IBM i | This value can be either: - lib (Library file system)
- hfs (IFS file system: root or QOpenSys)
UNIX | There is only one file system; specifying a filesys value will result in a warning. |
Windows | There is only one file system; specifying a filesys value will result in a warning. |
z/OS | This value can be either:
Html bobswift |
<li> dd (ddnames defined with JCL DD statements)
<li> dsn (data set name)
<li> hfs (UNIX System Services file system).
Note |
| dd is available only on z/OS Manager for two-party transfer. |
To set the file system on the server with the logical name
mvsmachine to the
dsn file system:
Panel |
Html bobswift |
filesys mvsmachine=dsn