The following figure illustrates the command line syntax of the RUN JOB command, using the command line, long form of its configuration options.
Panel |
-run {filename/ddname | -jobname jobname [-jobid jobid]} [-target_jobname jobname] [-poll seconds] [-job_stat_check option] [-job_stat_check_interval seconds] [-model_status option] [-resolve_multi_model option] [-targetserver server] [-target_variant job step,variant name;job step,variant name;...] [-immediate] [-activeec exitcode] [-readyec exitcode] [-scheduledec exitcode] [-releasedec exitcode] [-terminatedec exitcode] [-finishedec exitcode] [-max_log_size size] [-max_spool_size size] [-maxspoolsizeexceededec exitcode] [-first_page page] [-last_page page] [-server_stop_conditions codes] [-spool_codepage codepage] [-spool_recv_buffer size] [-bdcwait [-bdcjobnameptrn pattern] [-bdcjobidptrn pattern] [-bdcqidptrn pattern] [-qtobecreatedec exitcode] [-qunprocessedec exitcode] [-qinbackgroundec exitcode] [-qfinishedec exitcode] [-qerrorec exitcode] ] |
The following table describes all RUN JOB configuration options and provides the command line, long form of each option illustrated in the RUN JOB command line syntax, above.
Configuration | Command Line | Description |
-bdcwait | Causes USAP to perform batch input monitoring for the started job. | |
-job_stat_check | Specification to enable or disable calls to SAP function module BAPI_XBP_JOB_STATUS_CHECK, which are used to synchronize the actual job status with the R/3 stored status. | |
-activeec | USAP exit code for the SAP job active status. | |
-finishedec | USAP exit code for the SAP job finished status. | |
-readyec | USAP exit code for the SAP job ready status. | |
-releasedec | USAP exit code for the SAP job released status. | |
-scheduledec | USAP exit code for the SAP job scheduled status. | |
-terminatedec | USAP exit code for the SAP job terminated status. | |
-maxspoolsizeexceededec | Minimum exit code that will be set if an attempt is made to return a spool list that exceeds the maximum size for job logs as specified by the MAX_SPOOL_LIST_SIZE USAP configuration option. | |
-qinbackgroundec | USAP exit code for the SAP queue state S (in background). | |
-qtobecreatedec | USAP exit code for the SAP queue state C (to be created). | |
-qerrorec | USAP exit code for the SAP queue state E (error). | |
-qfinishedec | USAP exit code for the SAP queue state F (finished). | |
-qunprocessedec | USAP exit code for the SAP queue state [USAP: ] (unprocessed). | |
-first_page | Starting page from which a spool list will be returned. | |
-last_page | Last page of a spool list to be returned. | |
-immediate | Causes the job to be started immediately. | |
-jobid | Job ID of an existing SAP job to use as a model for the new job definition. | |
-bdcjobidptrn | Locates the header record and determines the offset of the job ID in the RSBDCSUB batch input processing report. | |
-jobname | Existing SAP job name to use as a model for the new job definition. | |
-bdcjobnameptrn | Locates the header record and determines the offset of the job name in the RSBDCSUB batch input processing report. | |
-max_log_size | Maximum size for job logs. | |
-max_spool_size | Maximum size for spool lists. | |
-model_status | For operations that work with model jobs without providing a job ID to explicitly target a specific job on the SAP system, restricts the model job candidates to the specified job status. | |
-bdcqidptrn | Locates the header record and determines the offset of the queue ID in the RSBDCSUB batch input processing report. | |
-resolve_multi_model | For operations that work with model jobs without providing a job ID to explicitly target a specific job on the SAP system, controls the behavior when multiple candidate jobs are found. | |
-server_stop_conditions | Exit code(s) of the executing Universal Connector process that should trigger the locally running Universal Broker to cancel the corresponding SAP job. | |
-spool_codepage | Codepage used for transferring spool lists from SAP system. | |
-spool_recv_buffer | Size of the blocks (number of pages) used when transferring spool lists. | |
-job_stat_check_interval | Length of time that can elapse, without a change in job status, before a call will be made to synchronize the actual job status with the SAP stored status. | |
-target_jobname | Name to give the newly created job. | |
-targetserver | Server on which the job will run. | |
-target_variant | One or more replacement variants for ABAP program job steps in an SAP job. | |
-poll | Length of time to wait between job status calls to the SAP system. |