Step 1 | Click the Add Task icon. The Task Find dialog displays. | ||
Step 2 | Several methods are available for finding tasks: Html bobswift |
Html bobswift |
The Task Find dialog lists the task(s) that match your search criteria. |
Step 3 | To add a task to the Workflow Editor canvas, click the icon to the left of the task and drag it onto the canvas. | ||
Step 4 | Repeat these steps until you have added all the tasks you need. | ||
Step 5 | Position the tasks on the canvas as desired. The connections that you will make between the tasks determine the order in which the tasks run, so position the tasks accordingly. For example: | ||
Step 6 | To close the Task Find window, click the X in the upper right corner. Or, to keep the window open but minimized, click the minimize icon. |
Field Name | Description | |||||||||||
Type | User-defined; indicates whether this is providing instructions on when to run or not run the task.
| |||||||||||
Description |
| |||||||||||
Task | User-defined; task for which you are specifying run or skip criteria. Select a task from the drop-down list of all tasks in this Workflow. | |||||||||||
Vertex ID | Vertex ID of the task selected in the Task field. Each task within a Workflow has a unique Vertex ID, which distinguishes it from other tasks of the same name, if any. | |||||||||||
Business Day | If enabled, the task runs or skips on all business days. | |||||||||||
| If enabled, the task runs or skips on holidays. | |||||||||||
| If Holiday is enabled; Specification for adjusting a Holiday by a less or plus number of days or business days. Options:
Default is – None -- | |||||||||||
| If Adjustment is Less or Plus; Number of days or business days to adjust a Holiday. Default is 1. | |||||||||||
| If Adjustment is Less or Plus; Type of day by which to adjust a Holiday. Options:
Default is Day. | |||||||||||
Specific Day(s) – Sunday through Saturday | If enabled, the task runs or skips on the day(s) you select in the right-hand column. | |||||||||||
| If enabled, the task runs or skips on the day you select in the Custom Day Choice field.
| |||||||||||
| If Custom Day is enabled, select the custom day for which you are specifying run or skip criteria. Enter the name of an existing Custom Day, select a Custom Day from the drop-down list of all existing Custom Days, or click the Details icon to create a new Custom Day.
| |||||||||||
| If enabled, the task runs or skips on the day(s) indicated in the Adjective, Noun, and Qualifier fields. | |||||||||||
| If Complex is enabled, you can use this field to specify which in a series of days you want to select. Used in conjunction with the Noun, Qualifier, and Nth Amount (if Adjective = Nth) fields. For example, to specify "the 15th business day of the month," select Adjective: Nth, Noun: Business Day, Qualifier: Month, Nth Amount: 15.
| |||||||||||
| If Complex is enabled, you can use this field to specify the type of day(s) you want to select. Used in conjunction with the Adjective, Qualifier, and Nth Amount (if Adjective = Nth) fields. For example, to specify "the 1st business day of the month," select Adjective: 1st, Noun: Business Day, Qualifier: Month.
| |||||||||||
| If Complex is enabled, you can use this field to specify the period(s) for your selection formula. Used in conjunction with the Adjective, Noun, and Nth Amount (if Adjective = Nth) fields. For example, to specify "the 1st business day of the month," select Adjective: 1st, Noun: Business Day, Qualifier: Month.
| |||||||||||
| If Adjective = Nth; Sequential occurrence of the day selected in Noun within the selected Qualifier. | |||||||||||
| If Complex is enabled; Specification for adjusting a complex day by a less or plus number of days or business days. Options:
Default is – None -- | |||||||||||
| If Adjustment is Less or Plus; Number of days or business days to adjusting a complex day. Default is 1. | |||||||||||
| If Adjustment is Less or Plus; Type of day by which to adjust a complex day. Options:
Default is Day. | |||||||||||
| If enabled, instructs the Controller to run or not run the task, depending on the value of a specific variable. Used in conjunction with fields: Evaluate At, Name, Operator, and Value. | |||||||||||
| If Variable = enabled; Allows you to specify when you want the Controller to evaluate the variable.
| |||||||||||
| If Variable = enabled; Specifies the name of the variable being evaluated. The variable does not need to exist when this record is created. | |||||||||||
| If Variable = enabled; Allows you to select the operator to be used in the evaluation. Options: =, !=, >, >=, <, <=, regex (regular expression). | |||||||||||
| If Variable = enabled; Allows you to specify the value or regular expression (up to 255 alphanumeric characters) that the Controller should look for when evaluating the variable. | |||||||||||
Buttons | This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Task Run Criteria that let you perform various actions. | |||||||||||
Save | Saves a new record in the Controller database. | |||||||||||
Update |
| |||||||||||
New | Displays empty (except for default values) Details for creating a new Database Connection. | |||||||||||
Delete |
| |||||||||||
Refresh | Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details. | |||||||||||
Close | For pop-up view only; closes the pop-up view of this Database Connection. |
Step 1 | In the Workflow Monitor, right-click any white space in the Workflow Editor canvas. | |||||
Step 2 | Click Insert Task.... The Task Insert > Task Selection dialog displays. | |||||
Step 3 | Find the task you want to insert (see Searching For and Adding Tasks) and drag the task's icon onto the Workflow Editor canvas where you would like it to be inserted. | |||||
Step 4 | The Task Insert > Predecessor/Successor Selection dialog displays. | |||||
Step 5 | Select zero or more predecessors and zero or more Successors for the inserted task. | |||||
Step 6 | By default, the inserted task will inherit the Trigger Time of the parent Workflow. If the Trigger Time of the parent Workflow is undefined, the Launch Time will be inherited as the Trigger Time instead. For task instances within an inserted Workflow, Run Criteria will be evaluated using the inherited Trigger Time. | |||||
Step 7 | Click OK. The Controller inserts the task as a successor to the selected predecessor task instance(s) and as a predecessor to the selected successor task instance(s). html-bobswift<ul> <li>
Step 1 | From the Automation Center navigation pane, select Tasks > All Tasks or Tasks > Workflow Tasks. | |||||||
Step 2 | Display an Action menu either of three ways:
| |||||||
Step 3 | Click Forecast... to display a Forecast dialog. | |||||||
Step 4 | Select a Date, Time, Time Zone, and Calendar for when you want to forecast the Workflow (and all of its sub-Workflows, if any). html-bobswift<ul> <li>
By default, the Time Zone field is read-only and displays the time zone in the Forecast Time Zone field, since the Use Forecast Time Zone field is checked. | |||||||
Step 5 | Select a View in which you want to display the Forecast: Workflow or List. | |||||||
Step 6 | If you selected Workflow View, a Calculate Critical Path field displays. Enable/disable this field depending on whether or not you want to calculate the Critical Path of the Workflow. | |||||||
Step 7 | Click Submit to display the Forecast in the selected View. Html bobswift |
If you Html bobswift | enabled <b>Calculate Critical Path</b>: <ul> <li> Task instances and connectors in the Critical Path display in the color specified by theCalculate Critical Path: