Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In the following example, the drop-down list for Default Promotion Target lets you filter the list of Promotion Target records by Name or Description field:

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Details Icon
Details Icon
Details Icon


For example, every Trigger record contains a Calendar field whose value is the name of a Calendar selected from the drop-down list: 

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If you click the Details icon next to the Calendar field, the Details for that Calendar displays.

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Field Hints
Field Hints
Field Hints


To display a field hint, hover your cursor over the field value.

For example: 

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Record Details Tabs
Record Details Tabs
Record Details Tabs

The record Details for every record contains one or more tabs, including the default <record type> tab that provides detailed information about the record.

For example, Details for all tasks (except Workflows) provide eight tabs in addition to the <record type> tab. The currently selected tab displays in white. All other tabs display in gray.

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Each tab displays a list of records that have been user-defined to be associated with the record. For example, the Triggers tab for a task would list any trigger records that specify this task in its trigger Details.


  • Details icon that allows you to view and edit Details for that record.
  • New button Image Added button that allows you to create a new record of that type and automatically associate it with the record whose Details are displayed in the <record type> tab.


For example, this Linux/Unix Task Details shows that there are one or more records under the Virtual Resources and Versions tabs:

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Re-Ordering of Tabs


Step 1

Open the record Details for which you want to view old versions. The Version field indicates how many versions of this record have been made.
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Step 2

Click the Versions tab. A list of old versions that currently exist for this record displays.
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The number of old versions that currently exist for this record is identified above the list.
Click the Refresh icon at any time to get the current list.

Step 3

Click the Details icon next to the Name of the version, or double-click anywhere in the version row, to displays Details for that version.
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All of the associated records (tabs) contain the data as it existed when this version was the current version. At the top of the Details, the Name field contains the name of the record as it existed for this version. At the bottom of the Details, the Current <record type> field contains the current name of this record.

Step 4

Click Close to return to the version list.
