Field Name | Description | ||||||||||||
General | This section contains general information about the Field. | ||||||||||||
| Name of this Field in the Controller database. (Name is used as the suffix for the Universal Template Variable based on this Field.)
| ||||||||||||
| Name of this Field to be displayed in the Controller user interface. | ||||||||||||
Hint | Field hint for this Field in the Controller user interface.
| ||||||||||||
Add To Default List View | If enabled; Specification that the Label of this Field will display, by default, in the list of Universal Tasks based on this template. | ||||||||||||
Field Details | This section contains detailed information about the Field. | ||||||||||||
| Field type for this Field.
| ||||||||||||
Text Type | For Extension-based Universal Templates only; Content type of Text field:
| ||||||||||||
| If Type is Text, Integer, or Boolean: Options:
| ||||||||||||
| Field, from a pool of available fields provided for use in a Universal Template, that this Field is mapped to.
| ||||||||||||
Default Value | If Type is Text, Integer, Choice, or Float; Default value for this Field. (Text and Choice: Maximum length = 255; Large Text: Maximum Length = 25000, Integer: Maximum length = 11; Float: maximum length = 17.)
If Type is SAP Connection; Default SAP Connection to be used for this Universal Template Field. You can select an SAP Connection from the Default Value drop-down list or click the Details icon next to the Default Value field to create a new SAP Connection. If Type is Database Connection; Default Database Connection to be used for this Universal Template Field. You can select a Database Connection from the Default Value drop-down list or click the Details icon next to the Default Value field to create a new Database Connection. | ||||||||||||
| If Type is Boolean: Type of Boolean value for this Field.
| ||||||||||||
Yes Value: | If Boolean Value Type is Custom; Boolean Yes value for this Field. (Maximum length = 255 characters). | ||||||||||||
No Value: | If Boolean Value Type is Custom; Boolean No value for this Field. (Maximum length = 255 characters). | ||||||||||||
| If Type is Choice; Specification for how Choices will be listed in the Choice field drop-down list in the Universal Task Details.
Default is Sequence. | ||||||||||||
| If Type is Choice; Specification for whether or not an empty (blank) option is available for this Choice field in any Universal Task based on this template, allowing the user to clear the value of this field. | ||||||||||||
| If Type is Choice; Specification for whether or not more than one choice can be selected at a time. When multiple choices are selected, the built-in field variable will resolve to a comma-delimited String of choice values. | ||||||||||||
Allow Variable | If Type is Credential; Specification for whether or not the field value can be defined dynamically by a variable and/or function. | ||||||||||||
| If Type is Array; Option to change the default Name column for the Array field on any Universal Task based on this template to any other column title (for example, Customer Name). | ||||||||||||
| If Type is Array; Option to change the default Value column for the Array field on any Universal Task based on this template to any other column title (for example, Customer ID). | ||||||||||||
| If Type is Text, Integer, Boolean, or Float; Specification for whether or not to place an Output Only restriction on the field, which will render it as read-only on a Universal Task Instance Details but not shown on the Universal Task Details. | ||||||||||||
Preserve Output On Re-run | If Restriction specifies Output Only; Specification for whether or not an Output Only field should preserve its value on a Re-run instead of being cleared. | ||||||||||||
Extension Status | If Restriction specifies Output Only; Specification for whether or not an Output Only field is designated as Extension Status for a task instance.
| ||||||||||||
| If Type is Choice; Specification that the field will request its choices dynamically from the Extension. | ||||||||||||
Dependent Fields | If Dynamic Choice is specified; Fields that should be included when requesting the dynamic choices. | ||||||||||||
Validation | This section contains validation information about the Field. | ||||||||||||
| If Type is Text, Integer, Credential, Float, SAP Connection, Database Connection or Script; Specification for whether this Field in the template is required (checked) or optional (not checked). If it is required, it will display in boldface in any Universal Tasks based on this template.
| ||||||||||||
| If Required is not checked and a Show If Field is not specified; Specification that this Field in the template will be required in any Universal Tasks based on this template if the Choice Field (Choice Field 1-15) or the Boolean Field (Boolean Field 1-15) selected as the Require If Field has a value corresponding to the value(s) defined in the Require If Field Value(s) field.
| ||||||||||||
Require If Field Value(s) | If Require If Field is a Choice field, Require If Field Value(s) is a comma-separated list of Choice values.
| ||||||||||||
| If Required is not checked and a Require If Field is not specified; Specification that this Field in the template will be visible in any Universal Tasks based on this template if the Choice Field (Choice Field 1-15) or the Boolean Field (Boolean Field 1-15) selected as the Show If Field has a value corresponding to the value(s) defined in the Show If Field Value(s) field.
| ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| If Show If Field is not - - None - -; If enabled, specification that the Field is required if it is visible (see Show If Field).
| ||||||||||||
| If Show If Field is not - - None - -; If enabled, specification that a space should not be reserved in place of the hidden field. | ||||||||||||
| If Show If Field is not - - None - -; If enabled for a hidden field,
| ||||||||||||
Length | If Type is Text or Integer; Length of this Field.
| ||||||||||||
| If Type is Text; Regex that the text in the field must match. If Regex is specified, the field hint will include "{field label} must match regex pattern "{REGEX}"" | ||||||||||||
Minimum | If Type is Integer; Minimum value for this field. | ||||||||||||
Maximum | If Type is Integer; Maximum value for this field. | ||||||||||||
Form Layout | This section contains information about the location of this Field in the Details of Universal Tasks based on this template.
| ||||||||||||
Start Row | If enabled; Specification that this Field will start a new row. | ||||||||||||
End Row | If enabled; Specification that this Field will end the current row. | ||||||||||||
Column Span | Number of columns (width) in the Universal Task Details for this Field.
Default is 1. | ||||||||||||
Sequence | For existing Fields only; System-defined; Sequence of this Field among all user-defined Universal Template Fields to be displayed in the Universal Task Details. Starting sequence is 0 for the first defined Field.
| ||||||||||||
Metadata | This section contains Metadata information about this record. | ||||||||||||
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier of this record. | ||||||||||||
Updated By | Name of the user that last updated this record. | ||||||||||||
Updated | Date and time that this record was last updated. | ||||||||||||
Created By | Name of the user that created this record. | ||||||||||||
Created | Date and time that this record was created. | ||||||||||||
Buttons | This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Field Details that let you perform various actions. | ||||||||||||
Save | Saves a new Field record in the Controller database. | ||||||||||||
Save & New | Saves a new Field record in the Controller database and redisplays empty Details so that you can create another Field. | ||||||||||||
Save & View | Saves a new Field record in the Controller database and continues to display that record. | ||||||||||||
New | Displays empty (except for default values) Details for creating a new Field. | ||||||||||||
Update | Updates the Field record in the Controller database. | ||||||||||||
Delete | Delete the currently open Field.
| ||||||||||||
Refresh | Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Field Details. | ||||||||||||
Close | Closes the Field Details. | ||||||||||||
Tabs | This section identifies the tabs across the top of the Field Details that provide access to additional information about the Field. | ||||||||||||
Choices | If Type is Choice; Allows you to define the Choices for this Field in the template. |