Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






SAP Task Enhancements

As a follow on to the SAP Task Enhanced View introduced in UC the following additional enhancements have been made.

General Form Enhancements:

  • B-18331 - Target Server Field is now a Dynamic Choice field allowing lookup of available target servers from the SAP system.

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Job Steps Tab Form Enhancements:

  • B-18337 & B-18343 - External Program Support

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  • B-18338 & B-18342 & B-18339 - External Command Support

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Job Steps Tab Form - Type = ABAP Program - Print Parameter Enhancements

  • B-18332 - New Dynamic Field “Format”

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  • B-18333 & B-18341 - New Output Content Sub-form

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  • B-18334 & B-18341 - New Spool Request Sub-form

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  • B-18335 & B-18341 - New Cover Sheets Sub-form

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  • B-18336 & B-18341 - New Output Options Sub-form

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Optimistic Locking

This enhancement introduces Optimistic Locking for following:

  • From the Workflow Editor.

  • When modifying the base record (form) of a Task definition.

  • When modifying the base record (form) of Any definition.

Optimistic Locking is a strategy where you read a record, take note of a version number (or updated time for records that do not support versioning) and check that the version hasn't changed before you write the record back.

When the client retrieves a record from the server, the record will have either a version number attribute, for artifacts supporting versioning, or an Updated date/time attribute, for those that do not support versioning.

When updating a record from the client, the version number (or Updated date/time) attribute is passed back to the server, and as long as the attribute has not changed, the update operation will proceed normally.

However, in the case where the version number (or Updated date/time) attribute has changed, the operation will not proceed and the user will be presented with the following prompt.

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OK will proceed with the update operation, overwriting the modifications.

Cancel will abort the update operation without discarding your changes.

Cancel & Discard will abort the update operation, discard your changes, and load the most recent version of the record.


Container Support

The following enhancements have been made to support UC in containerized environments:

  • B-18380 - Configuration for STDOUT as uc.log destination

  • B-18381 - Configuration for Transient Cluster Node


Spring Security SAML2 Service Provider

To modernize UC’s SAML Web Browser Single Sign-On integration, it has been migrated to the SAML2 feature set of the Spring Security project.

Additionally we have added support for choosing between a File-based and URL-based Identity Provider Metadata Source.


Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Certification

Universal Controller version and higher now supports Microsoft SQL Server 2022.


Upgrade Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver (mssql-jdbc-12.4.2.jre11.jar).

Customers using Microsoft SQL Server should refer to Microsoft's release notes and pay special attention to a number of Breaking Changes introduced with the updated JDBC driver provided with UC These changes may impact you regardless of which supported version of SQL Server you are using.

Specifically If you are using SQL Server without encryption and wish to continue to do so you will need to set encrypt to false by either:

  • Adding the;encrypt=false startup property to the file.

  • Adding ;encrypt=false to the uc.db.url property in the file.

Also any Database Connections for SQL Server may need ;encrypt=false added to the Connection URL.


Remove MS SQL Server 2014 Support

From Universal Controller MS SQL Server 2014 is no longer supported.


Remove MySQL 5.7 Support

From Universal Controller MySQL 5.7 is no longer supported.


Add PGP signatures to distribution files for releases

From Universal Controller all UC distribution files will be signed with PGP.


Purge Audit in chunks comparable to History and Activity.

The Audit backup and purge routine will use purge by primary key, (comparable to the History, and Activity purge).

The Audit will be purged in chunks determined by property Purge Activity By Primary Key Limit. (This property is used by Activity, History and now Audit purge functions). The default is 500 records for each chunk.


Prevent New Workflow Version if No Changes on Save

When clicking “save” in the workflow editor a check is now made to confirm if changes have actually been made. This prevents unwanted versions of the workflow being created. If the Workflow has not changes when save is clicked a “No Changes Were Detected” Message is displayed.

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Read vs. Write lock for Performance Improvements

This feature implements Read locks to allow more concurrency when updates are not being made to the locked object, but rather it just needs to prevent another thread from updating the object.

This will improve performance for customers who launch or trigger large numbers of the same tasks or workflows concurrently, by allowing parallelization of the launch transaction for the same definition.






Exclude Permissions for List of Business Services

Provides an option to deny permissions based on a list of business services. i.e. Read permission for All Task Instances except business services A, B, and C.

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User Experience





Global Search - Search by UUID

The Global Search feature now supports searching for a UUID.


Dark Mode Tab Selector / Picker Theme Updates

The Tab Selector / Picker theme colors have been updated for the Dark Mode User Interface theme.


Workflow Editor / Monitor Background and Text Color Change for Dark Mode

The Workflow Editor / Monitor Background and Text theme colors have been updated for the Dark Mode User Interface theme.
