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In this tutorial, you will:

  • Create a FTPES server.
  • Manually launch the server.
  • View server details.
  • Associate an existing account to use for this server. The account is then shared between several local servers.

Create the FTPES Server

Step 1

From the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, select Local Servers. The Servers list displays.

Step 2

Click Add icon (). The Server Details displays.

  • In the Server Name field, enter stonebranch-ftpes-01
  • In the Protocol field, select FTPES
  • In the IP Address field, enter
  • In the Port field, enter 4100
  • In the Root Directory field, enter data
  • In the Receive Directory field, enter ftpes-01/in
  • In the Send Directory field, enter ftpes-01/out
  • In the Temp Directory field, enter ftpes-01/tmp
  • In the Member of Business Service, select one of the available Business Services. More business Services can be added after the rule is created. 
  • Additional FTPES protocol-related parameters can be set:
    • Max client: maximum number of clients that are allowed at the same time on the server.
    • Passive IP: the IP that the server returns to the client for establishing the passive connection. 
    • Port range: the lower and upper values for the port range of the passive connections.
    • Allow remove file: allows users to remove files.
    • Allow rename file: allows users to rename files. 
    • Mandatory Encryption: select to force explicit encryption, any client connection without encryption is refused. If this is not set, FTP connections are allowed. 

Step 3

Click Save icon ().

Step 4

Click the Restart icon ().

The changes are effective after a restart of the local server.

Step 5

Prepare the certificate and private key in PEM format.

To generate a sample self-signed certificate with openssl > 1.1.1:

$ openssl req -new -subj "/C=AR/ST=AR/L=AR/O=AR/OU=AR/CN=localhost" -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -out ftpes-01.crt -keyout ftpes-01.key -addext 'subjectAltName = IP:,DNS:localhost'
Step 6

Select the stonebranch-ftpes-01 server record from the Server list and click the Certificates / Keys tab.

Step 7

Click the Add icon (). 

Step 8

The Certificate Details displays.

  • In the Name field, enter stonebranch-ftpes-cert-01.
  • In the Private Key field, paste the key in PEM format.
  • In the Certificate field, paste the certificate in PEM format.

Click Submit button.

Step 9

Click Save icon ().

Step 10

The certificate record appears in the list:

Step 11

To see more details about a specific server certificate, click the View icon ().

Click the Private Key to show the key details:

  • algorithm
  • bits: size of the key, only for RSA
  • key type
  • the MD5 fingerprint
  • the SHA256 fingerprint
  • a clean authorized keyline, without any comment or host specification

Click the Certificate option to show the certificate details:

  • signatureAlgorithm
  • algorithm
  • bits
  • version
  • serial number
  • subject
  • issuer
  • validity date notBefore
  • validity date notAfter
  • key usage code
  • isCA flag
  • The MD5 fingerprint
  • The SHA1 fingerprint
  • The SHA256 fingerprint
  • The list of SAN addresses

If the record was just created or updated, click the Refresh icon () to reload the details.

Step 12

Start the server by clicking on the Play () icon.

Step 13

Click on the UDMG Server Status button to show the list of running services.

The new server stonebranch-ftpes-01 is listed and should appear with a green status. The green status indicates an FTPES server listening on the IP and port configured.

Step 14

The server status can be controlled with the following action buttons:

  • Save: request to save the local server details
  • Add: request to add a new local server
  • Delete: request to delete the local server
  • Disable: request to disable the local server
  • Play: initiate the start/play of the local server
  • Pause: request to pause/stop the local server
  • Restart: request to stop and start the server
Step 15

Additional details can be attached to a local server. 

  • Description
  • Primary Contact Name
  • Primary Contact Email
  • Primary Contact Phone
  • Secondary Contact Name
  • Secondary Contact Email
  • Secondary Contact Phone
  • Customized fields

Go to the Details tab.

Fill in the needed details.

New fields can be added using the Plus button () at the bottom of the form. A custom field is comprised of a key and value pair.

Press the Save icon ().

Associate an existing account to the FTPES Server

Step 1From the UDMG Admin UI navigation pane, select Local Servers. The Local Servers list displays.
Step 2

Select the FTPES server stonebranch-ftpes-cert-01

See Tutorial - Creating a Shared Account for instructions on creating a new account for an FTPES server.

Step 3

Select the Accounts tab.

Step 4

Select the Pencil icon to add a existing shared account to the local FTPES server.

Search for stonebranch-01 and add using the arrow. Click the Save changes button. 

Step 5

The account is added to the list of accounts for this server.

Step 6

It's now possible to connect to the FTPES server with this account credentials.

For example with FileZilla:

FileZilla log
19:22:15	Status:	Resolving address of
19:22:15	Status:	Connecting to x.x.x.x:4200...
19:22:15	Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
19:22:15	Response:	220 UDMG-FTP-
19:22:15	Command:	AUTH TLS
19:22:15	Response:	234 AUTH command ok. Expecting TLS Negotiation.
19:22:15	Status:	Initializing TLS...
19:22:15	Status:	Verifying certificate...
19:22:15	Status:	TLS connection established.
19:22:15	Command:	USER stonebranch-01
19:22:15	Response:	331 OK
19:22:15	Command:	PASS ********
19:22:16	Response:	230 Password ok, continue
19:22:16	Command:	CLNT FileZilla
19:22:16	Response:	200 Good to know
19:22:16	Command:	OPTS UTF8 ON
19:22:16	Response:	200 I'm in UTF8 only anyway
19:22:16	Command:	PBSZ 0
19:22:16	Response:	200 Whatever
19:22:16	Command:	PROT P
19:22:16	Response:	200 OK
19:22:16	Status:	Logged in
19:22:16	Status:	Retrieving directory listing...
19:22:16	Command:	PWD
19:22:16	Response:	257 "/" is the current directory
19:22:16	Status:	Directory listing of "/" successful
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