The following figure illustrates the command line syntax — using the command line, long form of the configuration options — of UCMD Manager for z/OS.
Panel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Html bobswift | ucmd
{ -cmd Html bobswift | command [ -cmd_type Html bobswift | { <b>cmdref</b>|<b>shell</b>|<b>stc</b>cmdref|shell|stc} ] | -script Html bobswift | ddname [ -options Html bobswift | options] [ -script_type Html bobswift | type] [ -script_line_ignore_mask Html bobswift | mask] } [ -host Html bobswift | hostlist [ -connect_retry_count Html bobswift | number] [ -connect_retry_interval Html bobswift | seconds] [ -connect_timeout Html bobswift | seconds] [ -dns_expand Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -host_selection Html bobswift | { <b>sequential</b>|<b>random</b>sequential|random} ] [ -mft_safe_mode Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -file Html bobswift | ddname | -encryptedfile Html bobswift | ddname [ -key Html bobswift | key] ] * [ -port Html bobswift | port] [ -system_id Html bobswift | ID] [ -userid Html bobswift | user [ -pwd Html bobswift | pwd] ] [ -hostname_retry_count Html bobswift | count] [ -outboundip Html bobswift | host] [ -server Html bobswift | options] [ -uencrypted_codepage Html bobswift | codepage] [ -elevate_user_token Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -assign_process_to_job Html bobswift | option] [ -managerft Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -cmdid Html bobswift | id] [ -login Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -lang Html bobswift | language ] [ -level Html bobswift | { <b>trace</b>|<b>audit</b>|<b>info</b>|<b>warn</b>|<b>error</b>trace|audit|info|warn|error}[,{<b>time</b>|<b>notime</b> time|notime} ] [ -msg_suppression_list Html bobswift | list ] [ -tracefilelines Html bobswift | lines] [ -trace_table Html bobswift | size,{<b>error</b>|<b>always</b>|<b>never</b> error|always|never} ] [ -ssl_implementation Html bobswift | { <b>openssl</b>|<b>system</b>openssl|system} ] [ -ca_certs Html bobswift | ddname [ -verify_host_name Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>|<b>hostname</b>yes|no|hostname} ] [ -verify_serial_number Html bobswift | number] ] [ -cert
ddname -private_key Html bobswift | ddname [ -private_key_pwd Html bobswift | password] ] [ -days Html bobswift | number] [ -crl Html bobswift | ddname] [ -saf_key_ring Html bobswift | name [ -saf_key_ring_label Html bobswift | label] ] [ -ctl_ssl_cipher_list Html bobswift | cipherlist] [ -data_ssl_cipher_list Html bobswift | cipherlist] [ -default_cipher Html bobswift | cipher] [ -forcecomplete Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -job_retention Html bobswift | seconds] [ -delay Html bobswift | seconds] [ -min_ssl_protocol Html bobswift | option] [ -networkft Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -retry_count Html bobswift | number] [ -retry_interval Html bobswift | seconds] [ -restart Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>|<b>auto</b>yes|no|auto} [ -managerft Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} [ -cmdid Html bobswift | id] ] ] [ -server_stop_conditions Html bobswift | codes] [ -codepage Html bobswift | codepage] [ -compress Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no}[,{<b>zlib</b>|<b>hasp</b> zlib|hasp} ] ] [ -encrypt Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -authenticate Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -stdin Html bobswift | | -stdout Html bobswift | | -stderr Html bobswift | ]
[ -codepage Html bobswift | codepage] [ -compress Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no}[,{<b>zlib</b>|<b>hasp</b> zlib|hasp} ] ] [ -encrypt Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -authenticate Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] [ -localfile Html bobswift | ddname] [ -mode Html bobswift | { <b>text</b>|<b>binary</b>text|binary}[,{<b>ucs</b>|<b>direct</b> ucs|direct} ] [ -trailingspaces Html bobswift | { <b>yes</b>|<b>no</b>yes|no} ] ] [ -remotecodepage Html bobswift | codepage] [ -exit_code_map Html bobswift | map] [ -comment Html bobswift | text] ucmd { -help Html bobswift | | -version Html bobswift | }
* The command file (-file or -encryptedfile) can contain some or all required and/or optional configuration options, including -cmd (or -script) and -host. If a command file is specified on the command line, and it contains the required -cmd (or -script) and -host options, those options do not have to be specified additionally on the command line.