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Step 1Follow the above steps again to create another account stonebranch-sftp-02

If you don't already have a public key, generate a new SSH key for this account, for example:

Code Block
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096ed25519 -C "stonebranch-02" -m PEM -N "" -f stonebranch-02
Generating public/private rsaed25519 key pair.
Your identification has been saved in stonebranch-02.
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:gNvc9Km/Zoe6b/UEtfD0mIjjhiRO/eYujv/SU4+d8sk stonebranch-02
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|                 |
|     .      . o  |
|    . ...  . * = |
|     +o+o.o.o = .|
|    .oooS+o. .   |
|      . ..= o .  |
|        .= + * . |
|       .o.O +.=. |
|      .o=%*+ oE  |


The public key must be in PEM formatOpenSSH format.
The following key types are supported: ed25519, ecdsa, rsa, dss. RSA and DSS are obsolete and not supported by all SFTP software servers and clients.

Step 2From the UDMG navigation pane, select Management > Local Accounts. The Local Accounts list displays.
Step 3Select the SFTP server from the drop-down list, stonebranch-sftp-01.
Step 4

The list of accounts is refreshed with the accounts for that server.

Select the stonebranch-02 account.

The account details are populated in the Details pane

Step 5Click the Certificates tab.
Step 6Click the Add Certificate button.
Step 7

The Certificate Details displays.

  • In the Name field, enter stb-02-pub.
  • In the Public Key field, select enter the user public key, for instance the content of the file

Image RemovedImage Added

The fields can be resized for easier display, simply move up or down the resize grabber in the corner of the field.

Step 8

Click Save.

The SSH key is stored for this account and client connection can be performed with SSH key authentication.

Step 9

It's now possible to connect to the SFTP server with this account private key:

Code Block
$ sftp -i stonebranch-02 -P 4000 stonebranch-02@
Connected to
sftp> ls
