422 | Upon Controller restart, there is no pause between Database connection attempts. |
| D-09425 | Reports - Notifications for SNMP is getting Parent record not found error upon running. |
| D-09426 | Selecting a Timer Task in the List Grid while the Form Section is collapsed leaves fields hidden on Form. |
| D-09427 | Callers of BeanFinder.findBeans should not be casting returned List to an ArrayList. |
| D-09433 | List Qualifying Times for a Time Trigger using a Custom Day period (Date List) is missing qualifying times when trigger Time is not 00:00. |
| D-09434 | Bundle Exclude on Existence field Check All and Uncheck All icon/png not found when form read only. |
| D-09435 | Validation of "Week" Restriction/Date Qualifier missing for Trigger Components. |
| D-09436 | List/Download Opswise log - The sort bar is being displayed incorrectly when double clicking the sort download icon. |
| D-09439 | OpswiseRequestTransformer throws java.lang.NullPointerException in Legacy Development Mode. |
| D-09441 | No steps were added or removed, however, step re-run selection was not preserved after confirmation required for z/OS task instance. |
| D-09443 | List Qualifying Times for a Time Trigger using 7th Day of the Week is missing qualifying times when trigger Time is not 00:00. |
| D-09444 | Restriction Nth Amount field is not hidden on the form when uncheck Special Restriction. |
| D-09445 | Error Message column appears twice on the Confirm JCL Changes tab. |
| D-09448 | No steps should be selected for re-run after a job runs to successfully completion following a Confirmation Required. |
| D-09450 | Multi-Update of Universal Task of Environment Variables shows simple Text field. |
| D-09456 | Universal Task/Task Instance Array Field scheduled report has Array Field 1 and Array Field 2 in the column heading instead of the field label. |
| D-09462 | Business Services (i.e. Agent, Task, etc.) - When trying to add a large amount of Business Services to a definition getting a SQLServerException. | 
| D-09473 | Universal Template - Web Service update - After adding an icon to the template I receive an error when trying to update via the web service. |
| D-09475 | UC- Report change can freeze db lookups needing a reload to be cured. |
| D-09476 | Trigger Recursion Count Max Exceeded when list qualified times for a Time Trigger. |
| D-09479 | Force Finishing a parent workflow before all children in a sub-workflow transition to Waiting status creating invalid Finished to Waiting transition. |
| D-09480 | Some test classes are not being invoked from the TestSuite. | 
| D-09485 | Universal Task/Template Web Service - The attributes on each arrayField is missing the name and value. |
| D-09486 | Promote Universal Template from to an earlier release required to check "allow universal template updates" even there is no change to the template. |
| D-09488 | Job Card should be a required field when Agent Type is z/OS on FTP File Monitor Task. |
| D-09489 | Duplicate group members are created by the LDAP Refresh server operation when a user's "memberOf" attribute matches more than one Group Target OU.  |
| D-09491 | Universal Task Read Web Service (json only) - arrayField1 and arrayField2 in the payload but there is no Array field type in the Template. |
| D-09492 | Remove benign warning in log relating to z/OS and invalid cluster type. |
| D-09493 | SQL Syntax Error Exception upon trying to run the regression workflow. |
| D-09494 | The output_failure_only value is not being copied to the task instance. |
| D-09496 | TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null in login.jsp. |
| D-09498 | Thin white line along top of application in IE11. |
| D-09500 | XSS vulnerability with Other... option in select item (User Title field, LDAP Settings User Id Attribute field, etc.). |
| D-09501 | Copyright Year for Install-controller.bat within the zip file is giving 2013 instead of 2019.  |
| D-09504 | Change Password Login Page - Error - when changing the password for a user. (Uncaught TypeError). |
| D-09510 | Local file attachment is not sent when Attach Local File and Attach Remote File both are selected in the Email Notification. |
| D-09515 | "Attach Local File" should behave the same in UI and Web Service. | 
| D-09517 | Workflow Monitor "View Predecessors/Successors" dialog should display options using the Instance Name (once available), not the Task Name. |
| D-09518 | 'java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Add not supported on this list' error message on the console when click a version of SAP Connection. |
| D-09520 | SAP Connection Create/Update Web Service not working correctly for fields sapSncSso and Use Symbolic Names. |
| D-09522 | UPPS : Add PrcsEmailOptions to XML when PrcsDistributionOptions are set. |
| D-09524 | Request missing a CSRF token. |
| D-09529 | Callers of ResultSet.getTimestamp should consistently pass in the calendar object. |
| D-09531 | Task Instance does not change to the correct status when add offline/suspend agent to agent cluster. |
| D-09532 | Perform Thread Interrupts in another Thread during Shutdown. |
| D-09533 | List Qualifying Times for a future Date of should start from beginning of the Day. |
| D-09535 | Multi-Update of Time/Duration fields has problems selecting anything other than 1st field. |
| D-09536 | NullPointerException when switch between user created Layout and System Default Layout. |


h3. Prior Maintenance

See [SMLRI:Universal Controller 6.5.x Maintenance] for changes previously included in 6.5.x maintenance releases that also are included in the 6.6.x releases.