The following table describes the DD statements used in the Universal Encrypt for z/OS #JCL, above.
ddname | Description |
STEPLIB | Load library in which program UENCRYPT is located. |
SYSPRINT | UENCRYPT standard output ddname. |
SYSOUT | UENCRYPT standard error ddname. |
UNVIN | Clear text command file to encrypt. |
UNVOUT | Encrypted command file. |
SYSIN | UENCRYPT standard input from which parameters are read. |
Option Name | Description |
Specification for whether or not AES encryption is used. | |
Character code page used to translate text data received and encrypted. | |
Encryption key used by the encryption algorithm. | |
Specification for whether or not to generate an encryption key. | |
Writes a description of the command options and their format. | |
Path to the encryption key file. | |
Specification for whether or not to store the encryption key (generated or specified) in the local Universal Broker key store. | |
The Universal Broker's configured SYSTEM_ID value. Universal Encrypt uses this value to register with the Universal Broker. | |
Writes the program version and copyright information. |