Panel | ||||
Option Name | Description |
List of Agent Clusters to join automatically. | |
IP address of an Agent. | |
AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER | Specification for whether or not automatic failover is used. |
BUSINESS_SERVICES | Specification for the list of Business Services to join automatically. |
Name of a Coupling Facility structure that will be used to communicate from the secondary Agents to the primary Agent. | |
Text translation code page. | |
Base directory for the UAG | |
Data sets that are excluded from UAG re-run data set delete processing. | |
END_SEVERITY | Specifies the message severity level that must be reached in order for the Initiator job to terminate. |
Lists Extensions that Universal Agent will accept via auto-deployment from Universal Controller. | |
EXTENSION_CANCEL_TIMEOUT | Length of time that a Universal Extension task is given to complete its response to a CANCEL request received from Universal Controller. |
Controls Extension deployment behavior from Universal Controller. | |
Controls Extension deployment behavior from Universal Controller. | |
Specification for whether or not a Universal Controller File Monitor task with a Monitor Type of Create will fail if the directory specified in the file(s) to monitor does not exist. | |
Specification for whether or not File Monitors will behave in a fault tolerant manner. | |
Specification for the amount of time that a fault tolerant File Monitor will tolerate a temporary fault condition before failing. | |
Specification for whether or not to retrieve file ownership information in Agent File Monitors. | |
Specification for whether or not to enable fault tolerance for FTP File Monitors when UFTP is executed from UAG. | |
Specification for the type of GDG processing to use. | |
Maximum amount of high common storage (in MB) that will be used by an Agent to stage job tracking information. | |
Base directory where product is installed. | |
JCL library ddname allocations. | |
JCL for all jobs submitted by UAG will be saved here. | |
JES held class dedicate to UAG SYSOUT processing. | |
Disposition of a job's SYSOUT data sets once UAG has completed processing them. | |
Number of hours that job SYSOUT files are retained in the UAG cache directory. | |
JES_SYSOUT_SPACE | Allow configurable space parameters for UAGSRV Temporary Output Datasets on z/OS. |
JES_SYSOUT_TIMEOUT | Make timeout on JES output read configurable. |
Name of the VSAM Job Submission Checkpoint cluster. In a sysplex environment, all Agents sharing the same system ID must use the same JSC. | |
Number of job task worker threads (JTSK threads) created, which are responsible for job-related services, such as job submission, tracking, and JES sysout collection. | |
KILL_PROCESS_TREE | Specification for whether or not UAG should always terminate the entire task process tree when a Cancel command is issued. |
Logging level of UAG. | |
Specification for whether the Batch Logon or Interactive Logon type will be used for all of the tasks executed by the Agent. | |
MAX_SSL_PROTOCOL | Maximum SSL/TLS protocol level that will be negotiated and used for communications channels. |
Level of messages written. | |
Minimum SSL/TLS protocol level that will be negotiated and used for communications channels. | |
Default network ID of UAG. | |
Port and network address of the Universal Message Service (OMS) server(s) used for network communications. | |
OTEL_ENABLE_TRACING | Specification for whether UAG will export traces to the OpenTelemetry collector. |
OTEL_EXPORT_METRICS | Specification for whether UAG will export metrics to the OpenTelemetry collector. |
OTEL_METRICS_ENDPOINT | URL used to export UAG metric data using the OTLP/HTTP(S) protocol to the OpenTelemetry Collector. |
OTEL_METRICS_EXPORT_INTERVAL | Interval for how often to export the metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector. |
OTEL_SERVICE_NAME | Value of the resource attribute used to identify UAG in traces and metrics. |
OTEL_SSL_CA_CERT_PATH | Full path to the file containing one or more X.509 trusted certificates in PEM format. The certificate(s) will be used to validate the OpenTelemetry Collector (server). |
OTEL_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_PATH | Full path to an X.509 certificate used to identify UAG to the OpenTelemetry Collector. |
OTEL_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_PATH | Full path to the PEM formatted file containing the private key associated with the client certificate specified by the OTEL_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_PATH option. |
OTEL_SSL_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY | Specification for whether to validate the Opentelemetry Collector's (server's) certificate against the locally configured CA certificate (specified by OTEL_CA_CERT_PATH option). |
OTEL_TRACE_ENDPOINT | URL used to export UAG trace data using the OTLP/HTTP(S) protocol to the Opentelemetry Collector. |
OTEL_UIP_SERVICE_NAME | Value of the resource attribute used to identify an Extension worker process in traces and metrics. |
Specification for whether UAG will allocate PDS/E datasets for output with DISP=SHR (yes) or DISP=OLD (no). | |
PROCESS_CANCEL_TIMEOUT | Length of time that an OS task is given to complete its response to a CANCEL request received from Universal Controller. |
PROXY_URL | Specifies the proxy server address to be used for OMS connection. |
Number of z/OS Agent licenses to request from Universal Controller in a Sysplex environment. | |
RERUN_BEFORE_INCLUDE | Specifies whether UAG will insert the JCL for the UAGRERUN step when it encounters an INCLUDE JCL statement or not. |
Location of the Stonebranch Rerun Utility (UAGRERUN). | |
Specifies the name of a JCL procedure that can optionally be used to replace the standard UAGRERUN step inserted into any job submitted by UAG. | |
Activates user security. | |
SERVICE_TIMEOUT | Specifies the idle time in seconds after which the Agent must drop the OMS connection and attempt to re-establish it. |
SSL/TLS cipher suites acceptable for use by the SSL/TLS protocol. | |
SSL_CIPHER_SUITES | SSL/TLS 1.3 specific cipher suites that are acceptable to use for network communications between UAG and OMS Server. |
Provides client’s certificate to the OMS Server for client certificate authentication, if the SSL/TLS protocol is used for network communication. | |
Enables OMS server certificate authentication if the SSL/TLS protocol is used for network communication. | |
Nnumber of attempts to retry a task, in an interval specified by the TASK_RETRY_INTERVAL configuration option, before the task goes to the Failed status. | |
Number of seconds that will elapse between a failed start task retry attempt and the retry of that start task attempt. | |
Directory for temporary files. | |
Directory for trace files. | |
Maximum number of lines written to the trace file. | |
Memory trace table specification. | |
Specification for whether to register the Agent as a transient Agent or a regular, persistent Agent. | |
Specification for enabling or disabling additional diagnostics messages. | |
z/OS_EXT_JOB | Can supply a list of names of external jobs to be tracked by UAG. |
z/OS_JOB_SYSAFF | Instructs UAG to add a SYSAFF keyword to its JCL JOB statement. |
z/OS_JOB_SYSTEM | Instructs UAG to add a SYSTEM keyword to its JCL JOB statement. |
z/OS_JOB_USER | List of user IDs to be used when a job is submitted. |