Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


There are two basic types of file transfers:


Moves the data as it is, without any translation.


Translates the data from the source server's code page to the destination server's code page as it is transferred from one server to another.

The default transfer type for UDM is binary.

To set the transfer type, use the mode command.


mode type=binary


mode type=text

Issuing the mode command by itself displays the current transfer mode. The mode command also can be used tell UDM to trim trailing spaces at the end of each line (or record, for record-based file systems such as dd and dsn in z/OS).


Transfer Attributes

While the mode command is used to control the settings for transfer operations as a whole, the attrib command can be used to set up the handling of transfer operations for each side of the transfer session.

The attrib command can set transfer attributes that apply to either the primary or secondary server. It takes the following form:

attrib lname[={dd|dsn|hfs}] [attribute 1=value1]...[attribute n=valuen]

Where lname is the logical name of the server, the attributes are to be applied.


UDM also does this for record-oriented file systems as well. By managing the end of line sequence this way, UDM easily can be used to translate end of line characters across platforms (such as a transfer from UNIX to Windows), strip end of line characters from the data completely, or even add a completely new end of line sequence for use by other applications. For most operations, though, the end of line sequence will not need to be changed. 

eol Attribute

The end of line sequence is set with the eol attribute.


The following example sets an end of line sequence of an exclamation point (!) for a transfer server:

attrib mylogicalname eol=!

Line Length and Line Operations


  • If the value for lineop is none, the line/record is written as is. However, if its length from the source is greater than the value of linelen, UDM issues an error.
  • If the value of lineop is stream, the data from the source side of the transfer is treated as a single record and is subdivided when it is written as a series of lines or records (depending on the file system) each linelen characters in length.
  • If the value of lineop is trunc, each record or line from the source is truncated so that it is at most linelen characters in length.
  • If the value of lineop is wrap, each line or record from the source side of the transfer that is longer than linelen characters is wrapped into multiple lines/records so that the maximum length of each line on the destination side is at most linelen characters long.


titleA Stonebranch Tip

Binary data that is transferred from a Windows or UNIX platform (including HFS under USS) is looked at by UDM as one large line or record of source data.

The same can be said when transferring text data from these platforms if the end of line sequence is zero length for the source server or the end of line sequence does not exist in the source data.
