Versions Compared


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Comment: Reverted from v. 3


Table of Contents


Template NameExtension NameVersion
CS Azure Synapseue-cs-azure-synapse1.0.1

Refer to Changelog for version history information.


FieldInput TypeValueTypeDescription

Azure Location

Requirede.g., eastus2


The Azure location.

Azure Tenant ID

Requirede.g., 44af330b-a795-47b6-82fe-64db323a499a


The Azure Tenant ID or Directory ID.

Azure Client Id & Secret



The Azure client ID and client secret (Client ID as username and client secret as the password) - This comes from your Azure App registration services.

Synapse Operation

RequiredCreate Pipeline Run | Get Pipelines By Workspace


Select the required Azure Synapse function for the task.

Create Pipeline Run | Get Pipelines By Workspace

Workspace Name



The Azure Synapse Workspace Name. 

Pipeline Name


All Pipelines in the selected Workspace are listed for selection, e.g.

  • SBDemoWorkspace
  • SBDemoWorkspace2
  • ..

Dynamic Choice

Pipeline name that needs to be executed in Azure Synapse.

This field is provided as Dynamic Choice field to retrieve the available pipelines in the given workspace.

By providing the Azure Location, Tenant ID, Azure Client ID and Client Secret and Workspace Development Endpoint all Azure Synapse Pipelines in the Workspace are listed for selection.

ParametersOptionalTrue | FalseBooleanCheck to enable the Pipeline Parameters Field   

Pipeline Parameters


Parameter should be provided in JSON format, e.g.

Code Block
    "PARM1": "hello",
    "PARM2": "world"


The pipeline run time parameters that needs to be passed for the pipeline execution as script from the Universal Controller script library. The format should be JSON.

Restart Pipeline

OptionalTrue | False


Check, if the pipeline execution needs to be restarted for failure.

The field Restart Pipeline Run ID will appear.

Is RecoveryOptionalTrue | FalseBoolean

Check, if the pipeline execution needs to be restarted in recovery mode.

If recovery mode is set to True, the specified referenced pipeline run and the new run are grouped under the same groupId.

Restart Pipeline Run IDOptionale.g., 5128441a-626e-4a7c-b7c9-152da8435272TextThe Pipeline Run ID of the Pipeline to be re-started. The Pipeline Run ID can be retrieved from the Task instance Field Pipeline Run ID.

Start Activity Name


e.g., PipelineSBDemo3-2

Would perform a restart from Activity:



Specify if a failed pipeline needs to be restarted from a specific activity.

If the field is left empty, the restart is done from the beginning.

Monitor IntervalRequiredDefault Value is 60sIntegerInterval to check for the status of the pipeline.
Monitor RetryRequiredDefault Value is 99 retriesIntegerNumber of retries to check for the pipeline status. If the number is reached the task goes to success. This value is used in combination with Monitor Interval


These fields are shown as soon as the pipeline is started




Introduced in Version

Pipeline Run ID


Displays the Pipeline Run ID, e.g., 5128441a-626e-4a7c-b7c9-152da8435272

The field is shown as soon as the pipeline is started.

The Run ID is used in case of a pipeline restart.


Pipeline Status


Displays the Pipeline Run Status in Azure Synapse:

  • Queued
  • InProgress
  • Succeeded
  • Failed
  • Canceling
  • Canceled



When using Pipeline Parameters in the Universal Task, those Parameters need to be set as dynamic Parameters in Azure Synapse Studio.

Example: @pipeline().parameters.note

Finished Task

Once the execution of the Pipeline in Azure is finished, the Task goes to "Success" and the Pipeline Status field shows "Succeeded".
