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Table of Contents


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This integration is designed to automate the processing of input data by reading it from a flat file in Windows/Linux or a UAC script data repository. The core functionality revolves around a for-each loop, which iterates through the input data, parsing it using a predefined delimiter (such as a comma, pipe, or any one or two characters).


Version Information

Template Name Version
 CS For-Each-Input Loop1.0.0

Refer to Changelog for version history information.


FieldInput typeDefault valueTypeDescription
Select a FunctionRequiredTrigger by Script InputChoice

The action performed upon the task execution.

Valid values are:

  • Trigger by Script Input

  • Trigger by reading Target File

UAC Base URLRequired
TextProvide the universal controller base URL. Eg.-
UAC CredentialsRequired-CredentialsCredentials for "Basic" Authorization Type. The Credentials definition should be as follows.
  • Universal Controller User as "Runtime User".
  • Universal Controller User Password as "Runtime Password".
User Defined InputRequired-Script

Select or Create a UAC Script type of data that can be provided as input.

Required when the field: Select a Function is selected with "Trigger by Script Input" 

Specify Script name by VariableOptionalFalseBooleanThe flag that determines whether the UAC Script type of data provided as a variable
Script Name by VariableOptional-Text

Provide the UAC Variable that points to the UAC Script of type data 

Required when the field "Specify Script name by Variable" is set to True

Specify the Input FileOptional-Text

Provide the Input File Name included with path either from a Windows or a Linux OS

 Required when the field: Select a Function is selected with "Trigger by reading Target File" 

Specify Delimiter to Parse InputOptionalFalseBooleanEnable it when it required to parse the input data with a single or two-character delimiter
Variable DelimiterOptional-TextSpecify the delimiter value by which the extracted line of input is to be parsed E.g. Comma or Pipe or ## or any single or double character
First Row as HeaderOptionalFalseBoolean

Enable this field if the First row in the input file or script needs to be considered as a header.

If the first line in data is considered as Header, every UAC task launch will have the corresponding header (column name) as a variable name 

UAC Task to triggerRequired-TextSpecify the UAC Task Name or Workflow that needs to be triggered for every input line read
Parallel Job launchOptionalFalseBoolean

Check this field if the UAC Task needs to be launched in Parallel for every line of Input that is been read

By default, the UAC Task is launched Sequentially  & monitored for every line of input read 

Abort Execution When a triggered Job FailsOptionalFalseBooleanEnable this field if the Parent "For-Each loop-Input Loop" task needs to fail when one of the launched child UAC Task fails
Restart from FailureOptionalFalseBooleanEnable the field when the Parent "For-Each loop-Input Loop" task needs to be restarted and input lines to be corrected in UAC Script of type data
Restart Execution InputOptional-ScriptProvides the restart input in the UAC script of type data
